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Posts posted by Yummydain

  1. What is the appeal of L2 Classic? I was super hyped when the servers first opened and had purchased that $30 beginner pack or whatever it was called. Then came P2W event after event, built in auto farming, etc. and I gave up. I'm trying to come back and level a new character but I don't understand why I would after seeing what I see. Every single farming spot is taken over either by bots or by a party run by a single person just auto farming for literal DAYS without leaving, which leaves you with picking up the scraps wherever you go for minimal exp. You can't even contest farming spots anymore because they're literally not at the computer. All you can do is PK them. PVP is a myth, it's just PK now. I don't want to rack up PK points especially with the new system in place. So what are you to do??

    Are there actual players at the higher levels and this is just something that you mostly only see before like level 60 or something?

    Currently leveling a dagger that's mid 20s with a mid 60s PP out of party for buffs. My dagger  is wearing full top B jewels and Doom light set with a top A dagger so farming  is easy, just boring with nobody to talk to and knowing that everyone around you isn't even at their computer. So if this is how the game will be even 60+ I just don't see the point. If the only active gameplay is castle sieges then why even bother?

  2. @Ingwaz, listen to @xHaseo. Everything he has said is spot on. I quit playing L2 a month or two ago and refuse to come back. I still peruse the forums for some unknown reason, maybe in hopes that things will be fixed, maybe because I'm an idiot. But DO NOT continue spending money on this game hoping that "eventually" it will become true classic. It never has been and never will be. 

    When these servers first opened me and 5 other friends were excited to come back. We all purchased the $30 "founders pack" or w/e it was called that gave VIP 3 and some bonus items. One of those 5 friends decided to open another account to dual box and he purchased VIP 4 on it. He was immediately banned after purchasing and spending the NCoin to make that account VIP 4. It took NCsoft SEVERAL WEEKS to reverse the ban. He was never compensated for the loss of time on his VIP counter. They all quit around level 30 but I stayed for some reason. I thought the botting was bad at server release, boy was I wrong. Over time every single zone was infested with summoner bots. Initially you were told, "oh if you get past level 40 or 50 there's practically no bots!" That was a lie. Still, I continued on with my two VIP 4 accounts and my first "founders" account that was VIP 1 by this point. Then NCsoft kept pushing out one P2W event after the other... Bots, boss jewels, and +16 weapons are everywhere. Good luck contesting anything against players who opened their wallet to this game. 

    You and every other player hoping for change need to realize that classic servers are a watered down version of live hiding behind a mask. NCsoft found another avenue to profit from and they ran with it. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say that initially I do believe this server was made for the players, but it took a quick turn from that once they realized the same players that would spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on live were also playing classic. 

  3. 4 hours ago, stalingrado said:

    Ok, there is a guy in cruma who have like 32 acc logged in cruma, he actualy take a full sector just for him, not just that, but he play toghter with a friend, he have a party in orc barracs and in abandoned camps too, all farming 24/7, if u kill, they manualy back afther some time, but true is, he is taking all spots

    In abandoned camps have many elf wizards who instantly return when u kill they, they are, ofc, real bots, there is no spot at orc barracs, all taken, if u pk the bot, he back

    Abandone camps, many bots to, u kill, they back

    In cruma bots dont back, i think cuz its hard buy 9 adrenaline, too expansive, but usualy they use bot at heallers and tanks for high party survivibility


    There is no where real players can play, all spots are take, is impossible to play (and if u kill a bot party, get ready, a lvl 76 pk will come kill u) (and they want to ncsoft make impossible to pk teleport to they party get immortal) 

    I have actualy  27 videos proving that some partys are not macro, but bots and i cant do anything with they







    Sorry to tell you, my friend, but they will not do anything about this.

    What I've done is quit playing, regardless of how much I wanted a retail classic server to prevail. You have no idea how excited I was to hear that NCsoft was going to release an NA server with low rates. I can't stand the high ping I get from connecting to illegal servers, and I was so excited to have a legal server located near me.

