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Posts posted by Hydrogen

  1.   Hello everyone

    This is a subject that already has been mentioned a lot in the past, but definitely it is one of the biggest issues nowdays in Live servers.

    The Clan War System is totally outdated and has been abused in many ways , having as a result to ruin players game experience.

    Some very clear examples:

    1) Players abusing the system, by forcing wars to exp spots from other players that are not interested to pvp. People can't use their aoe skills in most cases, because they can trigger a war, with this very unreasonable 5-kills-trigger function.  The current system, is bully friendly in any aspect.  The fight for a spot, which is totally part of game, becomes an escalated situation that affects a whole clan, without any reason. That also, can discourage even a single pvp for a spot, or a personal beef let's say. The bully clan , declares war , so will avoid any "retaliation" for the spot as well.

    2) This system forces communities to divide into smaller clans, under 14 members so they can have their peace without worrying about wars. That has as a result to see communities in different clans for no reason, and also the growth of clans to lvl 13 is getting extremely difficult, in order to participate in Tauti raid in Throne of Heroes. 

    3) Abusers of this system, can easily force wars in any exp group, by getting there and dying from AoE skills. Another result of this, is the frustration of players, leaving clans, and following a no clan way, or even quit. I have witnessed the quit of many friends because of this. 


    Considering all this, i wanted to make a suggestion about this situation.

    Ask from Korea Devs, to remove the 5 kills trigger function. That very simple setting, can increase the overall experience for the whole community. Give the chance to communities to gather up in 60+ people clans again. Give also the chance to a player to defend them spot from an attacker, without worrying about a war that will affect his clan mates.  The system is totally outdated, while the game has a more "macro afk exp" direction the last years. At the moment, clan war system is the ultimate tool for a bully to takeover exp spots and affect a whole clan. 

    Make the clan war system a functional system. If 2 clans, agree to go to war, they press the button and there we go! Full concedence from both sides. 

    Thank you.

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Degus said:

    no, I won't accept

    If that's his best, we are screwed

    I'm sorry dude, that was the worst post you've ever made

    That might be my worst post ever, but i am not throwing rocks to an already bleeding man.

    You believe that any trashing to Juji will fix server faster? You believe that he doesn't want or trying to fix server on purpose? 

    Apparently he does his best, but if you want to curse someone, put your arrows to NC Korea, they are responsible for any delay on this situation. 

  3. Definitely the lag is worse than ever and the game is unplayable in any aspect. 

    Besides the melee lag, even skills are lagging as hell.

    Its very difficult situation for all the community and especially for @Jujiwho is doing his best to fix that. 

    By trashing or cursing him in forums or discord, won't solve anything, i would like to ask for some patience more. I am affected player as well but please people, stay polite and don't make things worse. 

    Eventually this will be solved at some point. Just lets try all together, to be helpful with feedback and anything we can do to help. 

  4. The past year or so, people facing problems, such us melee lag, general lag and server random disconnects. 

    That disconnects are a huge issue, especially when people, after a long time, gather up and playing together in party areas. One disconnect can ruin a party and affect more than one player. Even though, ppl getting over it and keep playing. 

    But implementing, even temporarily the queue system especially in exp event, will make people's lives harder. Imagine to lose your tank or healer, for a disconnect that NC is responsible, and have to wait also in queue to lag back, because also NC is responsible. 

    And I repeat, in a very good exp event. 

    The solution is to work hard and fix melee lag, server lag and server disconnects. Waiting for hot fixes, won't fix anything 

    And of course, it's common sense to ask for 1 more week event extension, since the storm of comments from people, is coming. 

    Thanks in advance. 

    • Like 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, Divekio said:

    In that case , if a clan pk you and you dont want start war, killing the Pk does not start the war.I understand what you are saying but PK ing has penality. My problem is about clan under 14 players who abuse this system who is intended to help people like you . It is just not working anymore in the way that was intended and has to be changed . 

    Divekio, i agree at the first place with your original post, that you must declare war in every clan you want. But also, there are clans, that are not interested on war, but willing to defend their spot. So removing the 5 kills trigger, is a fair counter action. 

    My clan has 60 ppl, and we receive wars over a hunting spot, which is not fair. 

    For example, if you declare war on my clan, i can still try to defend my spot. If i die, i will lose full exp, if you die, you will lose only the "active war" exp. Its very fair, that example. 

    And you can pvp the clans that have 14 members, and they will lose more exp if they die, than you do. Makes sense i think. 

  6. Just now, ChocolateChip said:

    I dont think you guys know the full story of the situation tho. PvP between FS/MS is back and forth therefore FS will call ProPvE sometimes. With this being said, FS/MS both know to hold a party back in the pvp to wait out skills. However, both sides have been pushing through forcing that 2nd party to use defensives. Now, after this being said, with no war being up on ProPvE, we are not able to push through and make them use skills. Therefore ultimately, we have a very slim chance of being the last people standing which is what is considered a 'win'.

    ProPvE is not a neutral clan whatsoever. That is 100% a lie. Therefore making this clan member limit declaration system an abuse.

    I am talking about game mechanics from my own experience, i am not aware of what MS/FS/Nova or ProPVE does and not belonging to any of that side.

