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Posts posted by Rodah

  1. 3 hours ago, SUPERCELL said:

    Could you please elaborate why DNs are one of the worst PVE classes? 

    I saw an Evi absolutely destroy mobs at Wartorn Plains, while my DN took a while to kill a single mob, so I can understand they’re not the greatest of DDs. Also, M.Def wise my DN is kinda weak and could not tank multiple mobs at the same time in Wartorn Plains

    OK, so basically there are 2 ways to build a Tyrr; auto-attack or skill attack.  Most Tyrrs will start out as auto-attack and then shift to a skill based build later.  Some Tyrrs can stay auto attack 110+.  So for example, a Titan can be a really good DD as pure auto-attack 115+ and so can a GK (GK also great skill DPS too).  A Maestro is a great hybrid because they can use skills/auto-attack starting at 106.  A Glad will become a Skill DPS class fairly quickly as their skills have great dmg potential and they get a boost to skill crit rate. 

    Then you have DNs...... they don't have any perma self buffs which boost P.Atack and/or Crit Dmg for auto-attacks (Titan gets Rage, GK has Bison, Maestro has Golem Spirit).  Yes, they get Focus Attack but then you are defeating the purpose of having a pole and they get Edge of Storm but you "should" be killing so fast that mobs never have a chance to group up on you in solo areas.  Conversely, if DNs want to go a Skill DPS route they have no skills which boost Skill Crit Rate and they only get 10% from Focus Attack.

    I'm not just saying this "theoretically" either.  I am a 115 Maestro and about a month ago I made a +16 Limited Stormer so I decided to switch to DN.  I was shocked to discover I did more dmg as Maestro with a pole than as a DN.....     

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  2. So, if worth considering the natural advantages some classes have over others in relation to your goals and what type of investment you plan to make. 

    For example; almost everyone recommends going Evis for a player of limited means.  There is good reason for this; an Evis will have more ele attack than any comparable toon.  They also are a pure auto attack crit dmg (cheap) class.  An Evis/Heiro combo is REALLY strong and you'll be able to hunt effectively with "cheap" equipment.  

    Yes, archers are (arguably) the best DDs but, they require a tremendous amount of investment and are not really a good choice for players with limited means.

    As far as DNs go; they are actually one of the worst PvE Tyrrs out there.  That's not to say don't play that class but, it's something to consider.  

  3. 21 hours ago, DreBacar said:

    Wait... what?  This is exactly what I was expecting the Red Libra event to give me?  I've gotten my dual-class (which I prefer to play) up to 110 but can't use my Dignity of the Exalted Lv.6 scroll because it only works on my main.  My main is lv 105 and I"m not going to grind up those levels again!

    There will probably NEVER be a Dual <-> Main service!  This was a PRE-Awakening service which used to be offered on an individual basis for a fee.  My guess is, the bean counters ran the numbers and determined it wouldn't be worth it.  Stone of Destiny (Fate) is different.  The base code already exist in the game; it was part of the initial Awakening launch.  It just needed a bit of tweaking to implement.  


    Everyone asking for Dual/Main switch should probably make alternate plans because it probably won't happen (and I am sorry about that). 

  4. 1 hour ago, iHyperlite said:

    that OL vop is overrated, and most ppl dont know it got nerfed (and most likely was nerfed in last update but the skill tool tip was typo'd still)

    Yep, I tested with Mega Strike on my Tyrr.  VoP is still good for skill based class but worthless for Evis and Tyrrs who auto attck.  Nerf to daggers as well.  Cost to run OOP OL also adds up; it's not cheap.

  5. My "average" 110 Evis alt is doing fine in FoM.  I'll also add that after some testing, Duo with PoM > Solo with OOP OL.  Sure XP was better full solo but not by a whole lot.  Also hardly ever die because I kill a fair amount faster.  More Adena too. 

  6. It always sounds good on the forums to say "Play a support and you'll always get a party."  In game it simply doesn't work that way.  This is especially true if you have a 50b budget.  How are you gonna get to 110?  How are you gonna make ANY adena?  How are you gonna XP for the 95% of the time you CAN'T find a party?  If you come back to game with a set group of friends who is starting a CP then sure, go support.  Or, if you can join a highly active PvE clan which will even take a 105 support toon you "might" be able to level somewhat effectively.  If you find yourself in either of these two scenarios and you want to play a support toon then great!  I'm glad for you.  


    Beyond that.... as others have suggested, go Evis (or Maestro).  With 50b you can gear out enough to solo effectively.  You'll be able to solo Storm, Crisis, and eventually PI/IoS (if you cant kill extremely fast, PI isn't worth it).  During drop events and double adena events you'll actually be able to make $$.  In all honestly, you will eventually hit a wall but, you can get to 110 on an Evis in mostly exalted gear (I've done it). 