    2 VIP 4 accounts, both of which I made further minor purchases on throughout the months. Oh well, you live and you learn.

    Good luck!

  4. 1 hour ago, Tool_of_Society said:

    I wasn't restricting my conversation to only the F2P era in the quote you responded to. For half the game's existence it didn't have a cash shop in it so excluding any conversation on that era when discussing "classic" lineage 2 is an odd demand.

    MMORPG = Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game

    Each of those games are massive multiplayer online experiences where you role play characters in different environments. At the very least Warframe counts as a MMORPG just like Guild wars 2 or eve online or any other number of games that are f2p without massive p2w mechanics.

    Right, and now there is no subscription fee, and Lineage 2 is F2P. So it's not an "odd demand" to discuss F2P tactics within L2. Regardless of what you want to restrict your conversation to, the topic has been about F2P tactics since the beginning. 

    POE is an isometric hack and slash RPG that just happens to be online.

    Warframe is a 3rd person hero shooter looter

    HOTS and DOTA are MOBAS...

    GW2 was buy to play and "recently" went F2P. Only the base game is free, WHICH IS THERE TO ENTICE YOU TO PURCHASE THE OTHER EXPANSIONS. GW2 has several P2W items in their cash shop. You can even straight up buy gold with real money to deck out your character in whatever gear you want.

    EVE online is subscription based. It has a VERY basic F2P system that does not allow you to get very far. EVE is probably the most pay to win that you can even get. You can buy skill point injectors to immediately learn skills and boost yourself WAY ahead of F2P or even subscribed players. I've played EVE off and on since its release, you can't possibly tell me that game doesn't cater to people who purchase PLEX and sell it for in game money.

    None of your points hold any value. Lineage 2, just like all other F2P games, are built to entice you to spend cash. That is the only way they will keep the servers alive.

  5. 8 hours ago, Tool_of_Society said:

    Well I started in closed beta and the concept of a cash shop was far far off into the future back then. So I had many good years worth of events that had nothing to do with a cash shop.

    Path of Exile provides an excellent experience as f2p.
    Warframe is basically the pinnacle of how to do it right. They aren't always making perfect moves but they do respond quickly and fix mistakes.
    Heroes of the storm didn't require any cash to get stuff done. I ended up paying for skins because I wanted to support the game's continued development..I did some DOTA 2 and while I didn't play much I didn't feel I had to spend cash to compete or to be superior.

    I'm not into mobile games which tend to be oozing with F2P a^^hattery...


    I played since C2, so I understand how NCsoft works. I also played Lineage 1 extensively. I know you like to mention that you've played this game for ages, you mention it in almost every post you make. But we're talking about F2P L2, not when it was a subscription based game. EVERY F2P MMORPG IS PAY TO WIN IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.

    Also, thank you for proving my point. None of those games listed are MMORPGs. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Tool_of_Society said:

     Not all F2P games work that way. It is the easiest way to squeeze cash out of your playerbase if you don't actually care about the players or the game's future beyond the next profit statement.

    When we were promised an event was coming when the servers came back up I for one didn't expect this. I was naive enough to hope for some sort of interactive event that didn't require my wallet. You know something like the stuff we saw in the REAL classic or even in the last event. I understand they need to make money. There's just a way better way to go about it for all involved but unfortunately NcWest as a company is captives to the whims of NcSoft in Korea.

    Lineage 2 is the last game of NcSoft I'll ever support unless the company itself starts making some serious changes. For now they've got me by the nostalgia with lineage 2. Yes I'll continue to put money into the game but that amount has been decreasing lately.

    Oh wise one, show me a popular F2P MMORPG that doesn't have overbearing benefits for their paying players!

    Yes, you were naive and ignorant enough to think any event L2 has had since the dawn of L2 events hasn't been P2W...

  7. Every single event will have a paywall behind the good items. What I don't understand is why people are even putting effort toward these posts!

    Understand that every single event going forward will have a huge incentive to pay with real money. This is a F2P game, that is how they work.

