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Everything posted by ItsTime

  1. They need sell + packs overpriceds to pay energy for servitor...
  2. Man he told cant extend Event just accept your +5 +6 +7. Last time i cant make my+10 so i was waiting for another event for make it +10 just now. Its not Fair put on store with 0 adenas. The game ia free not all, itens dont need be free too. You guys need stop ask for everything free , need some work . In your lives everything its free ?
  3. Well you pickup the most hard class in Feoh to play, Sorry for Tell the true. If you want advance change for Storm / Arch Btw use for start Hierophant for help you on critical Damage.
  4. Iam working on M. Critical Damage and M. Skill Power, actually my Feoh 115. I belive M Atack Just gonna work when the Feoh is high level, because its give + rate with level basead on last update infos.
  5. Are you mad? No penal lvl is event XP for you ??? This is true have a lot players 110-115 with exalted gears, this event its Nice to put limited/bloody/dark weapons, but no elcyns for be cheap, Fancys are overprices. Cloaks are Impossible to pay 100BI for a single +7 and 250-300BI for +10. Bloody Stones armor are rare at market. @Hermes you really need see the real situacion of the game. We dont need XP event , we need work ok Basic itens with decents events prices. Cloaks, Artifacts, Jewerels, Armor, etc... You guys need start think in low players to keep health of this game, If you Just keep on top players you gonna keep losing and losing players because events the prices are insane and no Basic itens. All here alredy tired to always say this information and hasnot return from staff.
  6. Man again??? @Hermes All here are tired for expensive pack with high rate to get craps. Maybe you can hear the comunity when they say " low prices -> sell a Lot packs " and stop with this events expensives...
  7. I Think the only way they aswer ppls work when ALL came here and say that prices are insane. Events need be for ALL ppls Join and buy something for make your Toon better. With this prices , Tell for us How Join in event with this anormal prices? You GMs need take Care of economy of server, if you keep with this prices you gonna lose more and more and more actives players. Beacause new players cant Join at this overprices events, cant lvl w/o basics gears. Thinks better. @Juji @EMpulse @Arctic @Hime
  8. If you have Prestigie Pack and Join at some party with players that havent you gonna get some nerf in adena ...
  9. I agree with @Genoshayou need think better How make Basic economy work again for players Basic/Middles. Just level dont Will make a big difference at some areas for Farm. Today have players with lvl 113 that cant do a single Daills 105 or IoS 107 they need Full suport for It, so Just lvl dont Will work... You need think better How make market work better for all.
  10. @Arctic you can confirm If prices are correct about New event ? 3000 NC for 48 Boost? Its better buy exalted pack for 1440 and 300 boots...
  11. Player that pay Prestigie Pack/ Destiny Pack what you gonna do? Just give Gold ball? Beacause we are getting mass DCs, DCs etc... Think better on solution we have good event but we can enjoy It.... @Juji @Arctic@EMpulse
  12. Think better, delete that post about Night Market Coin and post the real event, and all gonna think that a bad joke ...
  13. You guys need check the prices, if you really want keep the players here and make people play and pay for events you need really make decent event with decent prices. This event gonna be a fail with this overprices. Peace.
  14. Can u Just do a rollback to ALL players trust at real GMs. Its better solution for ALL , give some extra time at Rune VP or something for the lose of this days its better... Peace
  15. Just make a rollback until the Update, for players dont lose itens at trades with buged itens.
  16. They dont care. Just sit and wait until last minute...
  17. You remove half adena from IoS, and keep adena on Neutral Zone same Storm (adena map) what you think ppls with some gear gonna make? If you check Neutral Zone atm ppls 115+ farming solo and players 107 cant do IoS and cant make Neutral Zone too. So think better or nerf adena on Neutral Zone to be XP area to player low for avoid ppls 115+ Peace
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