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Everything posted by Anything

  1. For me atm no issues with logging in since maintenance. Had one time a problem with all characters disconnecting but at that point they also were showing a 1-2 second next target delay. After relogging the toons were fine and had no more delay since. Besides that and after the emergency maintenance i have not experienced much lag at all.
  2. I can't port it at all either, did not try on new toons but my main and 2 boxes i have on right now do not get the option. @Juji @Hime
  3. can this be increased to 105? those levels are reached really quick so it would do nearly nothing against the true problem (RMT spam/mails)
  4. @Juji atm melee dd doing 1 swing every 2 seconds, aoe dd also being affected with lag but not as much
  5. @Juji Chronos feels to be running worse now then it did before maintenance
  6. I rather see no more xp events or extensions, the main problem right now is people logging in their useless alts that kill 1 mob a hour "because it can get so much more xp" which then in turn causes everyone else to have to wait very very long... During login also had a disconnect on the que wait, going to log my perma red and remove a bunch of players to reduce the que... for everyone pissed about being disconnected after that 1 hour death say thanks to Juji and NCWest for this!
  7. @Juji Please do NOT extend xp settings at all, in fact please just never run any increased xp settings ever again and let korea fix field xp itself instead. Also please investigate the emergence of a new RMT company starting to spam, log in on the server and just stand in gludio for a few minutes and you will know what i mean...
  8. Actually not a strange idea to have since i have been wondering about that impact myself, in fact i brought it up myself as a somewhat inquiry in https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/19857-out-of-game-macro-use-by-either-mouse-keyboard-or-software-or-a-combination-thereof/ Now i am pretty sure the gross of the issue at hand is not solely down to this but a combination of several under performing sub systems combined. But in the end things like this may be what is claiming its toll on the server and makes it struggle to keep up.
  9. Yes there is a threshold because i know when we had to turn in fortune pockets it used a lot of clicking and if you put the windows overlapping so you could spam click them really quick this would actually disconnect you if you spam clicks as fast as you could as if your life depended on it However each client action still comes at a cost on the server side. The client may have some of this logic on the client side like "if the skill is in cooldown inform user and do not send a request to the server" however there is some server logic involved. This is easy to test by clicking a skill while it's in cooldown while running around, your character stops which means there is a communication to the server for changed states (moving vs not moving) so who knows what else happens. Additionally when you repeatedly press a key that uses a skill while it's in cooldown and repeatedly click further ahead you will see your character still is kept synced with the many move and stop actions. This is mainly why i bring it up because essentially on their own it wont do much but all those characters together would potentially make server load heavier and be somewhat like a ddos. Not accusing anyone of anything, i am pretty sure each individual player is completely unaware of their impact on the server by doing this but it still should be a avenue to consider/explore for ncsoft to improve client side logic a bit more.
  10. Since this seems to be a accepted practice people been using this more and more. What makes me wonder is how many clicks are done per second, on how many characters and how much this may contribute to the server lag. The macro system was designed with 1 second between operations and to only switch target on the death of a pc/npc to not cause excessive load on the server. Now since it is allowed anyway (at least so far it seems) i would have a suggestion that may improve the quality of life for everyone including the ones not using this due to the gray area it poses namely: Allow to auto use attack skills that normally can't be used automatically or let us make a skill group with a certain max number of skills that should be used immediately on it's cooldown. To make this also worth considering for those who wish to only use skills exclusively also have a toggle to allow/deny performing any normal hits. This will solve the need to use out of game macro devices / software for those using it and decrease the load somewhat by not needing to spam skill clicks insanely fast. Also down the line this makes the game a bit more streamlined and allow everyone access to the same tools while taking away some reliance on 3rd party software / hardware.
  11. @Hime @Juji MP bug has not been resolved yet or been made worse that it now always happens. Specifically in the situation a character is more then 5 levels apart (xp penalty range) this results in 100% and guaranteed MP bug.
