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Posts posted by Mete

  1. I will be honest. 

    All these "give us an ingame store" posts that keep popping up remind me of all those idiotic "make this game f2p, it's too expensive paying $45/month for my main/buffer/bd" posts that kept creeping up 11 years ago.

    PS inflated ingame item prices are an incentive for you to spend more rl money to get these "rare" items. That's the NCWest model. It aint gonna change

    PS2 The content is what it is. THere's no difference in the content here or in other territories. All NCWest can do is nerf what's there (make mobs stronger/make adena drops less) to make you spend more rl money to progress.

    PS3 If you don't see a pattern there ...

  2. 3 hours ago, Sharlanna said:

    People are already frustrated with the Aden servers. Read through the posts there. I give them 30 days or less. They'll be back. Suckers! LOL

    The people that whine about Aden are idiots. Everybody knew Aden was going to be p2w to the max, we had experience from the Essence servers 4game runs. If they failed to do their due diligence it's their own damn fault.

  3. 58 minutes ago, SibuLeoDoG said:

    Well , what i wish to say is..i spent a lot lot more money on ncoins and buying my stuffs and my gear..i can barely survive and grinding..

    I have seen most people are still agree with this kinds of drops and the hardway of this game . Well ask yourself , what you wish to find inside this game? happiness or sadness? after you spent so much money to bought ncoins and you found that opening boxes, drops does not satified you as a player? Good geared decides everything? I invested more than 3K USD..but still it gives so shit...

    C'mon, this is Covid-19 , every country hurts and we forced to stay inside home and spent money...well, I trying to get my happiness and what is undone 12 years ago , i do it all in current year..all came true..but still.. i have played from november 2020 until now.. august 2021....Only Red libra event gives something.or tiny happiness..after that....it turned all the way from my truly happiness to Nearly Apocalyse day of Lineage2..

    I spent on prestige pack , destiny pack but life is too hard as a othell..because othell classes...has to do it solo all the way...and i cant go party or relying on other people connection to make full party all the way to do Farming.

    The only time when i get connected to other people is from dailies 105 ..after that i have to do all 

    Fields of crisis

    Storm isle

    Primeval isle

    Alone , just  wanted to get good drops...but..the reality always gives shit on me..

    I have tried prestige pack with destiny pack 400% drop rates , most of the day as othell classes..i get 6 scrolls..per day, bad times of the day was 2 or none..in primeval isle.

    Storm isle? 40 millions adena after bought prestige pack and with iss dominator buffs out of party per one hour entry of storm isle

    Field of crisis? i get 30-40 boxes maximum..every one hour entry..and it gives shit..most of the day...one month maximum i can get is 2 forgotten chapter 1 or artifact crystal 2 in each month.

    Here is my set,

    Blessed exalted light armor +10

    angel ring+6

    Blessed exalted ring crit damage

    Talisman of insanity

    Talisman protection 6

    Rulers authority stage 2

    elmore cloak+2

    Anakim agation

    +12 enchanted dual dagger R110

    +20% p.skill crit damage augment

    1x soul crystal 10 and 1x kain soul crystal 5 , Fire and death 

    Wind 450

    Blessed atlas earing vital

    Top grade kaliel bracelet +5

    Radiant circlet of authority +5

    Artifact lv 2 with  2/3 slots of artifacts filled


    Have i not invested enough? what do i get?

    less than 5 billion adena from event

    Opening chest like casino? ended out nothing but just exp items like deton potions, shining and bla bla bla...silenite? Best i 've got is sayha blessing..other than that is all JUNK

    Elmore cloak enchanting? spent more than 20000 ncoins but ended out +2 elmore cloak? joke of the year..cant even past +10 and boom!

    Lara event? 7 toon but ended up ..total profit less than 5 billion adena

    Selling chest? 1 ncoins = 4.67 m? this is so shit...fail investment

    Have i not tried hard enough? 

    Let's talk about side income, i running storm isle with 1 billion adena profit or 2 billion adena profit per day..and all went to enchanting skills items and so on..and all went poop... and this is the only time i am happy..while i can help other players EXP and get myself some adena but i cant do it everyday due to lack of stamina during EXP event.


    Well, things is supposely to be simple..This game should be making Win Win situation..but currently is not...people was hoping Investing gear or time on lineage2 and ncoins wanted to get paid for game currency..and that is Good Drops which is the only reason for attracting players to play this game.

