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Posts posted by Rodah

  1. 19 hours ago, iAndouille said:

    "Intended for balance" what balance exactly?  people are making a little adena there to survive ingame and they call this balance?  only the Ppl who pays 1000$+ in store monthly will pay, and get bored because everyone is gone

    NC has to "balance" their quarterly earnings ofc :)

  2. 3 hours ago, shoorty01 said:

    After a day and still cannot understand how we get the letters. I am hunting mobs lvl101+ and the only way to get letters is through my clan quests....

    Does any one else know anything?

    Thank you again

    I'm not certain but I think actually only drop from Enchanted Valley and up hunting zones. That would 104+ mobs. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, TimmyJohns said:

    Right, that is what i struggle with - it seems like alot of these updates are geared towards 113+ players which doesn't make sense to me considering there is only like 50 of them at that level...

    What doesn't make sense is that 113+ Characters level FASTER than 109-112 characters. 

    Is there ANY game that ANYONE has heard of where higher level players level faster than lower level players under the same conditions?????

    • Like 2
  4. Back in the day you guys offered 1-85 Rune which stacked with everything else.  Why not make a 1-112 Rune and make it CHEAP (maybe even give out a free 1-week one). 

    Another option is a CHEAP (or free) Vit Rune for 112 and under.

    ZERO party penalty would also be HUGE! 

    I'm under no illusions that you guys can make any big in-game changes BUT, I know you can make adjustments which can really help to mitigate this god-awful update.

  5. Lots of great ideas in here but unfortunately we all need to realize there are things NCNA can do and there are things they can't.......

    Big structural changes simply will not happen.

    Having said that, I would implore the NCNA staff to really put some thought/effort into trying to address the primary concerns we ALL have;

    Cost of Equipment (NCoin and Adena)

    Difficulty Leveling 

    Party Functionality

    It's really as simple as that!  Find a way to at least somewhat address these issues and we would be appreciative.  


  6. 23 minutes ago, Valcana said:

    Not that it will make any difference, but since you request input, I will provide. 

    The update is geared to those 110+. -- All the changes benefit that group.

    Meanwhile those of us under 110 have been penalized by removing 75% of all mobs in the key spots we exp. 

    Having played this game for 10+ years, I am very disgusted with this company turning a blind eye to the complaints and suggestions from the players -- your customers.  Having worked in Customer Service for many years, you would all have been fired eons ago where I work.

    Again, this is falling on deaf ears, but I have posted my comments as requested.

    I'm 110 and trust me, it's NOT geared towards me (us).  Change that to 113+ and I'll agree with you 100% on everything else you said :)

    • Like 2
  7. 19 minutes ago, Hime said:

    Hello Adventurers,

    Yesterday, we launched the Tales Untold update. With the update, there were many changes to current systems and the addition of new systems.

    We have been reading through feedback already shared and we would like to invite all to share their thoughts constructively on the update especially on these features:

    1. Hunting Zones and Raid Bosses
    2. Augment System
    3. Item Changes
    4. Skill Changes
    5. Other Changes

    Please let us know how your experience has been, what you like, what you don’t like, and you feel could be improved.

    Thank you!

    First off, thanks for taking the time to make this thread.

    Here are my thoughts;

    1. Hunting Zones and Raid Bosses - This is the biggest problem with the update.  Leveling is now exponentially harder for 106-112 characters and EASIER for 113+.  This is completely the opposite of how it should be.  Monsters received an element defense boost which the overwhelming majority of players cannot compensate for so, mobs take longer to kill.  Two of the best BIG XP spots in game were also rendered useless for literally 99.5% of the server population.  I am referring to Swamp of Screams and Sea of Spores.  Additionally, while the number of monsters within most groups were increased, the total number of groups has decreased (ex. Fields of Silence).  This means less places for people to XP.  Because there is no workable party bonus people are forced to solo just to get decent XP and, this update reduced the number of places to do that.  

    2. Augment System - Good Change; much more user friendly.

    3. Item Changes - Meh, fine I suppose except, you failed to mention how some of the new stuff will be L2 Store exclusive.

    4. Skill Changes - Decent

    5. Other Changes - Nothing really stands out as great or terrible beyond the major issue I outlined earlier.



    • Like 1
  8. 32 minutes ago, ShadowSerenade said:

    Level 109 and the only places to hunt have very mobs, but LOTS of people. I thought this update was going to give us more mobs? wth

    Actually there seems to be more mobs per group but less groups overall.  And the problem isn't a lack of mobs, it's players "taking" a group when they can't even come close to clearing it.....

    Check out Forest of Mirrors for a clear example of this...  Mob groups used to consist of 7 monsters, now there are 9.  Every group is taken and maybe (MAYBE) 1/10th of the players can clear HALF of the mobs. 

    I don't blame the players for this; what choice do they have?  If you can't clear (or get close to clearing) a group you should go down to the next lower level of mobs but....those places are packed as well (with players who can't clear either). 

    Eliminate Party XP penalty and 7 man groups could run everywhere but ofc NC won't do that; it makes too much sense........

