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Everything posted by Mete

  1. We 've been asking for a wiki since the game launched. 18 years later ... I admire your persistence
  2. It's not 120, it's more as you level. Higher level mobs have a higher ether limit. But the purpose is precisely that, to control crafting. It takes 3 months of daily grinding to craft an R110 weapon, that's it you can't change it. Think of it as an anti-deflation policy, as if the game in this territory needed one.
  3. Unless I 've gone senile, Red Libra allows you to change armor from bloody to dark or vice versa (with a stone cost) but not weapons. Your options, sell bloody and start over going dark Go limited We 've been saying for a while that if you intend to go limited going dark first is the easiest option
  4. Doubt it. Paid and free events don't cross over. This is just a terrible event, you either gamble at NCSofts terrible odds by opening loot boxes, or you attempt to get an item (Keep in mind the jewels are NOT tradeable, nor can you crush them for god jewels) the cost of which is hidden behind multiple exchanges. To make people buy " a few more boxes" to attempt the craft. That is obscure mobile game levels of predatory If the cookie drop rate was 20% (it isn't, it's lower but to simplify) you need close to 1000 love boxes to get the cookies necessary to attempt to craft 1 exchange coupon, with a 10% chance of success. 1000 love boxes cost 80,000 Ncoin. 1000 dollars/euro depending on what currency you use. For a 10% chance to get a NON TRADEABLE jewel. You can literally buy a lifetime supply of the 30 day epic jewel pack for less money.
  5. Old stone = pskill crit damage 5%-15% New stone = pskill crit damage 10%-15% that's the difference on all the augment options. The new stones have the same "maximum" augments but higher "minimum"
  6. first of all, Bots are so 2007. We are all bots. We all set auto combat and go sleep, eat, to the gym, to the bar etc Secondly, I think the current event is insanely predatory. It hides the real cost of those untradeable jewels behind random drops from a gatcha box, which you then have to combine at a 10% success rate to get the jewel you want. And I feel terrible that a game I have enjoyed, and played on and off for 18 years has sunk THAT low. There's mobile joke games that haven't hit the bottom of that particular barrel yet, L2 has. Thirdly I think untradeable items make NCWest a monopoly in item supply. That means NCWest can decide that you need to spend 1000, 2000 or 20,000/month to play, because there is no other way to get the items you need. There is no market. There's just a monopoly supplier. And no I don't want that.
  7. Events like the last one (slayers) really hurt RMTs. Dragon weapons now cost 20% what they used to cost a month ago, RMT loses. The only ones that lose from untradeable items and silly predatory events like the current one are the players
  8. because if you were in game enchanting slayers you wouldn't appreciate a rollback
  9. Hardware id ban like I said a few posts up. No idea why they went there
  10. so if you can login from a different computer that means they have banned hardware ids wtf are they doing
  11. Friend changed IP, still IP banned. On an account that hasn't logged in since the summer (so it's not an account ban) Talk to your network people, they have ip blocked whole ip chains
  12. it affects lots of people, not just you https://imgur.com/a/AfyC9Hs
  13. people from outside the US are reporting an error, IP or account banned
  14. By the way, minor point, but ... servers are down. The pop up says they are down for maintenance
  15. wild guess, buy boxes for chance to get pots and a special item combine special items and exchange for dragon augment stones (hence the -50% cost of augmentation)
  16. What we need is an agathion charm event, we haven't had one in ages. We had cloaks back in september, enough, everybody has cloaks by now, what cloaks need is stable enchants, that's all
  17. Well, sure they are" necessary", but the fact they are the only ones you can't craft (or seal into a jewelry box as you say) should have pointed you in the direction of the answer
  18. because they want these to be cash shop exclusive items and only tradeable once you have invested enough to make them lvl 5
  19. Compare your old SAs with the SAs of your DW. and if your old weapon was bloody/limited, you 're losing 15% pve damage
  20. heavy punch doesn't work on mobs that have lethal resist, and it's not just toi. That's why most evis after 105 switch to the 105 buff that changes heavy punch to 5x damage
  21. Dk doesn't have light mastery, so you are loosing a lot of pdef/hp and resistances if you go light. Some people go light because of the set bonuses, personally I think it doesn't makes a huge difference
  22. Heavy Armor - P Skill crit damage build. As to dyes, I would start with STR then move on to legendaries (+5STR +5DEX pskill power/crit damage/pattack) AP is the same as any pcrit damage char. Craft Focus/DW/ Battle/Fire/Skill reduction
  23. yeah don't do that it's tyrr/tank hybrid that does damage. So max out your damage. Take pskill crit rate/dmage AP and items, and find the highest enchanted sword you can find. Dragon weapon works. You want high pattack cause skill power on DK is a factor of pattack. From there you can easily solo all the way to endgame. And I am not joking, with items obviously, a 114 DK can solo fafu. Nobody else, not even the highest of stacked archers can do that at 114. Only downside, your aoes flag you . Upside of that is if geared you gainpvps as you level afk.
  24. You 'll see a huge difference in Toi and Fafu, extra 499 element makes a huge difference. Personally I do with a stage 2. But like I said, my setup is adjusted to the weapon. And with regards to the event, I knew stage 1 was useless to me so I adjusted how I approached the event aiming at a stage 2 and +10 armor. With selling/trades I got both, and a couple of trillion profit having invested about 100 euro. I call it a win.
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