  12. Fixed an issue where the level gap between members in a party was causing MP regeneration issues, especially when a player switched to a lower level dual class. Sadly this MP bug hasn't been fixed yet entirely or there are more causes for it to occur. Ways that i have noticed it happening: - One of the party members died (party leader specifically?) - Switching to a dual or main character in general regardless of level / xp range - Changing party composition due to disconnects, kicks, people leaving or inviting new characters after or during killing mobs - Having 1 party member inside of a instance while the rest does not share that instance - Having buffs refresh at the exact whole hour when server becomes somewhat unresponsive As for the last one it also is impossible to login at whole hour for about 2 minutes. You click the login button and for a brief moment the animations stop as usual while it try to perform the login attempt but then the animations continue and nothing will happen at all for 2-3 minutes. Maybe many of the issues described are related to this, i don't know at this point just guessing.
  13. Been there, done that even on a 110 char, yes gear is key in doing this but indeed fully possible. Only worth it if you can clear a spot however, these monsters do not give all that much more xp compared to lower area counterparts even in field of massacre which would be yellow and thus suffer less penalty.
  14. I just wish GM's actually would take action against this for once... And not just with a laughable 3 day ban but permanent ban! Set example remove their toon and track if any gear moved recently to evade loosing it and ban that toon too! In fact apply how other territories do it "not just your offending toon gets banned but every single one affiliated with you".
  15. Not having this issue myself but i notice at times a lot of people all of a sudden get dropped from the game. @Juji Aware of this?
  16. actually the item does exist through (now removed) venusta boxes. There are a couple in excistance between level 4 and 6
  17. The main problem is most likely the char is 105 and won't further delevel given the level of that area. No matter how often you even manage to kill it if you do, it wont matter at all other then the time it take for them to run back. It won't be a big setback since porting back there is nearly instant since you can use the normal teleport function in the game even when red, won't even need a my teleport. All that you can do is make it more of a nuisance to come for you rather then having someone else bite the bullet. Additionally you can hide a rezzer be it any class with brez scroll an iss or healer by logging it off on the spot you xp at and rez yourself as soon he or she disappears from the screen. Playing AFK means you have the risk (and accepted the risk) someone is most likely going to pop you at some point, be it as perma red who general kill everyone or a player that wants to take over the spot. I just hope abuse like what you described with abusing the port in spot is going to be addressed directly rather by making it impossible to be used like that rather then them taking the easy road out and castrating another fun class to play or removing those spots.
  18. The problem is when they given people the means to login many more people were irresponsible and completely killed the server performance with it. Now they have persistent server problems which means they are getting tired to deal with bypasses that make the problem worse. I hope the actions of a few who login too many characters are not going to cause even more penalizing punishing impacts to everyone else because the majority of people always suffer because of the actions of a minority group that ruins it for everyone else.
  19. Not expecting anything from it really, anything that comes from it a extra but it would be nice to see some unfortunate souls who don't have much gear get something nice.
  20. There are many factors for why archers can get a lot more powerful with same gear. But it require quite a lot of top-notch end-game gear while with many other classes you can get away with mid-tier gear and still do ok. PAtk on bows is always much higher compared to other weapons so they always stronger at this point when compared to other weapons with same +. Archer is the only character able to stack the level 110 greater rune skill with the old one. Comparing my archer to my other well equipped chars the archer more easily keeps the field empty at all times at the same time increasing the effectiveness. In the end my archer has about 25% more xp and adena but lacks the drops due to not picking up so that is where my melee has a advantage instead. I could put toon to pickup drops but don't care as i rather have 1 more archer running making me more in the end even if that one has less gear for now. Don't forget enchanted weapons do have soulshot damage modifier so that reduces the difference slightly with a dragon weapon. The 2 sa's are a big difference too compared to the modifiers a dragon weapon has right off the bat in favor of the dragon weapon even with lv 10 sa's. It's logical that dragon weapon and blood cursed weapon outranks the normal weapons, makes them very wanted and a nice carrot to dangle in front of the audience. Honestly with how fast you can overtake any other class with a archer i was expecting this to get nerfed like everything else i enjoyed in the past but fortunately this has remained untouched so far.