    Let 's say i am investing more than 100 billion adena, cant i get paid of 10 billion adena at least from this game ?

    This is what players are thinking...This is what a good entrepreneur will think...

    And we talk about opening chest?

    It is like last hope that i can do...but after tried 3x of 4000 ncoins...puh...that  was too hard for asians like me...i get less than 10 billion adena return after selling all stuffs by opening chest!

    Everytime what i 've see for every event  that launched for chest>>>>

    According to my experiences, i wont scroll from Top rewards,

    i will use my mouse to scroll from bottom of bad rewards until Best reward which gives Dragon Weapons.

    In conclusions, This is what i think>> Never ever investing chest if the Worst rewards is not what i wanted..because i wont think of getting dragon weapons..unless i have a 3K USD to spend...

    I believed this is what most of players think, bad events , everytime if a new event comes out...NCSOFT doing it again and again...

    Well  I get sicked all of this torturing..because for the current covid-19 diseases..i dont have 3k USD to spend! just because previously i 've already spent a lot!

    I believed not all person can manage to reach to lv 110..and it is very hard for newbie to play lineage2 without investing ncoins and do it like marathon Running man.

    I geared myself so that i can go party instance just like imperial tomb dailies or 105 dailies..although i am new..but i can barely live..but how about others whom are weak than me? Do they survived? a lot went missing...

    Dailies  105 are much harder to finish it......


    WE ARE EXPECTING A BETTER DROPS! BUT NOT 1% DROPS! PLEASE Respect Othell Classes! Please Respect Single target and try to cover the weakness from Good Drops or enchanting rates..or any method.. How am i going to get 100 billion adena of Returning ? That is nearly a Myth!




    I am sorry to say this, but you invested very poorly. Your gear doesn't reflect  the money you spent.

    For reference, never ever open "random loot" boxes, whatever they call them every month, from ncoin store, unless you are rich enough in game to buy them with adena. When these events happen, look around and see how much buy shops are buying the loot boxes for, to figure out the ncoin-> adena exchange rate. If the rate is favorable, buy and sell the boxes, NEVER gamble on opening them. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Vhaldemar said:

    Thanks for your good and informative reply Connex. I've seen you posting a lot on these forums and even I don't always agree with you, I still think you're one the best content providers around.

    I've been playing Lineage 2 from the open beta (Sieghardt) so I've seen the ups and downs. What I just was trying to say it's been 17 years. So maybe, just maybe even the drops could be better instead of going worse and worse all the time?
    I've never used bots, bought adena or used any illegal ways to gain advantage on the game and I've never been in the top clans. I'm not even looking to be a best dd, but I would still love to see my character progress forward without paying thousand of dollars. I think some of the oldies on the servers would also like to see some new people joining the raids / sieges from time to time, but maybe I'm wrong.

    I first believed its all NCSoft's fault that the drops here in NA servers are bad, but I'm beginning to think it's because most of the people here are ok with it. Even the miserable incident with the last dragon slayer event didn't bother many people.  Or maybe it did and they just quit playing. There have been less and less players on the servers every month since I came back.

    Most people aren't annoyed by the lack of drops, because most understood, not now, the day F2P was announced, that this is where the game was heading. It's an old game, which to be 100% honest NCWest has managed very badly since the days it was P2P, and as interest in it wanes, the more each remaining individual would have to pay to play, even though the sign at the door says free. We live in the real world. If this game was completely free, then how would the employees get paid? In hugs? Revenue has to be generated. People that demand to be able to play completely free, frankly, scare me with their failure to grasp that basic principle. And their expectation for others to subsidize their entertainment.

    What gets people super annoyed and quitting is ncwest's model of random low chance everything. In a way it's like running a grocery store, where the client walks in expecting to pay 5 euro/usd and buy 4 apples, and the store policy is no, you can only pay 20 and buy a mystery box that may contain 8 apples, it may contain 4  boxes of 10000 toothpicks or it may contain 4 cans of pea soup. But hey, buy 10 mystery boxes and we 'll give you a 20% discount. It's absurd, there's no transparency because there's no published odds, it forces people to spend way too much and lots of people have quit because of it. You object to having to pay 200 billion adena for a +7 Elmore, but fail to realize the person that made that +7 Elmore had to spend 300 usd/euro + on junky enchant rates and expensive scrolls to make it. If they were lucky. Cause there are people that spent multiples of that, and ended up with pretty much nothing. 