  7. 1 hour ago, LordDragnil said:

    I am looking for p. skill critical. Had once. 30% much better than second  kain 10.

    You can get +30% Physical Skill Critical RATE from Top Grade Weapon Augment Stone (Gold).

    You can get +20% Physical Skill Critical DAMAGE from Top Grade Augment Stone (Purple).

    Those are the top bonuses for their respective modifiers; hope that helps.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 11 hours ago, Draecke said:

    respectfully disagree there with you as it seems you do not know the country of origin of most of the big traders that operate on Chronos Giran ;)

    also simple fact but Chronos has actually more active Euro players then Naia server so what are you trying to say here ?

    bottom line is that NCWest knows very well the real breakdown of their player base and go reread what the point was of my first post, instead of trying to compromise messing up both servers just enforce a hard split - migrate 1 way ticket all NON NA/Canada/Latins Americas players from Chronos to Naia and visa versa from Naia to Chronos and be done with this whole discussion.

    trust me Naia will welcome that approach and none of all the snowflakes crying here & ingame can say anything against it cause hey Chronos is NA only right ? as @Feels would say put up that Fence around Chronos to keep them Euro's out :P


    You're probably half right actually.  What I should have said was NA and SA players make up a majority of Chronos player base.  While you are correct that only NC knows the real numbers, I feel pretty confident that NA/SA players greatly outnumber EU players on Chronos.

    I will also further clarify my NCoin comment; it's the the "average" NA player who spends $100-200 / month on Chronos which keeps the economy vibrant.  "Both" EU servers are missing this player base.  Who do you think is dropping 200 haunted chests in Ando/Tevas/etc. buy shops lol.  It's been like this since the inception of the L2 Store.  The NA server has always had a better economy and larger player base.  Even when server transfers where available it was like this.  Hell, people would transfer out of the NA server(s) to level/farm in peace and then come back.

    Like I said, I feel for EU players in respect to event times but, they are benefiting by being here in other ways.   

  9. While I acknowledge sword times are bad for EU players, I completely reject the suggestion that ANYTHING on Chronos should be changed in order to better accommodate them (you).  EU players are already GREATLY benefiting from playing on the NA server.  They get all the benefits of a thriving in-game economy which only exist because the MAJORITY of Chronos players are NA and they purchase/sell NCoin (and NCoin items).  And, whether they admit it or not, Chronos offers more activity and PvP than Naia.

    Don't believe me?  Go take a stroll through Naia.......

    Yeah, thought so.   

  10. 6 hours ago, BurnCycle said:

    I can agree last pay events been pretty crappy ones, but you can't say that to the current one. (Haunted Boxes)

    It's exactly what a pay event should be, based on consumables and with a guarantee return close to the NCoin value of the pack and small chance good items to avoid flooding the market with important items. In this case all the items given by the pack are higher value then the ncoin value of the pack. (If you bother to wait for the the prices to stabilize on those consumables, if not you probably still get even or higher if you sell now)

    From the buy/sell shops in Aden i believe this was a good event for ncsoft, hope they get how pay events should be.

    PS: The options added to trade the Haunted Boxes for other potential prizes are a complete scam BUT an idea of rates is there for you to take your own conclusion if you should play it or not. If, by looking at those rates, you still consider worth playing it stop coming to the forums complaining NCSoft is robbing you or stuff like that.

    I have to disagree with you and reiterate my main point; the items most players want/need aren't included in the current promo.  And if they are (Crystal of Dawn), the drop rate is so low the price is ridiculous.

    Yes, current promo has a good NCoin/Adena conversion but so what?  Lets say you sell your 8k NCoin and purchase Crystals of Dawn in order to upgrade your Aritfact.  Since this is a "good" promo you'll get 20b for your 8k NCoin on Chronos (2.5m per).  Guess what, you can buy about 14 Crystals of Dawn for that much; enough to upgrade to a mid-grade Artifact book.  That's just bad......

    I guess the increase in Greater Rune Stones was nice but still.... almost all of the other rewards have no realistic use beyond selling for adena.  Which doesn't matter because prices are so high on the stuff most players actually need that the good return on NCoin doesn't even cover the costs.....  Hell, lets say you just want to get a +7 Elmore; they are 25b+ because it's been so long since we had a Cloak promo.  A +7 is the minimum and your 20b from selling NCoin won't cover that. 

  11. Over the last 6 months you guys have really put out some great events; Double XP, Letters, Red Libra, Rim, etc.  Thanks for that.

    However, your store promotions have been pretty bad on average (with some exceptions).  Take the current promo, I (we) need Crystals of Dawn; we don't need 95% of the other rewards in the Haunted Boxes.  I would have dropped $100+ if I was certain I could get what I want but.....

    Or how about Circlets; why did you put them in the L2 store, we don't need them (AT ALL).  We DO need circlet augment stones though......