  21. New crafting system sucks real bad for the amount of time required to collect ether. Also side note you took the effort to mask the friend name in one of the 2 windows but you forgot the other one
  22. Another idea if it's not too late to put in more ideas: If the problem is that one instance for all can't be made with good adena because aoe classes like my archer would be making too much money compared to slower killers then consider 3 different instances bound to classes. One instance zone class specific for supports with huge adena. One instance zone class specific for single target DD's with no big aoe capabilities with medium adena. And then one instance zone for AOE classes that kill groups of mobs fast with low adena. In the end no matter the class everyone ends up with the same # of adena without a nerf for everyone.
  23. We need more nerfs honestly! Our archer class is way too fast, way too easy to aoe kill mobs! It's too rewarding, please contact devs and let them remove this too! When this is nerfed then look what else is too effective and nerf this too! #Make2020GreatAgainByNerfingEverything
  24. @Juji @Hime The archer class is too rewarding! Our class kill many mobs very fast! Please nerf this too because we make too much xp! We also make adena too quick! #Make2020GreatAgainByNerfingEverything
  25. Hunting Zones Going to address these separately as i feel they should. On login when i check my usual hunting ground i was pleased to notice there are more mobs, 12 now when there was 7 before and as far as i can see same or more groups now. However i do not know the situation on lower hunting grounds since this is a level 115 hunting ground so i can't speak for those who are on the lower ones but i keep hearing it's bad for them. Also pleased with the grouping of mobs in timed zones, makes life for melee/single target DD's a lot better and more pleasant. Clustering of mobs and clear "spot" separation with enough distance to stop the "i must have 3 spots mentality" that is developing by some of the most geared players is a big + in my book too. Raid Bosses They been made harder and harder, for bigger groups, higher levels and basically only for the most geared now. I remember it used to be fun to do raids like tauti in small groups or even solo and for me that was fun even if most of the time (1 year of farming) it didn't drop anything worth mentioning. It is really hard to keep motivating myself let alone others to even keep going to these raids now, their drops for the number of people required are not very motivating either. More stuff is being level locked, gear locked and it feels there is less and less to do in the game as a direct result making the game very boring! Augment System Good side: The way it works to directly do it without having to go to a npc is great, that you can go right over another augment is great too! Bad side: augment removal used to be less expensive, it's now much more expensive and for weapon augments there are still the very same horrible augments which makes it an even more expensive thing to do. Item Changes More stuff to improve it's good overall, odds on improving are terrible however which i wouldn't mind if it did not mean going back to square 1 every fail. Enchanting system still is a thorn in the eye with a fail meaning having to close the UI, open enchant again, put the wanted item in again and hope it wont fail immediately. This could use the same treatment the augment system got with the UI allowing to "resume" which used to be like this. Skill Changes Obviously being able to hit very high level mobs with 30% skill was kinda broken for both eviscerator and maestro so i do understand the need to change that. However it also took away some fun-time with that special ability because it was also enjoyable/fun to be able to go into your solo daily and do the castilla level 120 boss on the premise you have enough damage to finish it off before you die. It's kinda like tauti small group or solo runs being taken away, yet another enjoyable activity with a reasonable realistic challenge factor gone. As i see it personally there was nothing wrong with solo instances for example allowing it, there was no real harm in low toons fighting high level mobs because penalties to xp and slow kill speed already took care of that problem anyway. The only issue probably was with pvp, having a low level character with the ability be able to absolutely destroy a high level person so if this was the main reason then personally i would like to see the change only apply to pvp. Other Changes With the reduction of places where people can try farm some adena while overall the cost to do anything (augment etc) is going up dramatically i feel we are heading to a unsustainable situation where overall game enjoyment really suffers. People mostly only macro now, there are very few reasons to actually be in game or actively play and for those things that do require it the rewards are so low people aren't motivated to even come due to disappointing drops. I feel we need more ways to get most of the stuff we need to progress within the game environment farmable in some way, even if it's locked behind high level to prevent it being botted to hell. Things like the timed zones are the right direction, adena is there, the different scroll drops are there. It's capped from 24x7 farm by allowing a certain amount of time only so it prevents the issue with botting mostly as well. Personally my preference is having so many things to pick from that it's hard to choose which ones to pick first or do and having to prioritize certain things ahead of others as i align it with my personal goals. Enough activities where each day of gameplay can look entirely different due to all the options which for example faction quests were kinda doing and filling as a function already.
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