    And my own experience is that being in a pve clan, we got declarations over a hunting spot, just to leave from there.  When my clanmates defend for themselves and killing the bully, a clan war appears in our screen. For an isolated incident, a clan war. Makes sense? No. 

    So my posts are strictly to game mechanics and own experience. The current system is bully friendly, and has to be change.


  7. 6 minutes ago, Galador said:

    "More pvp for hunting spots, more fun, without need to affect a whole clan."  Okay, who exactly is having fun?  Those that are questing and trying to level up?  Or those that have most everything in the game, are bored, and harass people just for 'fun'?  The problem has always been the 'abuse' element.  There are those high level players that like to dominate weaker players and clans, and that want to keep the lower levels in a box so that can't challenge them in the future by leveling up.  Again, the aggressive pvp players have always dominated this MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) to the detriment to those that don't pvp, and have no desire to pvp.  And please, no "this is a pvp game" comments.  Read the original propaganda for Lin2, they called it an RPG with a PVP function.  NCsoft said that, not me.  I came from Lineage 1 after participating in Closed Beta.  Again, the game should be big enough to accommodate all types of players, instead of what we've seen in the past, the bullies running others out of the game.  The function in question allows for that diversity.

    Don't get me wrong i agree 100% with you. If they remove the 5 kills trigger, someone can fight back for the spot, fight back the bully. Now its impossible, cause a possible engage, will affect the whole clan. Thats my point. But in any case i totally agree with you.

  8. The current war system is beneficial only for the bigger clans. 

    In isolated incidents at hunting spots, players using the current war system, to keep their "spot rival" away from the spot. A war declaration involving the whole clan, but its used mostly, to gain advantage for a hunting spot.

    The only way for PVE or smaller clans to defend themselves is these:

    1) Staying in 14 members clan, if they willing to fight back

    2) They accept the bullying/griefing and looking for another spot.

    Remove the 5 kills trigger war and everyone will be happy. Thats mostly seems to be more of an exploit, because we have seen plenty times the "force pvp in macro" and the war goes active, without consedence.

    Also, the bigger "pvp clans" will have more pvp daily, because there are players that are willing to fight back hard for their spot, without having to feel responsible if a war goes up, affecting their clan.

    A pvp for a hunting spot = Isolated incident.

    A war between clans = Must be done with both sides consedence, without restrictions.

  9. No its not an exploit. 

    But if you want that to change, it comes with 2 way changes. 

    You can declare war to a clan with less than 14 members, but it would be fair to remove the 5 kills trigger war, for the entire war system as well.


    The entire war system, needs to change. Two clans should go to war, with their consedence. Bigger clans declaring wars, over a hunting spot and they don't give the chance to smaller clans to retaliate, for an isolated incident. 

    The most fair change in my opinion, is to change the war system entirely.

    Remove the "14 clan members restriction", but also the "5 kills trigger war". 

    More pvp for hunting spots, more fun, without needed to affect a whole clan. 

    My two cents. 

    • Like 1
  10. @Juji

    The new system will be good only if:

    1) You refund the victims in case they lose gear

    2) Ban permanently the scammers. 

    So it will be good for the community if you can quarantee about those 2 things. If not, all hell will break loose from Wednesday, since exploiters and scammers waiting for this chance.

    Also, if you are sure that this "fix" is working and everyone is safe, i guess there will be any problem if you promise for refund in potential scams. 

    Thanks in advance.

    • Like 1
  11. Latency issues aren't solved, plus random disconnects every 2-3 hours. And its definitely not from our internet provider.

    2 clients open, only 1 got disconnect.

    The latency issues are bad, the attack speed to melee classes is really frustrating. I hope you can fix it, because we already used 200% runes for these exp settings. 

  12. 4 hours ago, Syndra said:


    Could it be possible to make a discussion about this request with the Korean Def team?

    Including myself I think there are many players who like to switch their main class.

    Maybe they can add something in the future? Does NCwest think about creating such service in the future?


    Yes @Juji thats a good suggestion :) If its possible to get in touch with Korean Dev team, it might something work. 

    Some people playing the same character for over 10 years or so.. Its very difficult to reroll due to many reasons, such as non tradeable items and mostly the respect to the time they have spent in this specific character and the attachment :) 

    The sure thing here, is that NC won't lose if that kind of service implements. In the contrary, if you put that as an NCoin service, you will have a good profit. 

    Since the new ranking system is coming, is pretty much unfair for ppl that stuck in a main class that is no longer bringing fun to them (changes all these years, made some classes worthless) and you will give them the chance to reroll, by keeping the same character they love, all these years.

    In my case, i have a good pve geared wynn as main class , but still this gear is getting filtered through servitor sharing and the outcome is dissapointing, considering that this gear in another class, can be 100% more effective. Jewels, PVE/PVP belts, Cloak augments (only the active buffs are ok every 10 minutes) and many more, are wasted..I don't even mention the summon stats. Even with the latest "boost" , summons are 1 shot to everything in pvp and hitting back for like 500 damage crit. So the PVP content is forbidden for Wynns and the PVE content is also difficult, because everyone would prefer any other DD, but summoner in party instances or exp. The escalation is terrible :)  

    So in the bottom line, if its possible to get in touch with the Korean Dev team, it would be very much appreciated @Juji

    Thank you

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