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Everything posted by Lean

  1. Ppl still whining, @Juji already say its against the rules. D you want follow the rules so only use the LAUNCHER to play the game, if you CANT load more than 3 boxes and want make tricks to be able to load more, do whatever you want. BUT do at your own risk, we are grow up right? If you all get ban latter you will knw why.
  2. When you are in Party, more ppl in = less adena you get, so if only you have prestige, you are sharing the amount you get with all, said that will be better make a "C"onstant "P"arty with all seven people using prestige, in this way you maximize your income. Some PPL like to make a party with max 5 ppl, for obvious reasons (+adena)! But is worth to say the adena you get, is crap mainly on early maps, so "IMO", prestige + destiny = waste of money, UNLESS you are look'n for those 20% extra cd from prestige.
  3. Its safe to enchant until +3 using normal scrolls or have chance to crystalize? Nothing metion on the scroll like the armor ones.
  4. It seens they just del that info on the Live Server Game Update: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 and done its fixed, cause you knw, they dnt have nothing to say to us. Edit: About coal, same, nothing to say. Its all good.
  5. A lot of people who use third part program to get ingame advantage revealing themselves. Let the bus take those accounts to the valley of the banned
  6. Exactly my point of view, i even commented in another publication that it all seems to be intentional, it may be, it is not possible that they do not know what is being done, i go even beyond and would say that many private servers have even a higher income than ncwest with all its 4 servers. A little bird told me that last year the income was around 240k am I wrong? Sry but for me its pretty much obvious.
  7. At this point 16 years messing you guys really think ncwest cares? Only one person buying 5k mammon's keys pay all that prestige packs right? Did i throw wood on the fire? Let the games begin.
  8. They may miss this to, for me nothing changes, its all like the previous week though.
  9. One more week, but this time ios will get that nerf who they miss on tales untold. Cool, lets see what will happen on the week after, mb red libra but no changes on adena/xp right?
  10. just have some common sense if the launcher only allows you to open 3 screens, but you download a program or modify the game to benefit from it and being able to load more than ppl who follow the rules, do you believe you are doing something right? Cause on my point of view it is very clear that it is not. Btw that is on eula, did you read anytime or just agree/accept? Some ppl may not get caught but i do my part reporting, btw i already do a couple, some even are youtubers, they make it all clear, all that boxes on the same operation system, and the majority get *** using 3 boxes, like the way it was supose to be. https://us.ncsoft.com/en-us/legal/lineage-2
  11. Yes Its ok, the logical is: Not every download third part programs do take advantage in game, if you have 10 computers congratulations to you, download or modify stuff to take advantage in game its against the rules as @Juji already say, so said that, if you want use its up to you, if latter something happen you will knw why.
  12. Draecke and all who take a time to help me, when i re start the game it start to work the skill, ty all. After reset your revelation skills, at least for me you need restart the game to make it work. thanks again.
  13. Just have commun sense, if the game wont allow you to do it, and you need install something or edit something in game you are doing something wrong, period.
  14. Exactly! Ppl just dnt realize how that is harmerfull to ppl who follow the rules, those ppl install third part program to take advantage, one example is this event going on right now, even being a crap event, me and most ppl who follow the rules loading only 3 boxes and get some amount of itens and from another side ppl who dnt follow the rules using program to be able to load more boxes, as he even say on topic Spot taken he uses seven boxes, so 7x3 its more than the double of itens he gets against ppl who dnt use the program, and this is just the tip of the iceberg, its much more hamerfull if you start to think on aspect of find parties some times and another stuff to do on the server. Some nights if eventualy my party get dead for many reasons and ppl is afk, is hard to find another on even being on clan, i may not even get any, and end up going solo some spot. while that, those dudes have a full personal party, and another thing maybe that's why now balok need two parties to do it.
  15. Yes not showing to me, first time i get the savage and unbind, and reset to get shakle, but the buff wont pop up and my patk and dnt rise, but i dnt restart the game yet, i doubt but maybe i need do that, going to check that soon and if it works i will came back here. Just saying again i have the ap for revelation skills lvl 2. mb is some glitch for reset skills and get this one not sure. Hope it works, thanks for the img btw.
  16. Its dead, you get the ancient adena on mammons and now you buy seal stones on npc.
  17. You dnt read the rules? The option to open more than 3 boxes is given to us officialy? No? Its ok to put seven boxes from itself when the game only allow you open 3? So said that its CLEAR you and many others are using third part program to take advantage in the game and even speak freely as if i were doing nothing wrong, what a joke, i hope that the gm take of a glance at your account. https://us.ncsoft.com/en-us/legal/lineage-2/conduct-breaches-and-outcomes -Using, developing, releasing, or promoting a "bot," cheat, or exploit program GL
  18. 100%, its funny about how they think own something, just put a alt killer toon to make some cleaning about those afk's and take their spot.
  19. Since we can only open 3 boxes officially do you use tree computers or may i assume you use third part program to load seven boxes? It seens we found a self owned right here, may gm have a look on your acc.
  20. It is bugged since the arrival of tales untold? I have the Ap for revelation skills lvl 2, but when i use the buff wont pop up like savage. Patk also dnt rise.
  21. Trading a bow in Kaysia still gives 5 of that crystals? That crystals are attached to the toon?
  22. I dnt find any on Ah, wondering if that crystal is tradeable or not, if so, what is the price range of it, if not what i have to do for get those 10 pieces?
  23. Maybe another tyrr or Tank just agro all mobs around to you until you get dead, this already happen to me, they keep runing around agro all mobs to me until you end up dead. But in my case i wasen't afk and the party was pretty strong to deal all that mobs.
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