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Everything posted by GAden

  1. Also now we are not capable to see if mob got debuff or not once we don't have information on chat.
  2. Ranking.. Now is top 100 not top 150 race top 10 and in both we can't see our rank("MY RANK") and the ones around or xp level
  3. Also XP Dropped around 20% Every single update adena dropped.... server start adena base 1000 . first update dropped to 800 than they solved de problem and adena base become to 900. secound update dropped to 700 than they solved de problem and adena base become to 800. Aden server just turned into a new TI server ... always the same.
  4. I don't understand why you guys keep asking this kind of question if you do nothing beside spend our time replying to it.
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