  9. Yeah, longer I'm on the worse it gets. Usually you can find a way to adapt to changes but with this....

    Honest question; how is someone realistically supposed to get from 110 -> 113?  No Swamp, no Sea of Spores, and 110+ mobs have 1500 Element Defense (garbage XP too).  Really want to know what they expect us to do....

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Khelida said:

    just tested the new sigil/shield skills and effects on my tank and oh boi.
    - can sue shield skills with sigil equipped instead of a shield
    - for some reason sigil increases p.def
    - as usual bad descriptions, ex. on the shield

    Emergency maintenance when ? :D

    Sigil has always been applied to base PDef whereas a Shield only "applies" during a shield defense.


    Moving on......arguably the worst update ever? 

  11. 5 hours ago, TiredDorf said:

    How about Maestros and Evis 30% nerf? I main Maestro, lvl 109 already and our Spirit of Golem Skill was nerfed both in EU an KR lineage, but patch didnt mention these skills. Are these nerfs comming to NA?

    Most likely yes, it is getting "nerfed." 

    Within 3 levels of the target = no change

    4-6 level difference = less than 30% (decreases as level disparity increases).

    7 or more level difference = Will not work


  12. 3 minutes ago, Chymna said:

    Yes I know I am playing an MMORPG, this is not an excuse to be a crap on game. It is easy to come at last second and steal the pool with a full party inside.

    This is just : abuse.

    So if i read you iAndouille only those who pay have rights to play! Nice mind. 



    Incorrect; no one has a "right" to anything in L2.  However, some people have the ability to take what they want.  Yes, it can sting but, it's the nature of L2 and it always has been.

    Like I said earlier; you probably won't be able to hunt there in 2 weeks anyway so I wouldn't worry about it. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Slycutter said:

    It will change in next update but 106 - 107 evi's and maestro in exalted gear can get 150 - 175 trillion in 2 hours in SoS.  I get 85 - 95 trillion a day with runes in enchanted gear above exalted stats so i have an evi alt that is only in exalted gear with my old pve belt and kills quicker than I do.  People rather an evi in IT party or SoS party unless your 110 plus.  Gear is irrevelant for maestros and evis as long as they have someone to absorb or heal the damage.  I been playing this game for years and there was a time it was possible to be a high end archer without swiping my amex card to be one.  I was always in the top 10 for my class for hero when max level was 85.  When max level went to 99 i got there took a little longer but I created my own gear and made money to build my toon up.

    Please explain how you even make a bow for r110 now? Oh waits not possible the amount of ether you need alone for a 60% chance negates that nevermind chanes enchanting it or the billions to make it echanted, then bloody then finally limited.  The economy is shot I have tons of things that do not sell.  People are trading money for NcCoin items and selling adena.

    Nothing drops, I made a spoiler figuring maybe some stuff still spoiled not just crystal of soul which I was making money off of till that crashed with all these pay to play events.

    So without spending at least $1000 a month how do you make high end archer now? 

    They absolutely CANNOT do this.  Not even with full boost.

    1) Very minimum you need a small pit to make that kind of XP in SoS.  There are ZERO exalted toons hunting in any pits.  If there are any, they are alts or getting p-lvled.  Pits are a hot commodity right now with all of them being taken by strong chars.

    2) Outside of pits mobs only "spawn" in groups of 4.  Simply not enough mobs to make that kind of XP, even if you are 1-shotting them.

    3) It almost seems like you don't know how Evis/Maestro lethal skill works (I'm a 109 Maestro BTW).  It's 30% of remaining HP every time it procs; so diminishing returns.  At some point you have to finish the mob off with either Last Attack or Auto-Attacks.  In exalted gear.......

    Anyway; tired of arguing with you and, I have ZERO sympathy for all the FOTM archers who are QQing about a TEMP dragon weapon for less than 2 weeks.....

    • Like 2
  14. 8 hours ago, Slycutter said:

    What I am saying yes archer's scale better but to level an archer its painful to get those "high" scale levels.  Yes no is asking for evi's in Coal BS Beleth but no one is asking for archers for 105 - 110 either you mention low end high aoe areas.  Its hard for archers to get through the 105 - 110 grind because single target high damage above their level is where the evis and maestros shine.  Yes once I get to 110 - 111 maybe get a decent jewel or two it changes but unfortunately my damage is skill based with huge damage reductions on that for level.


    It's hard for EVERY class to get from 105-110 without investing a lot in their toon (or partying with someone who does).

    Sure an Evis/Maestro in exalted gear can level to 110 faster than an archer but it's still gonna literally take YEARS to do it so what does it matter?  You keep bringing up Evis/Maestro; perhaps you should just re-roll and then you'll see that they'll hit a wall like everything else without significant gear upgrades. 

    The point remains; returns on character investment for Yuls is superior to other classes and, it shouldn't be.  I'm sorry if low/mid grade archers only enjoy "some" of the benefits of this event; having said that, play your dual or re-roll if it's such a big deal.

