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Everything posted by Mete

  1. have you seen them fix the login -1 issue, which is 100% in their control? it's an old game, some fixes (ie engine etc) are just realistically not gonna happen, cause NCSoft isn't willing to invest what it would cost to redeploy the game in an engine that isn't 22 years old.
  2. Dead games don't open new servers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNxQpii6IIY
  3. get off that dead horse dude you can play for free, go kill ivory crater to 112 then move fom it will just take you 5 years to get there The problem we have is the game is waaay too expensive, even relative to the same game in other regions. We pay the most money, and have the fewest items. That needs fixing. Over-reliance on gatcha boxes for item generation, nerfed rates for everything, drops and cash events, no einhasad, blah blah.The game is playable in the Korean version, it's unplayable in the US version
  4. Aw how cute. Another feedback thread like the dozens that have been started by Management and were archived with no action. If you want a one sentece summary, here it is: Quit looking at your playerbase just as bundles of cash. If you want more feedback, take more action. Logging in to forum for 5 minutes every Wednesday does not mean you are interacting with your customer base.
  5. Last year's event was the last decent shop event NCWest delivered. With reasonable rl money anyone could make progress. It's been all downhill since then. It's literally the only game I 've ever seen where the publisher actively hates their playerbase. I can see no other explanation for the mess generated by NCWest
  6. You people complain, yet the market is full of scrolls. So people obviously gave ncwest their cash and bought scrolls. So NCWest doesn't care about your crying. That's the cold hard truth. The problem is the players, not NCWEST. If NCWest can find people willing to pay a million dollars for a scroll of ultimate awesome, they will sell scrolls of ultimate awesome for a million.
  7. That's a recurring theme. Players always complain that on weeks 2+ of any event the rates get worse @Juji always says they don't. Two possibilities. a) Juji is lying b) Math. Week 1 more people enchant, so the RNG behind the enchant works well. Week 2+ Fewer and fewer people enchant, so more people get "stuck" in negative streaks
  8. The Dragon Weapon event back in January depleted whatever (low) stockpiles of Elcyum existed in the servers. And Elcuym is generally hard to generate. You have to fish for it, and the only efficient way to do it is to fish with fancy rods., without a fancy rod fishing for 1 elcuym takes about 8-10 days of 24/7 sitting there doing nothing. So it's expensive.
  9. nah , people that are still in those level ranges are mostly F2Pers. They will take years to leave these zones
  10. If you are talking about the exalted soul crystal you get with the blessed exalted armor pack, yes, a blacksmith NPC in any town will remove the SA, give you the crystal back, then you can apply it again, choosing a different SA.
  11. sure, remove the sa then pay to apply it again. Any warsmith in any town
  12. IMO, 24 hours of IOS passes are a better use of the 1.2 mil mentee marks you need to upgrade to blessed
  13. When the skill activates (you see the big punch) you do more damage. It's useful for mobs with lethal resist, on which giant punch (-30% hp) doesn't work
  14. While you are augmenting you can see the available augment options . By clicking on the options button. Which is obviously a limited list, depending on what stone you have. Other than that I am not aware of an exhaustive full list
  15. I am not a spoiler, but have partied a spoiler. Have never seen anything except Augment Stone Crystals spoil from mobs up to fafu temple (before the recent upgrade to 124 mobs). If there has been a recent change, my bad
  16. no it means mob stats are lower period. So (if you are around 110 which is who the zone is for) you will probably have to fight with higher level players that will flock there for the easier/quicker exp. Which obviously NCWest should have thought of and made it so neutral zone = 0 exp if you ar 112+ PS @Juji you need to increase mob spawns in Tanor (relatively easy to do) and Aligator Island (probably harder to do). That's where the bulk of your population is, at least in Naia, and there are literally 0 spots free, ever.
  17. it's been explained. You can't. Those are remnants from a Korean event we didn't get
  18. Death Knights don't have two-handed sword masteries. Nor do any death knight skills mention a requirement for two handed swords. Also 3 of the 4 skills you listed are I assume mistranslated? We have Rage of Valakas (not Wrath), Stability of Valakas (not Sturdiness). No clue what Spirit Altar refers to. Presence of Mind exists.
  19. The purpose of the game is simple. Kill mobs, make adena (not by killing mobs) so you can buy better gear and kill mobs faster 1 to 105 is easy, it shouldn't take more than 2 days of auto farming. The quest line ends at 105, take advantage of the free pots that are currently available and get there as fast as you can. While you have the 7 day vitality rune you should also 85-105 your chosen dual class. After 105, there is no quest line and things get progressively harder as the game basically forces you to spend real money to progress. In the old days all you needed was a weapon and armor. Now there are multiple systems (artifacts, forgotten skills, brooch, shirt, circlet etc) all of which pretty much require real money to upgrade oh and spoilers are now just daggers. Spoiling no longer functions like it used to, you can't really gather materials, sell them etc. You now (from Hellbound mobs and up) get augment stone crystals, which you can trade in for augment stones. That's it.