  8. Item grade penalty removal - I love this, now I can play around on alt characters and feel like I'm not losing out on countless hours of time that could have been spent on my main. I like making alts and playing new classes for fun, and this makes it so much more bearable. I turn 30 this year, I don't have as much free time as I did when I was a teenager playing Lineage 2 but I still love the classic feel.

    Global gatekeeper- Thank the heavens. The old gatekeeper system was cumbersome and expensive. This makes it so much easier to visualize where areas are and just go directly to it. No longer do I have to open the map and think "Is it an area of this town or another one..?" after speaking to the gatekeeper and not finding my port. Again, I'm almost 30. There's no way I'm going to remember every minute detail of this game. I love Lineage 2, but it's not my life.

    Removal of class change quests- I loved the challenge of completing these back in the day, and these quests sometimes taking multiple days to complete. But with free ports until level 41, gear being easier to obtain, and being able to play 3 accounts at once trivialized these quests. Sure they were fun to read through and sometimes gave you a feeling for what your second class would be like. But just like item grade penalty removal, I can now play around on different classes and not waste countless hours doing class change quests and feel like I've wasted what little time I have.

    Auto-Hunt system- Compared to a bot, it sucks. Compared to playing live, it REALLY sucks. Slower skill usage, slower targeting, slower everything. Most of the time it wont even pick up items if you're a ranged character, let alone the fact that it wont auto rest for you when mana is low. You'll just keep on truckin' until you die.

    New missions- Same stuff basically, just more rewards. Big deal...

    None of the major changes added in this update "ruined Lineage 2". This was never a "real" classic experience. There's VIP, store items, missions, updated skills and spells, updated skill and spell reuse time, soulshots, spiritshots, blessed spiritshots, auto shot use, the list goes on... This was already a far cry from a true classic experience, and anyone complaining about these new things are likely still playing the game and enjoying it. I've seen it with every update that NCSoft does. Forums explode with overly dramatic response, then after a week or two... silence. Lets all just sit back, enjoy our game, and grind.

    Just fix the adena and drop rate please! Thanks!


    • Like 1
  9. Nobody is forcing you to use the new auto hunt feature. In fact, it's actually much faster to farm without using it. Yet you're using it anyway and come to the forums to complain.

    Don't like it? Don't use it. It's that simple.

    What's wrong with removing armor grade penalty? Are the low levels THAT much fun to you? After leveling countless characters through 1-40 I can say having a little help along the way is pretty nice, but that's just me.

  10. 37 minutes ago, Tool_of_Society said:

    Probably because you were new to the game and thus didn't have everything optimized from day one. By that point in the server's life (C4)I was playing 4 accounts. I made adena every-time I headed out while using shots. In the closed and open betas I played one account and I had a top NG weapon just before 20 and I used shots. I was already well informed on the game and how korean mmorpgs worked in general so I had an advantage going into the game.

    I did do a lot of run then SOE to get to the next area/town in the early days to save adena.


    EDIT : Events were generally better then because there was no pay store requirement like there is for the modern version of the letter event. Requiring you to buy packs just to finish off the words was greedy.  I miss the old school squash and letter events.

    I've seen you mention this so many times in different threads. I also played other grindy korean games before I started Lineage 2, so it wasn't my first rodeo. I had friends who played since day 1 who knew way more about the game than I did that helped me out. Your ONLY advantage was that you had 4 accounts, and that's why you had an advantage over other players. There were maybe only a handful of people willing to pay $15 a month for 4 accounts. Farming with buffs vs farming without buffs made a HUGE difference back then. The only time that I was farming and came out greatly on top of what I left town with was when my 60+ WC friend came and buffed me. Don't try to sell me the idea that because you played beta and other korean games that you were better off... It's irrelevant. 

  11. 21 minutes ago, Klyn said:

    I remember when you actually had to hunt and kill things to progress in the game, I remember events that were built to make it FUN to play the game, not to let few become instant gods, I remember active parties and people always needing more, working together for a goal not trying to pk or kill others just because they were there. I remember a working economy and working adena rates, spoil rates, drop rates. Not to mention balanced pvp for the most part. 