    And why did you randomly put Cloaks in the L2 Store a couple months ago and not include scrolls? 

    How come you haven't addressed the bottleneck with brooches?  It's virtually impossible to make a 6 slot brooch because there is no realistic way to get 500+ powders. 

    Lets not forget the Dragon Shirt upgrade nonsense.....

    There are SOOO many items people WOULD buy if you made them available but you can't/won't/haven't.  


    • Like 3
  12. 3 hours ago, Gianfry said:

    I did Maestro and i find it funny, i bought the 500ncoin equip for 1 mounth and i'm almost 105 with a bd iss

    Saw that the armor with 500ncoin is powerful like a +8 r99 and weapon too, bought it because i saw that finish the exalted quest take much time: i'm at first quest and i'm level 104 with only 17000 pieces of 40000...

    When i hit 105, is better to go for dual class directly or not? Any advice for dual class for both my chars?

    Thanks in advance, i found all yours advices very helpful!

    Get 106 on your Maestro first; that is when they get their most important skill (Spirit of Golem).  As far as your dual is concerned.... be honest and ask yourself if you are going to try and find a CP and/or party often or, if you plan to solo most of the time.  If you think you are going to be a predominately solo player then your dual should be another DD.  If you plan to party up then go Tank/Iss for gear compatibility.  



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  13. 20 hours ago, Slycutter said:

    1.  Did you read that?  Where do we get EoD from?  No way for us to get that in NA  - Answer: NC Store

    2.  Yea great all those crystal of dawn items.... Where do we get crystal of dawns from?  - Answer:  NC Store

    3.  I cannot read that one so idea.


    So you answer to changes is add more items we need to buy for IRL cash?

    I know your an old player and all but sometimes.....it just seems as though you don't research/ask clannies about a subject before you post on here.  

    EoDs have been sold in the Grocery Store for months (maybe over year). 

    Additionally, the July 29th patch referenced will change most upgrades to a Crystals of Dawn charge.  That is both good and bad; good for upgrading Dragon Shirts, bad for Circlets so... IDK.

  14. 10 hours ago, Nicko said:

    feoh can farm aoe and dont flag, yul can farm aoe and dont farm, but tyrr if  do aoe flag  so is imposible to  farm  without annoying players trying to kill u  for activating war like loosers afraid of real pvpwith no afk players , what about balance the characters?  also wtf with other characters 30% hp chance  pasive damage loke  maestro and evis,  and  duelist is messed up?

    u are making duelist  obsolet, cant farm, cant pvp, NO DAMAGE unless u spend 40k usd on one character, wtf

    now having limited weap, artifacts, dark set, talismans, akill a+18,  epic jewels is not enough ,  u need to spend 40k usd to make some damage wtf

    u are destroying the game every day more and more

    ncsoft,,, balance classes  dont destroy them

    balance game, dont destroy it,  we used to have more than 6 servers, now is only 2, why u think is that?



    Flagging with non-target AOEs does suck.  As mixa said, most classes have non-target AOE skills which players can abuse to force flag.  I'd like this to change as well.

    As far as Tyrr Duelist are concerned.... they are VERY good at PvE.  My advice would be switch to a "partial" skill crit build.  You don't have to go all out; get temp Skill Crit Rings and change up your SA/AP.  Hunt mobs 2-4 levels under you and 1-shot everything with skills.   


    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Slycutter said:

    No one should ever go Dex instead of Str for an archer unless all skills in the game have been redone.  Can we stop telling archers to go full dex it hurts your toon you only need a min level of dex to maximize its utility now that whole full dex thing is old news.  If you have 75 dex or more your fine.  Rest should go to Str.

    Also if has a +15 bloody bow why would he swap for a +12 r110 enchanted?  He can upgrade it to +13 Bloody then use dark to make it limited.  Dark bows do nothing to help you level its pvp only and cheaper if its not already bloody.  R99 Bloody +15 > +12 R110 Enchanted on all aspects..../smh

    Also Tauti Ring is not really effective for archers.  There are better rings for archers.  I mean your all over place with the recommendations here and nevermind if you do not build your toon right with the right dual skills or points in the right special abilities gear is irrelevant. 


    Do you even play an archer?

    The reason for going r110 is the additional 150 element attack.  Element is arguably the most important stat in the current patch.  It hasn't been discussed much here but on the L2 Discord it's been shown that monster element defense was boosted significantly. 

    For example, Fields of Silence mobs have 1369 Element Defense. 

    Additionally, the formula for element attack might have changed as well.  There doesn't appear to be anymore "break points."  There seems to be a linear relationship between element attack vs. monster defense.  I "might" try and test this with Mega Strike but that seems like a pain lol.

    Anyway, the point is Element Attack is VERY important now.

