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Everything posted by Mete

  1. For most classes Limited Krishna +18 and above is superior to dragon stage one. Exception being eviscerators and death knights. Where dragon weapons count is when they break the element cap. Stage 2 and above Also most dragon weapons require subtle changes in your character's setup to counter the missing SAs from Krishna
  2. So much whining. It's a free event, if you don't like it, don't participate. Beyond that, if thousands of people do venirs to get 80 event items/day, OBVIOUSLY there's gonna be a lot of competition. Ultimately, it's just a free lottery you get free raffles for.
  3. I have been aware of it for close to a yeah and half.
  4. He is basically telling you it only works on auto-attacks. Not skills. So any mage will not benefit from it for example, cause they don't have autoattacks.
  5. 1AM Cet was the end of the event, it never opened. It said "preparing" until the new items for day 2 populated.
  6. I am not aware of any limit, but don't imagine they drop like candy. I got like 6 of them doing PI (aside from quest ones)
  7. I did 2 4800 packs (you need the giants scrolls). I go up to +15 with ~102 luck, past +15 I go church for 112 luck total (obviously with red enchant homu up) 50 slayers, get as many as go to +15 then hit them with giants. Sell the +16s/claws anything over that hit with giants again. I 've made a +10 set for myself and sold another for 1.2 tril. A few (more than 10) claws, 1 stage 2 for myself, a few level 5 jewels that sold through AH, and 2 stage 1s for sale. With the profits from the +16s/claws I buy scrolls and go again. 1 claw sold at 90 billion ("cheap") I can buy ~ 1200 enchant scrolls and start over.
  8. The event, after an initial investment, is pretty much self sustaining. That's what's good about it. It basically transfers much ingame wealth Obviously if they ninja nerf it it will cease being self sustaining, and people will not participate.
  9. 18% chance means every time you click you roughly have 1 chance to succeed and 4 chances to fail. And there is no "memory" in the system, each click is unique. You can click 1000 times and fail every time, you can click once and succeed. That's a general point, and I am just making it because most people don't understand probability. There is no mathematical reason for you to definitely succeed if you try 5-10 or 20 times just because it says 18% chance. If you look at it rationally, the odds are stacked heavily against you. Now, the bright side is people have wasted hundreds of Gem Energies trying to upgrade jewels, that's why they are so expensive in the market, you just wasted ether. But as a general rule of thumb, gem energies are he better way to go. To get those 20 lvl 3 rubies, you definitely "lost" many lvl1 and lvl 2s
  10. all your stats that are affected by the shirt are changing, so I think it's far more likely you dragged the wrong shirt to the shortcut bar, than some major ncwest conspirancy to ruin your enchanting
  11. the answer is none eviscerator can probably go longer with minimal gear, but don't expect to farm anything much, somewhere around 110 where real farming starts, exalted is not enough. Not enough damage dealt, too much damage taken. Heck I doubt you go much further than ivory crater in exalted gear, you definitely can't stay alive in alligator or tanor. So if you 're willing to stay in Ivory crater for a couple of years and get to 110 the question that follows is how will you make money to pay for consumables? Cause the adena you will farm will not be enough. if you can get a constant party maybe a SwS can stay in exalted indefinitely, but solo pve requires gear, there are no shortcuts
  12. with the exception of bows and possibly cutters (Death Knights), stage ones will be in the 500 bill range the way the event is going. On Chronos they are already selling stage 1s for under that.
  13. 2x4800 packs -> +10 Krishna Limited Armor, Lindvior Dual Dagger Stg 1 and a couple of lvl 5 jewels for the AH. Still have enchants + giants left. Luc 112 after +15 do not, I repeat, do not open packs. Either enchant or sell them
  14. The event is actually good for the economy. We need high end weapons, this event injects them into the economy. Prices for those items (Dragon Weps, Claws etc) have already started fallen, which is what players have been asking for years. As to the whining, this game went P2W 10 years ago, if it still hasn't sunk in I don't know how to help you
  15. nope, that's not how collection works. The item disappears, you don't have proof of legend anymore, the description states the max you can get (5% aka 3%+2%) IF you add it to collection
  16. red libra will happen again in March-April, like it always does, near the anniversary and the new update. Quit asking for one every other week
  17. opening loot boxes in the current event is a major fail Yes they need to do an event where Elcyum, Crystal of Dawn, Bloody/Dark stones etc can be obtained easily and cheaply, but trying to get CoD off the current event is a major fail. If you don't like enchanting and the rewards that gives, you 're better off selling the boxes at 600m+ and buying CoD with the money than opening the boxes. @JujiWhen are you going to tell us what those Aegis weapons are, upgrade paths, stats etc ... seriously can't take 3 days to copy/paste a table
  18. in a universe where 3+2 = 15, sure
  19. luck is mostly items. Not the 4 extra baseline luck spoiler dorfs have. Nobody gets to 110+ luck by just being the right class, the bulk of it is items and pots
  20. Don't, my DK was doing S grades at 115 Kama at 111 level DKs got boosted in the event cause they are in theory supports, even though they deal more damage than many DDs
  21. the whole economy is borked not just individual items. There's no Elcyum in the Economy, so everybody got a +12 weapon they can't upgrade, unless they spend two years fishing with a fancy rod (If memory serves, I used to make about 1 elcyum/week with a fancy rod). Then mid level players (112-116) that are supposed to spend money and inject items in the Economy are not spending, because they got bored of spending 100s of dollars and getting pots. End gamers, who basically went through the process of spending to progress and want to basically self sustain, are stockpiling adena, which inevitably (since there is nothing to spend that adena on) leads to inflation. What the servers need is cheap events that will inject large quantities of items into the server economies, and big adena sinks to wipe out the stockpiles of adena that exist, What the servers will get will be more random spend 500 bucks and get pots events.
  22. No AFAIK ... the gear is in the same box as you cloak, if you 've opened that, no you cant. I was told if you reset (mean start your dual class again at 85) you get a new box, with a new cloak and the gear inside, but not entirely sure it's worth it. Options, buy what you need in the market, or spend the 20 bucks on the blessed exalted pack that includes a mediocre weapon coupon, somewhere between paulina and exalted weapon
  23. When they barely log in to the forum to answer simple questions, you seriously think they will give up their holiday to log in to the game to give you buffs? Historically, the events that start mid december go on until the 2nd week of January and that's it. They usually do a store promotion/sale of special "packs" that change every year on the maintenance before New Year's
  24. Go to any Head Blacksmith in any town with your bow in your inventory, choose the upgrade equipment dialogue option and it will tell you what you need. A bucketload of Elcyum and some Adena. Oh and you will get a +13 R110 Bow in the end
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