    When classic was first announced, I was looking forward to it. The old style game, (nothing changed) with the new UI, It seemed to good to be true, and I hoped that they would stretch it out over years like they did c1-Interlude. But we got this.. and it isn't even lineage. It's nothing like old lineage, which makes me sad to see it go.

    On the topic of adena rates, I think we have it much better than we did before (Mainly due to the events though). I started back in C2, and I still actually have the C3 and C4 souvenirs on the live servers to show for that. I remember having to farm in the perfect spots just to break even to afford soulshots to continue farming. I would find maybe 5 items from 1-40? I couldn't ever dream of affording D grade so I had to borrow a manticore set and a mithril dagger from a friend who bought adena. I had to do the same thing for C, B, but at level 64 I was finally able to buy A grade. This is because I couldn't afford to buy any of the previous grade items. Actually using the gatekeeper was rare, now everyone uses it as much as humanly possible. Porting was expensive as hell so you'd have to run more than halfway to the next city and then SOE. Now every single one of my toons are decked out in top D and C. I couldn't even imagine having accounts with this much gear back then...

    I think this community is too used to illegal servers and no real adena or item issues from live servers. I agree that the adena rate needs to be boosted SOMEWHAT, because as it is I can't even break even on shots. Porting should always be a luxury.

  12. On 5/8/2019 at 4:21 AM, Tool_of_Society said:

    I multibox because that's what I find fun in games. In the first few months on my server I averaged 1 captcha a day with my group. I wasn't even farming that hardcore or anything. Just running around with my "train" was enough to get reported (and yelled at). Now I can run anywhere and people don't even bother. It's entirely possible that I'm just running past bots these days so there's no one there to care.   I dunno.


    As for the spellbooks that's why I suggested a possible fix of having more areas drop them so at least you can maybe find a spot to farm? God doing ivory tower for my second job quests was just a nightmare on some of the characters. I had to straight up use my PR's bow on my orc shaman (and some others) as I was doing it's second class transfer quests (WC) because the pony bots were just destroying the quest mobs.

    Well they just removed the bot report button in the update tomorrow. I guess I got what I wanted..?

    • Haha 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Tool_of_Society said:

    The report button works but it only applies a debuff for an hour if enough people report the character. Your reports only count as one so that's why it seems to do nothing even if you report daily. What you should do is take screenshots and file a ticket to report the bots to customer support directly.

    Frankly spellbooks should drop in far more places and/or at a much higher rate. It's silly how perfectly the system is setup for botters to exploit for adena farming.

    I like to call it the placebo button because like you said, you need a lot of people to report the bots for it to do anything. With how many people are botting, there's not enough real people to report the same account. This is even more difficult if they are running a bot train... How do you know that the 3-4 real people that pass by them are all reporting the same character? Very unlikely. You're right, I could take screenshots, videos, do all of that and send it to support, but I shouldn't have to in the first place.

    I don't mind farming for spellbooks for days on end, but having to compete with an army of bots that KS you and take all of the spawns is just ridiculous.

  14. Farming spellbooks is already difficult, only made more difficult by the sheer amount of bots farming in Ivory Tower and Sea of Spores. I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I went to a farming area and saw a live player. I can maybe get an hour of farming in at Ivory Tower around 2AM MST before it gets completely flooded by bots. Some of the bots are "okay" because as soon as you tag the mob the bot will turn away. The biggest issue, however, are the aggressive bots that will actively attempt to steal the kill from you by either one shotting it because they're, of course, a summoner bot, or they just overwhelm your mob with a train of bots. It is absolutely abhorrent that NCSoft does next to nothing to fix this issue. NCSoft may as well remove the placebo button -- oops -- I mean the report bot button, because it does nothing. I have reported the same bots for days on end and they are still out there farming 24/7. 

    Talking Island server needs to be purged. I recently watched a video on YouTube from someone farming Ivory Tower on the Gludio server and it blew my mind how there wasn't a single bot in sight. 

    I love Lineage 2. I always have and I always will. But playing on the retail servers is getting less and less appealing by the minute.

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