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sadagarfweqfassd last won the day on June 21 2022

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  1. Thank you for the response @Hermes! Honesty is always appriciated!
  2. @Pia @Sharlanna Your correct, its bracelet not a belt. Most reasonable people let it slide because they focus on my point and knew I was talking about the "Bracelet". @Sharlanna just because you constantly get roasted as the most random and complaining player on Chronos, don't mean you should bring up the hate towards posts to support players who did not end up making finishing the bracelet. Consider others
  3. Last time I saw event with Lucien Belt was almost 6 months ago. Extending seems simple and will maintain faireness when changing items in the middle of the event.
  4. Hello @Hermes, I wonder if its possible to extend Rim Kamaloka Event. The Lucien's belts were added a week after, and some players didn't realize it like me and they spent the fragments instead of saving knowing those belts would appear.
  5. Stop being so salty people. Its not fair to ban for this. How would a person know if it was broken or not, maybe he thought he was lucky if he was the first to do it. You can't punish players, playing a broken game.
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