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Everything posted by Muran

  1. Could you please give more details for : A few items and descriptions will have localization changes. @juji
  2. Hi @Juji @Hime , Related to : Lineage II: Fafurion Supplemental Update Part 2 will be live. Patch notes can be read here. Where we can find more details or who can provide more details about some point like :Adjusted the rewards such as drop Adena and items according to the monsters’ new levels. - I would like to know what is droped or what should be the rewards. is like a blind search in this moment. - I can go and farm some of those place and see the drop in 1 hour. but what about the 0000.1% drop ? I want to know that kind of details and could good for the community to have all the information about the game-
  3. Hi @Juji @Cyan @Hime, Nice update and good new!! thanks for share this early with us. btw - I know that it will be more details in the next week but, there will be any compensation for the big amount of delete item? like the Wondrous Cubic stuff for example?
  4. Hi @Juji @Hime @Cyan, Nothing about the account limit? at least some info please,...maybe the devs can share some of the testing that they are doing?. what if they test increasing the account by one per week?
  5. first one open and I got : Gran Kain's Miraculous Medicine x10 XD, I really want to buy more with this as a motivation hahahahaha
  6. @Hime @Juji What will happend with the 3 account??
  7. Hi @Hime @Juji, any update with the account number? - at least could be increased by 1 extra (if is related to the lag - maybe there is possible to test until what number is ok ----7 to 3 , to extrem)
  8. @Juji @Hime Quick question related the Weekend boost. What is the server time? and start at friday night(Friday/Saturday)? or friday morning(Thursday/Friday)?
  9. Hi @Juji or @Hime, what is the max account number now? -
  10. 2 hours and 45 hours ----- too much hahahaha. btw ....any reason for the deletion of the quest reward item??
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