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Everything posted by WilliamWallace

  1. we have had a 77 pk summoner on server for about 4-5 months and pk archers even longer than that, its part of the game, stop qqing about pk and kill them or turn your bot off and hunt with friends that can jump the pker. the majority of pkers are doing 1 of 3 things. 1. clearing out bots that nc has decided to do nothing about. 2. killing enemy or enemy clan friendly characters(ever thing your getting targeted because you associate with a big clans enemy?). 3. using the red to keep a exp area that someone with macro/bot/random party is invading. suck it up buttercup, more SP for you or free loot when the red drops gear/items/spirit ore etc.
  2. lol i would rather have the mp pots for exp/siege
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