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Everything posted by Kurisu

  1. Sorry ppl cant complain? My apologies Sr
  2. So you remove the 19th items 1 week early. GJ keep ruining our fun
  3. Sure, take another 2 years meanwhile the server slowly dying. Wasnt you a gm in aden? Oh yes was you https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/24988-gm-ama/?do=findComment&comment=175674 Well good luck with necromancy, cuz you will need it for both servers.
  4. So we dont have mothers in aden??
  5. anniversary abandoned, twitter abandoned, forum abandoned (only updates with bad translation), server still up for gamblers
  6. forget march, forget compensation for 2 delay in mantaince, forget the server its ok we are accustomed to this.
  7. @Hermes 2 years of server and we are like a castaway playing this server...
  8. .... Make another char in your account c'mon
  9. @HermesWhy you remove a lot of things from special craft and l2 coin shop? why isnt in patch notes?
  10. dunno why nobody take this to court like gambling boxes in fornite or ea
  11. They dont care, they just upload what KR HQ sent
  12. Send a ticket about your mistake, they will help you.
  13. farm underlvl zones, for example farm in plains of glory until 74. for scrollbooks need magic tablet from raidboss or drop in cruma. For other books need to craft, drop from rb or buy from others
  14. Only goddard, there isnt party bonus in other place.
  15. This isnt a dedicated server, they dont know about player database and needs, they only copy paste what korea send. We provide feedback and they dont care. The server still gain money so dont need to change nothing. No GM, CM or admin posting on forum, our community is abandoned.
  16. You see the stats in the character stats not there
  17. @Hermes@Wissp Can 1 day reply us? at least say "we cant"
  18. +1 Extend 1 week, @Wissp can you for 1 time listen our community?
  20. Well we take down like 80% with 30 min left and Antharas disappeared... @Hermes@Wissp
  21. It really saddens me how the game got corrupted, it's a shame that most of the important items have to be obtained with real money plus chance, how can it be that to try to craft a book you have to use an item that can only be obtained with l2coin (no way that if it fails, the compensation is a joke). As it is possible that the girán seal is only obtainable by boxes for l2coin, they only offer one way to play and it is with real money, and they do not come with the fact that one can collect adena and buy the l2coin, because it is to contemplate that there will be people always putting money and selling them. Nor do the raids offer rewards commensurate with the effort involved (kill fritezza to get a shield nightmare). If you don't put money in, you will always be 1 year behind or depending on how lucky you are in any event (if worthwhile events come out, freya or holy land are not worth it). Offer more tools to enjoy the game since they took away the original sense of l2, community, economy, essence. I understand that this comes from Korea, but can't you like NCSOFT USA give it your stamp? The server is over a year old and they never listened to the players, they lied to us with an alleged survey that only reflected changes from KR. When will we have an honest feedback between the community and the administrators?
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