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Everything posted by Mete

  1. asking them to change game mechanics is futile, the only change they 've ever made was "special for NA only" nerfs to "combat bots (allegedly)". Beyond that, they can't do much unless Koreans want a change and it's implemented in Korea.
  2. If you posted in the right forum section (Aden) perhaps they would reply. But ... Oly is a compromise time for the 2 servers. It has to happen at the same time. So if you live at the extremes of the time zones for NA/Europe [too west or too east], you will suffer. For you Oly is too early, for people in eastern europe it's at midnight on workdays. live with it.
  3. There's plenty wrong ... you are basically perpetuating a failed economic model. All they do is introduce hyper inflation, via adena to those that can pretty much farm infinite adena, then force you to buy more and more and more ncoin just to keep up. We 've gotten to the point a newbie has to spend a couple of grand just so they grind to 110. What next? 5 grand to 110? 10 grand? I realize it's an old game and all that jazz, but it's insane expecting someone that wants to start playing to "invest" a couple of grand just so they can progress.
  4. There is nothing to "fix". All regions got an update over a year ago that set that quest reward to 10T. The website you are quoting is just wrong. The 20T you got for 3 weeks was an event
  5. Here in the West, in 2007, we played Interlude and a little bit Kamael (it launched in December 2007). Dual classes didn't exist. You had your main class, and if you completed the subclass quest (Toi Raid bosses, Baium Blood) you could add a subclass. If that subclass reached level 75 you could become noblesse and add a second subclass, and if that reached 75 you could add a third. You could switch between your main class and any of your subclasses by talking to the relevant Master in town. Main class and subclasses could go up to the level limit (78) Dual class was added in Goddess of Destruction, in 2011, with awakening and the new level limit (99). Dual class was the only one of your subclasses that could level to 99. And that's when the button to switch to dual/any subclass on the fly was added on your character status screen. The "original" lineage 2, meaning C1, had a level limit of 75 and no subclasses. Subclasses were added in C3
  6. I 'm not gonna watch. I am certain you got 3-4 dragon weapons, at least one level 2 and 20 claws.
  7. Dual Class Reawakening Speak to Elder Green to reawakened your Dual Class. The required items to use this option are: Your Dual Class Cloak 300,000,000 Adena Do note that enchanted skills will be removed and will not be refunded after the Dual Class is changed. Forgotten Skills will not be affected by the reawakening.
  8. So ... red libra is coming tomorrow after all https://www.lineage2.com/news/autumn-red-libra
  9. Baium was awesome (unless you were a newbie doing the subclass quest). So much pvp back in the day ... Current raid bosses ... blank
  10. The general consensus is it's coming to the Live servers sometime near the end of 2021, possibly November. For more details, paging @Draecke
  11. the damage difference will come (assuming you are over 110) from the extra 150 element R110 allows, not the pattack difference. Now whether that damage difference is worth 23 billion ... no clue. But you definitely can't stay forever on R99 ps keep in mind, with current dark stone shortage, it will be difficult to go Limited from Bloody ( you will need 30 dark stones which are impossible to find). So perhaps you might do the math on buying an enchanted clean R110 bow, going dark -> limited then selling the r99 and switching to the R110. Obviously the cost for that would be considerably more than 23billion.
  12. Everything has a bid/offer spread, even einhasad coins if they existed would have one. As far as I remember, if giran is light, grocery sells for 1.380.000 and buys for 1.280. 000.So about a 7% loss ... figure 35billion loss if you buy a 1.5 trillion item split 1trill cash-500b gems.
  13. Mete

    Evis bild

    there is no big secret, just boost pattack and pattack crit. ... from what you have you need incremental upgrades. Jewels would be first (greater ruby, greater rce etc), elmore (+10 -+15), pve belt Forgotten power skills? etc
  14. you can use gem r to trade, as a placeholder for adena. Obviously you will lose *some* money (you buy gem r slightly more expensive than what the other person can npc them for) but it's safer than doing multiple trades etc.
  15. hyper-inflation is normal, and IMO what they wanted to achieve. You have to have failed every economics course known to man to not understand that if you introduce "money" into an economy (ie adena via the current hey go to farm IOS you 'll get more adena event, and here's cheap passes so you can farm longer) while supply of things people can spend this money is limited, the result is hyperinflation. If I was a suspucious type of person, I 'd say the only reason they injected "money" into the economy, is so they can drum up interest (ie sales) for the next gamble event, via the tried and trusted high levels sell adena and buy ncoin route. People have too much adena, and nothing to do with it, might as well gamble
  16. Where you put in you username/password You select Region -> North America It's counter intuitive, some people think they need to select the region they live in
  17. Mete

    Fancy Rod

    fish for a day with a normal rod. Figure out how much adena you make. Multiply by 6 (fancy rod = 20 second fishing)
  18. If you chose the wrong server to play on then that's 100% your fault. Orc fortress is at 8 pm server time on each server, which is prime time for their respective timezones, and no they won't add more times to help people that chose to play outside of their timezone
  19. All versions of the game boil down to the same thing, if you can't pay then playing would be frustrating. Classic is also a failed, pretty much abandoned, concept, on top of that.
  20. It was briefly on steam way back when you actually had to buy a cd key to create an account. At some point it was impossible to find the game in brick and mortar shops, and ncwest didn't really have "sales/billing" (you just used timecards) ...they put the game on steam back then. I think 2007? But it didn't last very long
  21. You can get to 105 relatively easily, even playing casually. From there you can decide if you get enjoyment out of wacking mobs casually alone for months or not. But 105 is a roadblock, you can't really expect to progress much from there playing casually and free. Even if you autohunt 24/7 it will take you more than a month to get to 106. But realize you will be alone, you won't find parties (except maybe with people leveling their mentees in Coal Mines), sooner or later once the free soul/spiritshots the game gives run out you won't be making enough money by killing mobs to buy soul/spiritshots etc. PS auto hunting is a help, don't view it negatively. Once you create your character it will take you 30-40 minutes to get to level 85, following the quest. At that point you will get a 7 day vitality rune. Auto hunting helps you take maximum advantage of that, heck during exp events it's possible to 105 your main and dualclass in these 7 days. And no, there is no "content" before 107 really, so there's no point for you to linger at lower levels.
  22. It disappeared from my steam account years ago, before GoD. Even though 2 accounts were actually purchased through steam.
  23. which is why it's a compromise. If you live at the "extremes" of the time zones (GMT-7/8 in the states or GMT+3/4 in Europe) olympiad will be difficult.
  24. Well if you bothered to read instead of keyboard mashing, you 'd understand olympiad is cross server. It happens at the same time on both servers. So they need a "compromise time" that gives neither server an advantage. 4pm local time for the one server and 10pm local time for the other seems like a decent compromise. You can argue 5pm or 6pm is better for YOU but by the same token someone from the other server will argue Olympiad at 11 pm or midnight on a weeknight is insane. Has nothing to do with Brazilians on your server. Has everything to do with fact there 2 servers separated by 6 timezones.
  25. That's not how currency works. 8.5 Eur = 10 Usd = 53 Brazilian Real. With those prices, everybody pays the same. Except in reality European customers get slightly shafted, and pay 15% more The fact Brazil is poorer and 10 USD is a bigger slice of people's income than it is for a European or a North American is completely irrelevant. And no "fair" wouldn't be charging you 10 Real ... that's silly. An iphone costs say 1200 USD in North America, do you expect it to cost 1200 real in Brazil? The equivalent to what the op is complaining about would be if NCWest charged you 64 Brazilian Real to buy 10 USD worth of NCoins, that's what they are doing to Europeans.
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