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Posts posted by Mete

  1. On 7/16/2023 at 9:39 AM, gabby said:

    @GM_EVA So will this new update improve the HORRIBLE drop rate of the Grater Rune Stones? Or you all just going to keep them out of the game to try and make money form event boxes? 

    Someone one bet 50$ you wouldn't answer, I'll give 100$ to charity if you answer honestly here and post the receipt... Don't worry, I'm not afraid of you actually answering.. You all only seem to answer questions that don't involve you doing slimy things to try and take money from us.   


    no it wont

  2. 24 minutes ago, Sharlanna said:

    I feel a nightmare in the making with  all this and we all know damn well NC(whatever) isn't prepared for it. Time to batten down the hatches folks... major mayhem incoming  August 1st... oh, and then we have the Age of Magic Update August 9th! Oh dear.....


    Pretty sure NCWestMuricaWhatever, at this point, just does "community management" or whatever posting once a week in forums is called

    The rest is 100% Korea. We are moving to a cookie cutter version of L2 , same as korea/export so Korea doesn't have to maintain 5 different versions of the game

    Personally, not too optimistic. Korea has a mold of what a gamer is, and they don't really understand someone in Seoul and someone in Florida, France, Greece, Russia, whatever don't really game the same way. Cultural differences etc, NCSoft Korea never really grasped those.

    Not that NCWest was particularly successful at adapting the game to its audience, but in past at least some people tried. Now ... we 'll be Korea, just 3-4 months behind.

    • Like 3
  3. I think you guys will get a pretty big disappointment with EInhasad, it doesn't really sell all that many items

    tbh there's only a few items Korea/Japan einhasad has that current l2store doesn't. Basically cloaks and scrolls up to +10 (in Japan)

    oterwise, in Japan, Einhasad sells FB1s for $0.75, ncoin sells for $1. And the pricing will depend 100% on what conversion rate NCWest sets for Ncoin -> Einhasad. Japan is $30 per 400 Einhasad. I 'm pretty sure we will get the really expensive version, like we always do.


    The benefit of Einhasad is certain events we couldn't get, while every other territory could

  4. 2 minutes ago, socketka said:

    if I can change adena for currency where I can trade 1t+ items, then it will be good. but if einhasad on one server will have adena prices different, naia will be graveyard soon.

    of course the adena cost of einhasad will differ per server ... the rarer einhasad is, the most adena expensive it will be. Naia traditionally doesn't spend RL money, at least not on the level Chronos. So Einhasad will be rarer (more expensive) in Naia,like items are now


    4 minutes ago, Connex said:

    that is not so relevant, augument stones from crisis are tradable!


    Jamoa is the more  recent change

  5. Just now, socketka said:

    and adena will be useless? good, will see what you come with and maybe i will be no longer

    at least in Japan/Korea you can "sell adena" (and buy Einhasad)

    and obviously normal AH and normal player stores will continue to fuction the same way, ie you can buy  what they sell with adena

    problem is obviously adena will loose value

  6. 1 hour ago, Sharlanna said:

    Oh yea, lift the account limit so you guys can log in even more alt bots!!!!!!!! That would be a very bad move!


    like I said in another thread, it makes no difference to me. $150/mini pc to run 3 accounts is no problem for me, already bought 2 and running fine.

    Lowbies/F2p rely on running multiple windows to fish/level mentees/supply the economy (with passes, elcuym etc)

    You remove that you screw over the economy and those trying to F2P and are low level/low equip. You are basically removing their only source of income ingame

    • Like 1
  7. This is @Juji post that introduced the "temporary" 3 client limit to live


    Hi all,

    As you may have experienced, our servers are currently impacted with high latency. At this time, we have disabled character creation and will soon be implementing other temporary measures such as the 3 client limit while our teams actively continue to resolve the issues. There may also be additional unscheduled maintenances.

    We understand the game experience has been less enjoyable due to the latency and we are planning to remedy the trouble after the issues have been resolved.

    Thank you for your patience!

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