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Everything posted by Feltd

  1. I totally agree, they ask for player feedback and we give them. But nothing ever get change.
  2. Haha, what is this survery going to do? Is not like ncsoft ever listen to player feedback for anything. Many bugs reported, many improvements players and community asked for but nothing ever gets done. They only thing they are good at is making more p2w event with low rates of getting anything good. Is all about $$
  3. @Juji @Hime How is this an celebratory anniversary event if you can get pked and then lose XP .... more than half of the players on this server can't get to TOI 14 to even attempt to try. I agree with what hammerforge is saying, please listen to the players and the community.
  4. Give mages some love @Juji I had a mage and because of the same reason I rerolled a melee. Endgame hunting zones definitely need some balancing. Please don't nerf TOI and say this is fixed XD
  5. +1, please look into this Dev team, so many bugs and fixes needed for this game. If you want my money, fix the damn game!!
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