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Everything posted by Mete

  1. Ask support. What I know is they block account creation when you make too many accounts, to stop bots/farmers
  2. On live, (I say that cause I suspect this is an Aden question), in party, the party leader controls distribution. Adena is distributed evenly and drops can be set to go random, by turn etc. If it's 2 people not in party hitting one mob, whoever does most damage gets the drops and adena, whoever gets last hit gets the quest item (for example exalted quests etc)
  3. you can create a macro (assuming you play on live) put it on skill bar and right click it. That will execute whatever skills are included in the macro, in the order they are included, accounting obviously for reuse. You can't control when each skill gets cast, that would be a bot that does that.
  4. EU in terms of population is a dead server, but they have more items than naia and chronos combined. Go look at their AH/Shops, then go look at Naia/Chronos. The problem is what's been identified 100 times. There's 3 tiers of players. Farmers (that can be endgame players) that spend 0 on ncoin and buy everything with adena. Mid-Tier players pumping real money into the game, hoping to one day get to Tier1 (ie no longer having to pump real money into the game and be self sufficient with the adena they farm ingame) and F2P players that are irrelevant. NCSoft's inability to attract new players to this game (because that's the "natural" progression, you start, you pay your "dues" you move up) means they need Tier2 players to remain Tier2 players, so they keep pumping money in. They are the only source of income for this game. Hence the joke enchant rates, the "here's another chance to do the same thing with terrible odds" events, those are just ways to keep people stagnant and spending. As is NCWest's obsessive refusal to add the coin store items etc. Obviously the downside to that strategy is people get frustrated and just quit. Case in point, a friend said funk it I will participate in the cloak event, against my advice. Bought 60 enchants, ended up with a +3 cloak. Deleted the character, with the cloak, uninstalled the game and moved on. Because effectively, "playing" this game is basically you betting against the casino, at odds the casino sets and doesn't divulge. And no, it's not "The same everywhere". In the EU cloaks where only just offered this summer. But now you can buy/enchant them at your own pace, cloaks and enchants are in the coin shop. Over here you kinda know there's gonna be 2 cloak events every year, so when one comes around you gotta break the bank to get what you want, else you gotta wait 6 months. And if you got a +15 you don't get the stable scrolls to progress further, so either risk going back down to single digits, or just stay where you are. It's just a sketchy way (scarcity) to force players to spend. Instead of cloaks, replace with jewels, artifacts etc.
  5. It will end in 1 hour and 45 minutes from the time of this post. Do your own math to convert it to your timezone ffs
  6. Mete

    PK drop

    people that are incapable of reading patch notes, can't even find the right section of the forum to ask their question. Quelle Surprise. ps in Aden when you die in PVP some items may "drop", whether you are red or not, and no these can't be picked up. But you have to pay to use them again. YES whether you are red or not. Yes while you are killing mobs someone can come kill you, and there's a chance you will lose items and have to pay to get them back. Item loss due to karma does not exist anymore.
  7. Have the party leader run an invite macro for the people you want in party Inviting every person on your friendlist or clan to party would be annoying
  8. Yeah, that's the only sane (within this insane system they have in place) path to follow. Buy item, check if it has been restored, if yes wait 3 months before doing anything. In an ideal world items not eligible for restauration would have a tooltip indicating their status.
  9. Don't you people even bother to read the patch notes before creating your character? Yes this is a feature of Aden (Essence). Lose in PvP or get PKed you suffer 2 penalties. You loose exp, and you loose an item. Both can be recovered by adena (and if you recover by paying in adena the player that killed you gets a portion of the adena you paid) or l2coin in which case the player that killed you gets nothing. And yes this is a feature of this version of the game that is not getting removed. https://www.lineage2.com/news/aden-launch-patch-notes scroll down to "Death and Item Penalty"
  10. that's just silly. It's the equivalent of apple made enough money selling iphones, yipee, free iphones for everyone
  11. That's exactly how this version of L2 has worked everywhere. Someone gets to near endgame first, and pks all the map. Mak your own side, fight them or emoquit. GMs can't (and will not) help you, PK is part of the game.
  12. Mystery solved (cause servers are up) The back to school sale is vitality items and recharge stones
  13. macros work fine, like they worked years ago. You click the macro, it executes the skills/commands. They CANT be autoexecuted if that's your problem, and that's by design. They don't want you to run full parties on macros.
  14. open the clan tab, click clan entry then register clan then select public I have no clue if a lvl1 clan can be public, but if it can that's where it's at
  15. I don't disagree, except the game version of "rolling the dice" is a random number generator, and even if we ignore any possible affinity, the odds of generating a number between 1 and 100 100 times and never getting a number between 96-100 (5% success window) are different than a 6 sided dice, and different again if the rng generates numbers between 1 and 1000 (with a 50 number success window). WHat I am trying to say is, the dice was an example, if you redo the math with random numbers between 1-1000 (which is more realistic than the dice) and calculate the odds of doing 5-10-100 "rolls" and never landing in the 50 number "win" window will scare you. Anyways, personally like I said in another thread I view these scrolls as ncwest selling me a click of a button that has a 95% chance of doing nothing, and charging me between 15 and 20 euro per click. I find that insulting and I refuse to buy these scrolls from the ncoin store, I bought whatever cheap scrolls I found ingame, end of story.
  16. Legendary scrolls, if you do the math, are a total rip off. You are paying between 15 and 20 euro (or USD) per scroll, and each scroll has a 95% chance of failing. Personally I bought all the legendary scrolls I could ingame, paying between 600 (a few) and 750 (most) million per scroll. Obviously from people who bought them with hero coins. I 'd feel like a total idiot if I was paying 20 euro per click of a button with a 95% chance of failing.
  17. it's a roll of a dice. each roll has a 1 in 6 chance of coming up with a 6. But it doesn't mean that if you roll the dice 6 times you will definitely get a 6. You might have to roll the dice 50 times to get a 6, you might get it on the first roll. Doesn't change the fact each roll has a 1 in 6 chance of coming up a 6 ps the legendary exchange has a 5% chance of delivering what you want, if I remember correctly.
  18. on live you get kicked out if you 've been dead for an hour, I am pretty sure the same applies to Aden All servers have a maximum capacity. Makes no difference if you 're latin, asian, european or from the planet zorg, once that capacity is reached there is a queue to get in. Basically people have to log out for you to login. Think of it as a bus. If the bus has 20 seats and space for 30 standing, the 51st person will have to wait for someone to get off the bus so they can get in.
  19. There are Legendary scrolls (which you use at Dimensional Merchant to gamble with a 5%chance to change your cloak from "normal" to legendary. These cost 12000 ncoin for 10 or 50 hero coin for 1 (although at Naia I picked up 15 for less than 750 mil each which suggests to me there isn't much interest in them) Then once your cloak becomes legendary, you need to buylegendary enchant scrolls for it to enchant it, which are the other 2 packs you circled. tl;dr the top 2 and the bottom one are different items
  20. you know what that fella Einstein said about stupidity ...
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