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  1. No free transfer this time ? Some players from Aden Gludio maybe wanna go to Giran why force them to join Talking Island ?
  2. The real question here is how the adena sellers sell more adena then the game can generate with farming.And this is why they need to fight the inflation.
  3. Haha no macro really ? No assist no delay is this a joke or you guys really want to kill the game this time....
  4. Yes will be better to allow free transfer from Gludio and Aden to other servers cuz timezones are so different.
  5. I have to mute all sounds every time i run the game ? Fix it please.....
  6. I remember some people wanted to compete bot with auto macro hehe.Npw all servers is on auto afk and will stay this way for ever like on live servers.GMs have to think something to bring back the players in front of the screen. Make siege every day or something else or say bb to this game.
  7. Yeah me too 1 char cant use soulshots and other char cant use spirit shots.
  8. So we have the auto macro system ok . But we dont have macro friendly areas like the live servers why? We need places for macro system with faster mob respawn and groups of mobs that stay at the same place not respawn one mile away every time ty.
  9. Guys dont ask for cake exp event .The event was rewarding too much like fishing on live server about a year ago. Thats way they cancel it. Buy l2 store plz keep the servers open.
  10. Did you guys delete the event talisman also ? cuz i dont have it any more.
  11. I play on NAIA 25-30 ppl is online in clan every day no one talk to chat they all exp efk macro. I am sure this is the case in most clans you guys like this kind of game ? In this way you can have fun ? Say the truth here you want loop macro cuz you dont care to play you care to make money from it or to go end game fast buy RMT adena and play the important dude who cant play in real life. Some ppl tho want really to play the game but they dont want to do the effort needed for lvl up. well for this guys macro is not the answer cuz they find that all the good spot are taken buy pro macro users and no 3 acc player can move then out.We all remember the high lvl dagger who was on hide to protect the bots.Same think will happen with pro macro users.So 3 acc players you have no chance against them dont even think about it. Now bots ofc they will try to run the economy but people can make groups against them and claim the spots cuz they are without clan and cant war you. You cant do this on macro user without risk a war.
  12. Looks like ur company cant understand that if you push free players to quit you gona lose big spenders also cuz they need victims to kill even when they say otherwise.So your policy buy l2 store or quit cuse u cant even cats up with lvl i dont even say about gear will empy the servers day by day,.If you ok about that then is a good policy if not then give free players a chance to just be in the game, i dont expect to pvp or somthing but when i cant make instance in my lvl i cant progress and its the end .Thank you and sorry for bad english.
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