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Posts posted by Mete

  1. On 2/28/2024 at 12:21 PM, Valiriam said:

    You have the option to switch to the euro server! If the NA times are not good for you, just go play there!


    you do realize dethrone is at the same time for both servers, right?


    anyways, the playerbase covers something like 12 timezones, from the west coast of the states to the east of europe, it's impossible to find times that work for everybody, so they have come up with a compromise that doesn't really work for anybody. Unless Korea turns dethrone into a timed zone (which has it's own sets of disadvantages) there is no solution to this issue.

  2. cancer, taurus, aries, leo are the standard ones

    fifth is user choice, I hate flying ballz so my anakims sit in warehouses. I like skill reuse so I went greater pisces. Obviously if you can afford greater dragon etc, it's better

  3. you get exalted weapons when you finish the quest chain that brings you to 85

    if you didn't follow the quest chain (or if it's old character) just start over. 1-85 takes less than 30 minutes with a couple of bathroom breaks thrown in


    Ability points are the same as any skill based damage dealer. Left side of warrior is your target, use others to move on to next row.

    But if you plan to play a hiero as a main, I urge you to reconsider. You will need insane gear to progress (which means lots of real money) till you get to around 118 when people can party you for your buffs. It's an old game. If you want to play prophet, start a cheap damage dealer (like I dunno, Eviscerator if you like fighters or a Summoner) and use that to level your prophet. Yes there are better damage dealers (DK, New Dwarf etc) but the also need a substantial real money investment.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Teribeth said:
    • Virtual Items cannot be enhanced by any other means other than using Virtual Points within the Virtual Equipment System.

    This does not mean 0 element... it prolly has only a fixed amount like Paulina's or Exalted/Blessed, just closer to R110 Attribute levels. (not that I'm rushing to participate)

    They are 0 element. 0. In game not in theory.

  5. On 11/11/2023 at 5:14 AM, Equadym said:

    Not possible

    It is always better to create just one character per account

    not always, in late game, when collections start to accumulate it actually makes sense to have more than one character in you "main" account, to take advantage of them

  6. On 11/8/2023 at 12:06 PM, saneTempuS said:

    MAKE IT EASIER for everyone to understand.


    that's the whole reason you have to jump through two hoops. So that it's difficult for you to figure out how much real money you are spending when you are using ecoin. Yeah it's a trashy mobile game practice, but noone has ever accused ncsoft of being classy+

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  7. They don't drop in any solo hunting zones. Nothing except adena and the 4 basic mats, soul beads and (shiny) Aden Chestss drops in regular hunting zones.

    If you need Rune Stones you got to wait till you can kill in TOI or Dethrone. 

    You can use l2central for drops (technically it's made for eu/russian servers but it's mostly accurate for us too).

  8. @Rownen posted in discord that the reason they discontinued prestige specifically was inflation. Which in theory makes sense. Less adena generated, prices drop.

    But in practice it makes no sense cause a) they added a new prestige rune with the weekly pack (just a lot more expensive) and b) they know and we know that people have stockpiles of prestige runes. So all those without stockpiles of prestige will have to basically waste 1-2-3 years waiting for other people's prestige stockpiles to deplete and for prices to drop.

    Overall, to me, it just shows they don't play or understand the game. Mid gear - mid level people are royally screwed. I got to 122 with prestige and destiny. That's 4x exp, 3x adena, 3x drops, plus the complementary runes (damage, reuse etc).  Plus prestige allowed me to be in perma vitality where it counted. Which is another massive exp boost. A mid gear - mid level character will never ever compete with me, because catching up to me will take years without those boosts. Prices will not drop, prestige rune is still available. So mid gear will never upgrade, unless they give NCWest wads of cash to buy ecoin and sell that. Which IMO is the real reason they discontinued the packs. The inflation thing is just an excuse.  They discontinued the packs because if you can't farm ingame you have to buy ecoin, which is awesome for NCWest.

    If they cared about inflation prestige rune would not be sold again, period, and stockpiles of prestige would be traded for ecoin with a cuttoff.  Say trade your prestige packs to ecoin by 12/31 or lose them. And that's from someone that has over 2 years of prestige stocked.


    But overall it's insane they change the "rules of the game" overnight, and pretty much point those that aren't 120+ already to the door. They don't grasp people don't enjoy being disadvantaged in a competitive game.

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