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  1. Ok, some skills was fixed, but theres one that was not fixed yet. My fighting spirit stills with 50.83%, same percentage when I transfer. How can we proceed for specifics scenarios? Ticket? Thank you.
  2. @Hermes Dethrone Fire Skills was not restored correctly. Example: My Fighting Spirit was Lv 2 with 50.83% before transfer, and this week I did upgrade it to Lv1 0% (today). Now, after ncwest fix, my Fighting Spiriti skill is Lv1 100%. This fix was not applied correctly.
  3. @GMsea @Hermes All evolution we did in last week will be lost? Or this will be ADDED to our current skill?
  4. @Hermes @GM_dufo @GM_NCA Transfered characters yesterday lost Dethrone Fire skills....
  5. @Hermes @GM_dufo @GM_NCA @Primali 4 days has passed, next maintenance is coming, and no news about transfers fix? We will be possible to buy new transfers for next tuesday? Could you please give us the pleasure of a single updated answer?
  6. @Hermes any news? Another maintenance day and no news about transfer enabled....
  7. Probably you are mad because your side is not killing field RB, and you need to change it. I think that ncwest must investigate all that low level Eviscerators in Cursed Sword Time just to destroy the chest, theres some probability that are ppl using bot, do you agree?
  8. Rates from 0-7 from past event was 30%-35%, current event is 15%-18%, enchanting rate 4-15 was nerfed from 75% to 60% +- Congratulations NCWest to destroy the last good event we had. RIP
  9. Great update @Wissp @Hermes, lets make Tyrrs more unkillable than they already are. This update shows us how nothing Staff knows about his own server.
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