  20. Sorry Sly but that's a copout ... in other regions there are cheap (and more importantly permanent) means to obtain Elcyum. So fishing is indeed irrelevant. In our region, fishing remains the ONLY constant source of Elcyum, aside for a once a year event ( Slayer event back in January where people got carpal tunnel making +7 slayers for Elcyum). In our region, the average newbie without a fancy rod needs 3 toons fishing 24/7 for 2 weeks to make 3 Elcyum. To make 1 Krishna Weapon -> enchanted -> bloody which is the minimum you need to play past 110 you need if memory serves 57 Elcyum. Which means 9 months of 3 toons fishing 24/7. That's ridiculous, and is the reason why our region NEEDS fancy rods. You and I might have them, but newer people are literally stuck. Can't upgrade their gear cause they can't farm adena to buy Elcyum at a bil per, can't generate Elcuym by themselves, can't buy it from the nonexistent Einhasad store, can';t farm the 100b+ a bloody weapon costs. These QOL issues that our team should see to, since they refuse to give us an Einhasad shop. Purposely frustrating your playerbase is not a smart policy, no matter how you slice it.
  21. I am sorry but you are completely disconnected from in game reality. You are charging 400+- USD/EUR for mid tier items. That's insane. This is not a triple A title. This is a low population fringe game and your pricing structure is off the charts. RedCat 5, +7 Artifacts ... those, considering where the game is are mid tier items that can receive lots of upgrades. Yet you want a newish player (that's who's going to buy them) to spend 1200 bucks to get 2 artifacts and a redcat, 1600 if they want 2 artifacts and a greater red cat 1. You can't realistically progress in game past 110-112 without those items, so you are basically telling newbies to cough up 1600 USD/EUR to play past the F2P paywall. That's nuts. That's why this game is not attracting new players, cause you expect them to get a new mortgage to play PS personally don't care, have +10 artifacts and top grade rc. PS2 there is no rational reason for a red cat to cost 3.5 times more than a blue cat. Other than you gouging players.
  22. it's for angel's accessories only, not armors, not weapons, not other accessories. Just, angel, fallen angel, blessed etc. how it will work ... log in tomorrow and find out. I assume you will be presented with a list of eligible items.
  23. Hi. I think you are confusing the word good for the word terrible. No biggie. Not everybody is a native English speaker. PS the birthday event is, as a whole, terrible.
  24. the enchant chance is affected by specific items. Enchant (Maphr) shirt, homunculus and consumables. That is for graded items (R, R95, R110 etc). Those will directly increase the % probability of the enchant being successful Luck is a failsafe. LUC gives you a probability (around 10% at 120 luc) of procing Lady Luck (the 4 leaf clover animation) which in turn means the enchant will succeed 100%.
  25. Clearly the "stop price gouging your playerbase" posts in the feedback thread were received, understood and acted upon Item USD/EUR COST Night Market Treasure Chest 1.35 7 Artifact - P. Atk (Fighting Spirit) Pack 441 +7 Artifact - M. Atk (Fighting Spirit) Pack 441 +7 Artifact - P. Def. (Protection) Pack 441 Sealed Talisman - Longing 11.25 Nevit's Cloak of Light Box (30-day) 7.65 Artifact Book Lv. 3 14.4 Topaz Lv. 5 Jewelry Box 18 Ruby Lv. 5 Jewelry Box 180 Sapphire Lv. 5 Jewelry Box 63 Obsidian Lv. 5 Jewelry Box 18 Opal Lv. 5 Jewelry Box 72 Emerald Lv. 5 Jewelry Box 54 Aquamarine Lv. 5 Jewelry Box 45 Diamond Lv. 5 Jewelry Box 72 Pearl Lv. 5 Jewelry Box 18 Vital Stone Lv. 5 Jewelry Box 45 Garnet Lv. 5 Jewelry Box 18 Tanzanite Lv. 5 Jewelry Box 90 Red Cat's Eye Lv. 5 Jewelry Box 382.5 Blue Cat's Eye Lv. 5 Jewelry Box 112.5 Kain's Soul Crystal - Lv. 10 54 Mermoden's Soul Crystal - Lv. 10 31.5 Pantheon's Soul Crystal - Lv. 10 54 Lionel's Soul Crystal - Lv. 10 22.5 Leona's Soul Crystal - Lv. 10 31.5 Energy of Protection 1.35 Sayha's Blessing 24.3 Dye Crystal 0.9 Artifact Fragment 2.475 La Vie En Rose's Gemstone Powder 0.675 Accessory Augment Stone 1.125 Gran Kain's Top-grade Artifact Book Enchant Scroll 38.25 Gran Kain's Super Advanced Seed Bracelet Enchant Scroll 38.25 Shining Gran Kain's Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-Grade) 157.5 Shining Gran Kain's Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-Grade) 22.5 Scroll: Enchant Blessed Artifact Book 0.225 Blessed Circlet Enchant Scroll 0.135 Blessed Dragon Shirt Enchant Scroll 0.09 Blessed Exalted Weapon Enchant Scroll 2.25 Blessed Exalted Armor Enchant Scroll 0.9 Superior Giant's Codex - Mastery Chapter 1 6.75 Superior Giant's Codex Chapter 1 1.8 Superior Giant's Codex - Mastery 0.9 Forgotten Spellbook Chapter 1 1.8 Forgotten Spellbook Chapter 2 9 Forgotten Spellbook Chapter 3 17.1 Homunculus's Hourglass 0.09 Gale Scroll (x2) 0.045 Raging Billow Scroll (x2) 0.045 Real Growth Cookie 0.135
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