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Everything posted by Mete

  1. I 'm pretty sure if you open the mail then you can delete it, it's been this way since forever
  2. Long term you have 2 options 1) buy emperor's pots. From players or the l2 store. Which is an expensive hobby or 2) create a second account, create an iss hierophant (most common buffer type), and play in party with your iss upside of option 1) is you maximize your exp, because you are not sharing it with a second character. Upside of option 2) is you have almost free buffs (there is a small amount of spirit ore you will need for a couple of buffs), forever
  3. that's patently false. It's basic economics 101 , excess supply of currency creates inflation, it's not even up to discussion. https://www.economicshelp.org/blog/111/inflation/money-supply-inflation/#:~:text=Increasing the money supply faster,firms to put up prices. If it was just a supply problem, then dumb shit like crystals r grade wouldn't have gone up 50%, that's purely people having too much money and not caring how much they soulshots cost.
  4. DK does well because it's a DD that receives the boosted points because technically it's not (Siegel Class) That damn class is completely broken
  5. This game was designed to generate progress through grinding. When they went F2P and decided to hide everything behind the cash shop, the core of this game broke. There is no "fix". Think about it. You have a grinder of a game, with no rewards. You keep your computer on 24/7 for months, and what's at the end of it? Zilch, just the opportunity to let NCWest raid your wallet, so you get some items, that you use to self soothe while you keep your computer on 24/7 for another 6 months. A band aid would be an Einhasad shop, mostly to generate a consistent supply of items, and put an upper limit on prices. That would make the game semi playable for the majority of the population. Cause right now, all they have to look forward to is quitting, there's no point grinding to 118 if you can't buy anything you need (or generate it ingame). But NCWest a) has no intention of bringing an Einhasad shop, and b) has every intention of bleeding its customers dry. From that you get Naia, where people pretty much refuse to spend thousands of dollars a month in this game, so the server is borked. All item generation is locked up, ingame means of generating items (like the old "epic" raids, dragons etc) were destroyed because now a signle char can 3 shot all the dragons we used to need 200 people to raid, so it's easy for 3-4-5-10 people to hoard all the items. Inflation is irrelevant when there's nothing to buy. Chronos has more spenders, and semi functions. I laugh at people that think it's amazing NCWest gave them free pots. Seriously
  6. nope, those are event items. I think last (and final) time they run a fishing event was 2-3 years ago.
  7. They don't give BR, it was the same in the previous run of this event
  8. the word temporary. They are temporary lvl 10 jewels.
  9. I know what an exp event is. We 're not getting one. They did non stop exp events last year, none this year. But you pretty much get perma 200% exp, which aint bad. And no it's not the same as Freya, freya needs vitality, this doesnt
  10. +200% xp buff, of which as a dread you 'll probably gather thousands a day, isn't an exp event?
  11. there is an exp event. Go read the description of the regular dishes for the matchstick event
  12. buy pack till you get 3 of each of lvl 1 abundance talismans ( war, tactics, physique, morale) go to mammon merchant, buy talisman option, exchange those 12 for the 4 lvl 2 talismans ( Hunter, Slaughterer, Conquerer, Outlaw you need one of each). Go to craft, Support Equipment, Talismans, Craft Mark of Abundance using 4 lvl2 talismans (100% craft) buy High Grade Abundance Lv 1 recipe from L2Store, go back to craft, support equipment, talismans, attempt to craft High Grade Lvl 1. 25% chance, if fail, start all over.
  13. Current event, 5-6 mentees doing castilla every day for 2 weeks = 5-6 HEWRS = +12 Weapon.
  14. Having a +12 weapon you didn't have yesterday isn't staying in the same spot. Kill mobs, you also go free pots and there's probably an exp event coming, ffish for elcyum, or wait for an event.
  15. Pretty sure that was a Dethrone launch event, doubt it will be back
  16. Times are a compromise. And as all compromises, it's impossible to make everybody happy. West Coast has events in the middle of lunch, Europe has dethrone at 5AM. Deal with it.
  17. did you actually play in the beta? The reward is for helping them test (beta) not signing up
  18. You guys need to take some steps to fix the economy. Events are awesome, but with the ingame economy broken like it is there will be noone left to enjoy them.
  19. The event will end next week, things will be back to normal
  20. The way the market is right now, I doubt there's enough Elcyum on both servers to upgrade 1 +15 R99 to R110
  21. That would require "management" to care about the health of the servers. If they did, they would have taken steps to fix the economy they broke months ago. Right now ... what's the point? Idiots are happy they got a +12 weapon, until they realize they have to fish for about a year non stop to make it enchanted, and another couple of years to make it bloody. Other territories, boxes run around with Dragon weapons. Over in NA, it 'd be an achievement to have a bloody weapon on your main by the time you're 115.
  22. I wasn't responding to you ... there was a post, that has now disappeared, that claimed they had participated in the beta and didn't get an email with the code for the rune, that's who I replied to
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