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  1. As someone who has been playing on Classic for 2 days now: I can't team up, all chats are disabled to be used below level 29. I must dual box for buffs, cutting leveling speed in half. I can't sell stuff for decent adena, getting D-grade gear is out of reach. Hopefully I can get a dualsword D-grade by them time I'm level 40 and should be using C-grade.. I can't find a clan because I can't use the chat. All starter villages are empty. Seriously. Empty. All towns are ghost town except for Giran, which is near to empty.
  2. Hi, I've been playing 2 days now on Giran server. Today I tried to make contact with other players, trying to group up. I cannot use shout chat below level 39. I cannot use general chat below level 29. I cannot use whisper chat below 29. Lineage 2 is a MMO but NC West are making it a solo game... How am I supposed to join a group or a clan if I can't even chat in the game?
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