    But in any case, reality is what it is. This game is way past the "grind and you 'll get there" stage. It's at a stage where a real world financial commitment is expected, if you want to "enjoy" whatever content the game offers. The newer you are, the bigger the financial commitment. Like others have said, if this was still p2p and you had been playing 10 years and paying 30 bucks/euro a month for your main and buffer accounts, you would have paid 3600 usd/euro into this game .... well it sucks the game still "forces" you to pay that money to enjoy the content, even though the label says "free",  but wishing it didn't won't change anything.


  5. 14 minutes ago, Vhaldemar said:

    It's always funny to read these posts where someone is pointing out a problem and then someone else comes and says "you just don't have the gear".

    As a new / returning player I don't have much to do after I've done the exalted quests. Updating the gear from these items seems still so far. Currently I'm lvl 107 (almost 108) with my Yul and I don't get any groups anymore since I don't have the gear.

    Like SibuLeoDoG and many others have said here in the forums that it's year 2021 and we go to these daily instances to get... pretty much nothing.
    I can duo Crisis with my iss and daily I get 20-30 boxes and I end up getting 10 R-Crystals, 10 Soul Ores and 10 Spirit Ores. What a joke! :D
    Sometimes I even get a party in PI and some of those times I'm lucky to get one or two enchant scrolls that has success percentage around 5-10 %? Or I can sell them for 25-100M adena..

    People are telling here in the forums that good DD needs approx 1,5Tril worth of gear. I'm making 10-50M adena hunting daily, so with current speed it would take me 80 - 400 years to get 1,5T adena. Of course it would be faster, since I would get some lucky drops and it would get faster and faster to farm along the road, but still it would take years...

    But in my opinion defending this current drop rates is just stupid. I've met good people that would have made L2 more fun to play since I came back few months ago, but most of them have quit because... well it's 2021 and you're not supposed to spent thousand of hours (or thousands of dollars/euros) to get some decent equipment in a game anymore..


    People are telling you that the reality of this game in 2021 is  you need that gear, and you 're not going to gather it with a F2P account.  In some ways it makes sense, other people have been playing (and paying) non stop for 10, 15, whatever years, expecting to catch them up effortlessly would be unfair to them.

    The fact of the matter is, no, you can't farm the adena you need in this game for free. If you had been playing for those 15 whatever years, and stayed ahead of the curve maybe you could self sustain. But starting late ... you can't. The game helps you more that it ever has, pretty much gets you to 105/105 for free. When I first played, I remember pretty much having to walk from Giran to the Dwarven/Orc villages for my 37lvl quest, cause tp was too expensive for the adena I was making.  From 105/105 you have to 2 forks in the road. Buy adena (ie buy Ncoin items, sell them, make adena, gear yourself) or continue f2p, which will be a frustrating experience. That's reality. What do you want people to tell you? It will all be fine and when you hit 109 billions upon billions will fall on your lap? The game isn't designed to do that. Now whether you choose to believe the game isn't designed to do that is so that RMTs have a very tough time making a business, or whether you choose to believe the game is designed that way to help NCWest make money is your decision. But that's reality. There's two categories of players. Players that have gear and levels, and those people generate the bulk of the adena in the server, and then there's everyone else who wants adena but needs to find a way to sell those people things they need ingame, in order to get the adena. The easiest thing to sell them is NCoin items.

    • Thanks 1
  6. I have a sneaking suspucion you are asking in the wrong forum. This is live. Prophets haven't existed here in 10 years. We have iss, and all their buffs are party buffs that don't require a target, except hiero's 101 prophecy buff


    If you want Aden, click the Aden section of the forum. The game mechanics for Aden are different than here

  7. 2 minutes ago, Slycutter said:

    You missed it.  I just leave it there not going to argue about it.

    I didn't. You are missing the fact, whether you are buying Ncoin, Einhasad coin or fufucoin, the eula covers them. The ingame store doesn't have dollar prices, it has (insertname)coin prices,  you are spending a digital currency you bought from them. The digital good you bought is the coin, and you consumed it. It has nothing to do with buying a digital copy of Cardi B's new mixtape for $10 from amazon prime.

  8. 20 minutes ago, Slycutter said:

    Here is why I think we are not getting the store because once they put a real value on items in terms of real money then the rules of the games change legally in the US.  The virtual items no longer are solely the property of NCSoft because there is not an extrinsic real value that NCSoft gave them and over a certain amounts the fair use and ownership of electronic media falls into place.  Not sure what it is on a federal level off the top of my head but this would trigger and then banning accounts with these items becomes a legal issue and not just a gameplay issue anymore.

