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Everything posted by Snooky

  1. Warsmith, nothing can beat a beardy dwarf Snooky on Naia
  2. Servers always been 1 to max 2 sided. In the past there been days server went one sided because most just bandwaggon to the top clan. Then this top clan was running from castle to castle, killing all ppl and crested the castles with their alt clans. This is abuse/griefing. If a clan holds a Castle the max they should be allowed to is going to siege field to help their ally clan's casting/defending a castle. But what happens is following: Clan A dominates the server, gets Aden, moves to other siege fields, declare on clans that are not able to win them, wipes the whole siege field, crests with alt clan. They even declare WAR, so you can't kill them on the siege field unless to start a war. So if now clan B fights with clan C over a Castle and Clan A is doing said mechanic, nothing left besides letting them go. Heck i know days when 1 Clan ownded all castles using alt clans. Doesn't seem to be the intention of multiple castles or?
  3. Yeah same here. Can't apply the Code ><
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