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  1. Iss doomcryer has stronger buffs for lowbies. Feoh is pretty cool to aoe pve.
  2. I decided to keep going for Eternal. I compared the p.def of paulina's hv armor to the Twilight one, and the Twilight is far better (raw P.def). Even Imperial armor has a slightly more raw P.def than Paulina.
  3. That's exactly what I did. LUL
  4. I came back playing recently and I'm doing dailies quests everyday (those ones of 550k) with more 4 toons I did to help. I have right now 600kk and my goal is to get a r99 heavy set (my main char is tank). I need at least 2B to get a clean set, it'll take so long. I'm willing to get a seraph set, because I'm just tired to see Paulina in my inventory. I don't to screw up, because I never gathered that amount of adena before. Is it good to get seraph or should I keep focused on getting eternal? P.S: My main char is lvl 99.
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