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Everything posted by Lean

  1. Lean


    Correct-me if i am wrong but for this: 2) Is there any specific class / race that has higher base LUC? I believe dwarf is the way, not sure if maestro have more luc than fortune seeker
  2. It seens even these low drops ain't garanteed and i dnt even knw what many are the percentage chance to get anything at all beside enchant scroll for that staff so i may skip this as i did on suspicious safe. Thanks anyway
  3. About those chest any one get something good, i was thinking to pop some but since i have low luc here and have some low itens on that chest i dnt knw if i should do that like suspicious safe, some ppl get bless antharas and another good but in majority they dnt get nice rewards from it. I may be open some and get only those make me think twice: Brilliant Freya's Scroll of Storm Silenite Brilliant Freya's Ice Rose (x2) Elcyum Crystal
  4. Yeah they are right it costs 4k ncoin for race change, and after you buy the item you still need contact the support to make it happen. Like they say, will be better to you re-roll your character unless he is 110+ or you just dnt want lose him.
  5. That is, provided it is not postponed again, of course.
  6. This was a 3 months ago and some updates already happen, so again, who knws, they not mention anything about and now apparently this publication was removed.
  7. i just dont knw man, this game is serius wack, i print this but now this aint no longer on arquives, who knws... Apparently in addition to omission of information with the objective of directing error, we also have as part of the policy removal of controversial topics. At least i was able to print this on time. You can try find it.. GL
  8. Lean


    I will join this topic aswell, i am also interested and i hope that someone who are main maestro can help us even with basic tips.
  9. well, yes i may telling something wrong. Its better to do your own research (not only here) and also some tests for your self, i just want to help you. One more thing about what i learn on my own research was, dex + cha = yul, str = othel. But again, in the end, its up to you, do what ever you want.
  10. What is the percentage of drop letter in between 00:00 -10:00, cause pretty much in that hour gap i only get one letter so x1 mean 1 or may be 0.0009%? 00:00 – 10:00 We would be happier if we had more relevant details, not only regarding this but in general, what i mean is, in every patch note. The informantion is immense and distractive but when it comes to something important the information is vague and subjective.
  11. I dnt mention program any time, this is just alt + numeric keyboard combinations, wondering how ppl do that since we cant past copied text into title but seens, sherlock just reveal how they do it, cause you can past text into macro.
  12. I saw some ppl ingame with custom letters on title, far i research i found some alt+number codes to do that, but the sites i use to learn those alt+numeric combinations dnt work exactly in game, they work but dnt exactly the same as the web say they are, for example the a "K" letter there wich the combination are alt+1070 but in game the "K" letter are replace with another one, aswell i look into forum and only find one topic with similar question but no response. What i would like to ask for those who have this type of custom title, if you guys can share some website that can refer me to learn these numerical combinations that actually work on title in game. This link for example i try use the combinations but they dnt insert the exact letters in game, and there you can check the "K" letter numeric combination i talk about. https://www.alt-codes.net/
  13. Diversion move, but as soon the event its gone, the reality will come and ppl will start to realize.
  14. Insted lowering the already low adena plus xp, maybe just maybe they (devs) should rise or ppl will constantly leave the game unless all that is planned. Another good option is, stop with expensive loot box mechanic, enable good itens in the l2store, mb some belts, talismans or even stage 1 weapons, that circlet and paulina bundle seens no use at all unless take money from the new guys. Keep us informed with percentage drops when a patchnote goes out saying they balance stuff, we dnt knw if that was for more or less, but look all picture i will say things only get lower and difficult. That ofc imo as a one month in the official server wich is equals a nothing right? As some one say, mb a developer should create a lvl 1 character and lvl up until lvl 115 without spend any dollar and see how good is the currently moment the game are passing by.
  15. Like this guide over here: https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/15579-othell-guide-for-starter-85-106/ "Avoid Dex fact, its not affect your Half Kill Rate, some random noob was say this on past, and now almost all noob think its true, but its not. STR all way, just increase your dex to max 66 and all perfect."
  16. I ain't the right guy to say this, but as far i research about on a couple of guides here, the way to go i will say is full str, what ppl say is dex have not so much impact since dagger pretty much always crit, but in the end is up to you.
  17. That will never happen, i dnt even knw if some dev play this game tho.
  18. I just go there today, PP is dead, seens IT to (dnt even worth Soulshot/VP), lets see what will be killed next.
  19. Cant speak for the others, but speaking for myself it takes around 4 almost 5 weeks to start realizing that is part of the plan, i see no other reason except to sink the game, not disclosing essential details like percentage of drops before and after the updates, reduction of adena and xp that was already low previously, lineage became that? It is just about money and greed? Increase the drops and the exp, lower the values in the l2store and SURELY your sales will increase, instead of putting expensive lot boxes with random drops of no use, why not put good itens directly on l2store, mb prestige pack there aswell or even put stage 1 weapons in the l2store no ones care about paulina r99 bundle, but do something. Unless that's all part of the plan.
  20. For the short experience i'm having on the official server and browsing through the forum, i wouldn't change a comma of what you wrote, disregard for the community, a lot of greed, missleading information, things only get worse, why reduce the low adena and xp we already get, when they should increase? Apparently they want to kill the game, keep hiding information like drop percentage when they should disclosure that data but wait if they do that thing will get worse?
  21. Agree, untradeable itens or forcing us to use those we want to save and use it latter by putting deletion date on it = crap. Everything we get is untradeable or have date on it, unless those stuff we buy from l2store.
  22. So since they sale on l2store Drops (destiny pack) and in the web site adena plus 20% cd (prestige pack) at this point i wont be surprise if they sale LVL to, who knw what the future have for us.
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