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Posts posted by Anak

  1. On 7/9/2021 at 10:47 AM, DeathLure said:

    Hi all !!!

    I was just wondering if at least one of the old Hindemith major allies (or clans into them) still exist nowadays in Chronos Server???

    Greets to all players new and old and much more HAIL to those from old "DramaQueens" server Hindemith!

    From an old player...

    S&H (TheDivineStratia)

    S&H !

  2. Hello @Hime and  @Juji,  it's been long time since this kind of "LAG" hit our servers. Is there any information when to expect this to be fixed ? As i remember its from Fafurion update and it's only on our servers, EU and RU don't have such a problem. @Draecke if i'am not wrong you have some "timer" can refresh it to see how long this going already. Anyone working on this issue to investigate a problem ? Any info about what to expect ? We lost enough players from our community already......

    Thank you !

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  3. For 15 years that i play i make mistakes, but i just accept the lost because it's my own fault. In this case again was my fault to put wrong price, but i cannot agree with the reason that i lost my item. If some real player bought my item iam ok with that, but i rly doubt that someone can make all the steps to make a purchase: make search in AH, noticed the item with misstype price, move cursor on it, double click to purchase and confirm the purchase and all this withing 2seconds, after i register the item ( the one who bought the item must make search after the item is registered ) and before i was able to cancel the registration...... So guys, if you still wonder why have lag in game, this can be one of the reasons :)

  4. With so many items atm and considering limit for 95 items, for switching main/dual class you should  mail out your entire tradeble items to can do it. So  @Juji ,can you be so kind to tell us please (like you did early with dices that we start getting before mini game was up), do we need to keep this coins for some upcoming part of the 16th anniversary  event, or can just delete them if they will dont have future usage till the end of the event. ty

  5. 11 minutes ago, WanPom said:

    let me give you an idea how to check if ISP causing this.

    When you guys make maintenance and the server on but no gamers online make a speedtest.net and 100 pig on internet providers ip, then make both again after 1 hour later with gamers, then 1 hour later again, do this till server have heavy traffic. this is the best tactic to check if the internet providers causing this. if you see a lot down and upload in last test, then come back here and post the result, i feel the download and upload in heavy traffic will be low.

    1 Question, all server share 1 internet? or all sevver have diff? or like chronos and naia share and the 2 classic share, so there is 2 internet 1 for live and 1 for classic?

    you serious ? :)

  6. 11 hours ago, mixa said:

    The skills are capped to 333 over 1000 (not as percentage). Nothing affects this cap and since there devs are busy designing p2w items and skills, the enchant routes and everything else like m.skill crit rate is just a bunch of non-sense. And the thing is, that it's probably best if it's left like it is. The mages can get very op very fast, if this cap is rised even to 500 over 1000.

    Anyways, with the upcoming nerf to the mages in the next update, you'll wish you could crit a bit more often xD

    Whats the upcoming nerf for mages ?

  7. @Juji Can you explain about magic critical rate again please.

    Is it ~33% crit rate FIXED ( even on lower than 300-330 mcrit rate on stats, 200 m.crit rate for example, to have 30-33% chance again ) or its 33% rate CAP (330 mcrit rate on character stats). ?

    Is this limitation is only for NA servers ?

    Why there is rank2 bonus +50 mcrit when it doesnt work ( currently have 550 mcrit rate and its not working ).

    Why you can get over 300-330 mcrit rate on stats when it actually not working. ( stats limit doesn't  match the game limit )

    Why players can spend real money for items that increase m.crit rate but they will not working as advertised/described  ( this sounds really bad at all )

    Debuffs that increase target to receive more criticals also not working for mage skills.

    Is there any difference between magic critical rate and magic skill critical rate ?

    What about skill enchants ? Savagery ( +++ skill critical rate ), is it fake too ?

    And also there is Ability points ( Magicians wild magic )  with magic critical rate in wizard tree that game force us to learn them ( waste of ability points ) in a way to can obtain ( Magician's Mystic ) m.crit damage.


  8. 7 hours ago, lolitsa said:

    Hello there i got the Lineage II Prestige Pack on the Nov 21, 2019

    Can you please tell me if i get the bonus and what i need to do ? thanks


    Must have an active prestige subscription at any point between 12 AM PST on 11/1  and 12 AM PST on 12/11. 

    YES.... L2R

  9. 2 hours ago, Spellwarrior said:

    So, If I bought my prestige pack between 11/1 and 12/11, but don't renew, I get this bonus pack?


    • Must have an active prestige subscription at any point between 12 AM PST on 11/1  and 12 AM PST on 12/11. 
    • If your subscription renews during the period you will be eligible.
    • If your subscription expires during or after the period you will be eligible.
    • If you make a new subscription during the period you will be eligible. 
    • If you have multiple subscriptions you will be eligible.

      Can't find your answer ?

    The question was when they will distribute the bonus codes ( they answer that already ), and if you make 2 or more subscriptions at same time, will you get bonus packs for each of subscriptions u make. One bonus per account, per prestige pack subscription ? Still waiting for answer from @Juji . More info here = less tickets on support for same questions.

    Great bonus for prestige packs btw ! +1

  10. On 11/26/2019 at 6:50 PM, Draecke said:

    afraid you guys don't realize adena is just like everything else an item so the logic works like this: first the item drop chance and then the 300% multiplier of the adena amount takes place

    so what this means is that it's no longer 100% drop chance for monsters to drop adena, time to move to an xp area where the drop chance is higher imho..

    On what formula then you can make 50m adena/h with 50% adena amount boost, and after that u go down to 10m adena/h, absolutely same mobs, on same spot. same lvl of char and same runes. We all know for upcomming changes, but there wasnt any change, just after exp/drop/adena event finish, the adena drop rate from mobs got decreased. if adena drop rate was same as at event, will not get drop from 50m/h to 10m.... shouldn't  be half drop ( let's say that 50m/h was with weekend 100% adena drop amount boost ).

  11. Yes, i have same problem in Field of Silence, since last update i didn't change the spot where iam hunting, killing same mobs with same runes ( Destiny pack + Prestige pack ), after exp/adena/drop event gone, alot of mob not dropping adena at all, if mob drop adena, the quantity is OK. On the event i was able to make 50-60m adena/h ,now iam getting ~10m adena/h. From 10 mobs 5 not dropping adena at all....

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