    IE I buy a CD on Itunes they cannot close my account without refunding me the money for use of that CD.  Just as a quick stuipd example.

    if that was true every account that had ever bought a non consumable item from the ncoin store (for example the blessed exalted set, a cloak, a shirt, an agathion, whatever) would be immune from banning (or at the very least entitled to compensation if banned). I believe the legal aspect (access to the game, server and items stored in it) is covered by the EULA.

    I doubt the issue is legal. The issue is , I think, they are afraid if everyone can get what they want when they want it, then the last few thousand playing on the servers will quit, because if you remove the item acquisition part of the game, what's left? Endlessly wacking mobs afk for years to get 120? And even if you do, what content do you have to look forward to at 120?. So they stick with gamble model, that keeps supply minimal and addicted players gambling.

  9. 49 minutes ago, Pernambuquinho said:

    Gem R ? Really?
    Try buy something with Gem R.
    Gem R isn't a currcency trading.
    People can't buy nothing in-game with Gem R.
    With Einhasad coins you'll buy a lot of itens in Einhasad shop.


    True, but everybody know that this is the way of game monetization that NCWest has chosen for us.
    Make DW or cursed weapons cheaper in a short period of time will make people close their wallets. This change need a little more time.

    you can buy everything with Gem R, it's a storage container for wealth. You want a dragon bow that I 'm selling for 2 trillion? Excellent, trade me 1587301 Gem R (which I can NPC gradually and get 2 trillion)

    You run no risk, I run no risk, trade done.

    You want to buy multiple items from AH totaling more than 1 trillion? Excellent, make a few trips to the grocer and sell gemr.


    That's how we used to do it way back when the adena limit was 100 million. Obviously Gem R, wasn't available back then,  and Gem S went through ancient adena (lol remember those?) so we used other high npc price items that stacked.


    That issue is completely separate from the coin store. The coin store will jut put a ceiling on item prices, and ensure supply always meets demand. That's a totally separate issue from the adena limit.

  10. 8 minutes ago, StahpDestroy said:

    So yes, game is unplayable if you can't afford it. On the other hand game is surely fun and you can have lots of quality gaming time with the right company :))

    The game was fun 15 years ago, when a siege involved 200 parties, and open field pvp was a daily occurrence. Now the game is just feeding the addiction of those that are in their 30s and rapidly heading into middle age (I include myself in that) and have disposable income. And sieges involve 2 and a half parties and people afk grind for years and just spend real money to buy digital items as if those items will make them "endgamers"

    If you look at the actual content the game provides, it's truly pityful.

    • Like 2
  11. 12 minutes ago, Connex said:

    without most of the items you cant really do IoS which is around 30% of your daily income until 112

    an archer maybe can't farm ios without 500billion worth of gear, other classes can. There's a reason archers are good, but very expensive to become good.

  12. That's why I said 300 is on the cheap side and realistically you need closer to 500. Add everything you listed up and see

    I mean you don't *need* some of the items, for example you can throw 2-3 billion on your exalted talisman and make a Longing which is "good enough". You can buy a chef monkey belt instead of rulers which is 1/5 th the price. etc etc. Level 3 book you can do after 114, cmon, if you buy everything before 110 what's the point in farming? What's left, a dragon weapon?

    PS some of the items you list are really not needed for farming. Farming = 1 max 2 shoting mobs and getting the adena. Severn Signs, protection = pointless.  Lots of defensive items are pointless. You will need them(and can buy them) later in game. Same applies to Greater kaliel's ...


  13. the idea is simple, you need to figure out how to get to the point where you can "farm" adena (which is basically call it level 113+) . Conservatively the items you will need to start farming will cost you around 300 billion (that's on the cheap side, realistically figure 500) because try as you might, you can't "farm" with exalted gear. Because these are time limited zones, you need kill speed to make money. It's no use going to PI for example and taking an hour to kill 50 mobs, you still won't be making adena.

  14. I should preface this by saying I do not play an Evisc main, my experience is solely from levelling dozens of them as mentees. So up to Beleth's. And I agree, the best setup for them is just right sidekick and focus on P.Attack Crit. That's afterall what makes them so cheap/efficient, they can skip the very expensive (cause of competition from Archers/Daggers) P. Skill build.

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