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Everything posted by Lean

  1. Lean

    Prestige pack

    I was wondering if in game we can get something similar but with ncoin. But thanks for the info i ll ask a friend to buy it for me using a international credit card.
  2. Lean


    I believe i can only buy once for account (correct me if i m wrong), the bundle with 336. D you believe is worth keep the ncoin for future sales or should i buy this bundle and try it sale later? Sry to boring with newbie questions. Just want to get most of these coins and i dnt knw about the rotation events. Last time i play lineage it was on gracia final. Long time ago
  3. Since i cant purchase it from the website due to my region and dnt having a credit card, does have another option for a new player to choose, can i buy the prestige pack in game?
  4. Lean


    Hi guys, just wondering if some one can help me. Where should i invest 8000ncoin to make more adena possible at currently moment of the game.
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