  15. 4 hours ago, Slycutter said:

    I'm not a low geared archer and I have to pull every trick in the book to get B grade at 107 and I got highly plussed bloody bow with a clan belt level 2 so I am built for PvE.  I got lucky a few times and got a grade.  The only archers you talking about already have either blood weapons or dragon bows and insane capes etc.  I am talking a few trillion in gear that most will never see regardless of class.

    I have 105 Evi alt in exalted gear that i let go on a macro and easily get B/C grade without me having to actively play and with its Dragon weapon its get A and Sgrade at 105.  I cannot hunt at SoS at 107 but maestros and evis in my clan are getting 150 trillion + xp a day doing it.... So please tell me where the archer advantage is right now?  Evi's and Maestro are leveling faster than anyone else right now.

    I don't know what your setup is beyond a decent belt and Bloody bow (r99, r110?).  Do you have any Skill CD rings?  Are you +15 Dex?  What Circlet, hair acc, gems, artifacts, talismans, skill enchants, forg skills, etc do you have? 

    Also comparing Yuls to an Evis in a very specific situation is highly misleading.  Evis are the strongest single target class in game; no one disputes that.  Up to a certain point they probably are superior to a Yul as far as PvE goes but, even that can be argued.  I've never seen people shouting for an Evis for a Coal/BS/Beleth party; have you?

    As far as swamp goes; great, an Evis/Maestro can single target there.  I'm glad they can.  Having said that; my CP is 6 people with only 2 DDs (archers) and in a small pit each member is getting 100t a session with JUST vit from cakes (200t/day).  Why; AOE.......

    I think it's pretty much a given that archers scale way, WAY better than any other class in game.  Maybe at the lower end of the spectrum some classes can compete with them in some situations but as they advance they outpace everything. 

  16. 12 hours ago, BlackIce said:

    Please stop with the idiotic posts. A Stage 1 Dragon does NOT have the same damage as a Limited +15. If it did, no one would bother spending trillions of adena to make a Dragon weapon. It costs far, far less than that to make a +15 Limited.  If you are getting the same damage on a Dragon Stage 1 as a +15 Limited, then you should go figure out where you went wrong with your character build. You must be missing something.

    As for the rest of your post, this event lasts for only 14 days. After that melees will go back to Lineage Hell. I wouldn't talk crap to Yul's now, since for the rest of your time in L2 you will be eating their dung.

    It's not idiotic at all.  A +15 Limited Krishna is almost as good as THESE temporary stage 1 Dragon Bows.

    A +15 Krishna is going to have PvE Bonus, SS Bonus, and more Skill Crit Damage.

    Temp Dragon Bow is gonna have 50 more Element Attack, a lot more P.Attack, and more Skill Crit Chance.

    Perma Dragon Bows can be Augmented, SA'd (temp ones too but who is gonna waste time/adena on that) and are MUCH better in PvP.  That's why people pay Trillions for them.

  17. 21 minutes ago, CiberLord said:

    The most interesting thing about this event is that if I am an average yull like me, we will be able to fight to win a spot every 3 days, since all classes will have their dragon weapon every day except us, while so many yull really OP with the which they did the test they won't even ask for the weapon since they have better weapons

    For whatever reason the Korean Developers have skewed this game in favor of archers (Rim anyone).  I don't think any reasonable person would disagree with this.  This event is an attempt to temporarily mitigate that.  

    I suppose if I was an "average" Yul I might be a little salty.  However, I'll point out than an "average" Yul generally gains XP faster than any other class.  Having said that, it's not as if Archers aren't benefiting from this event.  You get the buff, you get the free Rose/Dandy/etc.

    If you really want to have a Dragon Weap for the next 2 weeks play your dual.  If you're a Yul/Yul I guess you are screwed but I have no sympathy for you.

    • Like 1
  18. It really depends on your class, your boost % and where you XP. 

    Just to give you an idea I am also 109 (Tyrr); I use a 200% rune but, only use Vit for Swamp of Screams with my CP.  I am getting about 5% a day at 109.  I only do Castilla, IT, and SoS; otherwise I am macro AFK.  A nuker/archer under same conditions could probably double that.  And, if you want to go big with full boost you could make 3x+ as much.


    • Thanks 1
  19. On 7/27/2020 at 1:29 AM, iAndouille said:


    This is the Setup i use on my Tyrr Dread to make the best Damage/Exp in Storm isle using a Very Big Spot.

    Showing how to pull and showing all the gears/skills/Passive + skills setup to maximize ur Tyrr Damage on skills. 

    (Using skills provide Over-Hit ---> more Exp)  This setup is very costly, but give an idea of the potential of a Tyrr Warrior in PVE 

    PS: Pause the video when im showing the items too quickly (if u want to note) :) 

    I would lose my mind if my inventory was that cluttered!!!!

    Other than that, well done and nice damage.  I've thought about trying Skill CD Build but I need to auto attack to proc my lethal skill :(

  20. 1 minute ago, Juji said:

    We have reported the issue to the Dev team for the 30-day version being given out instead of the permanent one. If you contact Customer Support, we will change it into the permanent version. The website will be updated shortly to reflect the same information.

    thx for quick reply

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