    EDIT: After Skill Crit Dmg rings Tauti isn't too bad.  It has 5% Skill Power.  That's better than AQ/Baium/Earth Wyrm. 

  16. 3 hours ago, Vassy said:

    Because I have personal life and I don't want to serve to some virtual pixels game every single day. And I had few years break from time to time. Normal working ppl play 2-3 hours after work. And level up to 107 is not such a big deal. After that is really slow. And the biggest reason is the lack of appropriate farm zones and quests and content overall. 

    I started to play probably 7 years ago with and without CP and NEVER had adena issues. I even used to pay for prestige pack just because of the skill cooldown rune. But back then the game was interesting and there was a level cap and people had a clear idea and purpose in this game.  Now is only afk solo botting.  

    So basically what you just said is that to play the "free to play " game you actually need to pay every month for at least 2 chars and run your pc 24/7. This is not how a normal game experience should look like.

    ?????? are we playing the same game?

    I've played L2 on and off since 2004; you could never EVER get anywhere only "playing" 2-3 hours a day.  As to your "normal working ppl..." comment; well, that's why NC implemented the macro system.  Was it not clear to you when I said a majority of my grinding/farming is AFK macro?  Let me be crystal clear; my Evis is almost 109 in mostly exalted gear.  I sometimes leave her running for days without touching her.  She has achieved the overwhelming majority of her XP in freaking Enchanted Valley.....  So I stand by my comments; with the Dragon Weap event, Double XP event, current free Rose buff event you should be 108+ unless you started less than 3 months ago.

    If you can't afford $5/month in electricity to leave your comp on.... I really don't know what to tell you.  

  17. 43 minutes ago, ABnD said:

    With 2 110 DDs and 108 tank we were able to do around 10 tril an hr sustainable. Takes good setup and a little know how but it's doable 

    One of your DDs is way better than "decently" geared :)

    But yeah, 10t / hr is good.

  18. 12 minutes ago, TimmyJohns said:

    not true - we had a party of 109s survive over night last night on one of the smaller groups.  only averaged about 3.5t per hour, but still was able to be done.  The biggest thing is the damage penalty of being 109, a couple of our DD's in our main CP hit 110 over the past week and there damage almost doubled out there....really a semi geared party of 110 should be more than enough.


    A decently geared party with 110 DDs should be able to make 8t/hour out there.  Having said that, the party needs to be setup correctly; no cutting corners.  You need to have 3-4 AOE DDs (or REALLY strong single target DDs), a good tank, healer, PoM/VoP/Bison Iss.  Even better would be a SWS or BD in party and an OL out of party doing Victories.  The Iss needs to be debuffing as well.  A dedicated CP is probably best.   

  19. 3 hours ago, Vassy said:

    So yeah, let's delete all our useless single target chars because first- we can't make adena anywhere like that not even close to what a strong aoe dd can do and second to level up to 110 will get us near half year! Unless you don't play 24/7 .. maybe can take the half time like that.

    Solo on 107 for 1 hour I did yesterday 7kk. Yeah at least I can cover my ss but the boost? It's ridiculous to play anymore. 

    I know archers for example can make ridiculous amount of adena in PI - what I get there as solo player- the best so far with drop rune - 1 circlet scroll and 1 bracelet one.

    The game is super unbalanced in every aspect.

    OK, I guess my concern with this is... why are you only 107?  If you just started 3 months ago then sure, I can see that but if you have been playing for longer you should be 108+.  In addition to my main, I also have a 108 Evis alt which I run 24/7 in EV.  She is my event farmer and she has pretty bad gear.  She only runs Prestige and Discovery Packs and over the course of 6 months she has farmed tons of event items for me.  She is almost 109 and has leveled almost entirely in ENCHANTED VALLEY.  She makes 200m/day out there.  Minus 40m/day for spirit ore and that's still 160m/day.  At this point I would say she is maybe a 40b toon (MAYBE).

    Ironically, my intention was to start a Plunderous Plains group with her lol.  Regardless I'm not sure what to tell you.  I have described how I make adena with a Tyrr and Evis, neither of which would be consider top-tier DDs at all.     

  20. 7 minutes ago, BlackIce said:

    Varka and Ketra? Is that the place where only stacked characters level 114 and above can hunt in party?

    You have to have a strong, well made party but you don't need to be 114.  Even a 110 party with Bloody gear can make 6t / hr out there. 

    A mediocre party with one stacked DD can make 15t / hr. 

  21. 11 hours ago, curcubitatorul said:

    Playing a tank on main, and it's time for a dual class. Since i'm already wearing heavy armor set Tyrr is the obvious choice for a DD dual.

    Which Tyrr is better at PVE, Titan or Dreadnought ?


    Titan is all around better for most PvE but if you gear out a DN, they can do some amazing AOE XP

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