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Posts posted by PunishExploiters

  1. Also my own take on this change to limit it back to 3 clients max:

    @Hime @Juji
    At least consider the option of making it 4 so 2 pc's can run a party so anyone who can run a party can at least do their thing without having to work around it with yet another computer to maintain.

    To get things going i often find myself bringing a entire party to get things going solely because few people are still interested and i like to keep things going for the rest who still are interested.
    Instead of the alternative option of leaving them hanging with no interesting activities and just 24x7 macro which will not retain many people at all.
    I have already seen former big clans and alliances collapse into nothing but a hand full of people due to being bored and not just wanting a afk macro grind game with no interesting activities whatsoever.


  2. 8 hours ago, TheThrax said:

    Im gona say it coz I see we all avoid talking about that:

    YES its true, bots will be here even with limitation!
    YES its true, ppl with good computer skills will still create virtual machines to play more then 3 toons!-be advice, using this its against AULA yet I didnt saw anyone banned for this.
    But hell, we were dealing with those for years and we didnt had sooo many problems like now.

    YES its true, with 3 client limitation we get rid of tones of toons macroplayed from poor harware.
    YES its true, with 3 client limitation we get rid of "those scumbags" who think they can compete with regular spenders or players with know how.
    YES its true, with 3 client limitation we get rid of "those scumbags" who dont have money,skills and not even extensive knowledge about L2.
    YES its true, with 3 client limitation we get rid of ppl without common sense who put their macroparty on your spot even there are dozen free nearby.
    For all those problems, speaking for my self, i really cant deal...I want to see all of them gone.
    They have only one fear...PK. So I lost count...and im only at the begining.

    My message is: You with your parties of macrobot dont bring anything good in game, only bad things. You are new? learn all classes, learn all about L2 and if you want to keep up with old players then pull your visacard.

    For sure bots will not go away, NCWest knows it's a lost fight because the owners of those bots can cover up the money trail in so many ways that they can't track who is behind it.

    About virtual machines, i have asked the GM's about this long time ago after seeing a few youtube video from top players and wondering if i would be allowed to do so myself.
    It is actually allowed as long you do not perform any modifications to the client to make it work, they just will not give any support if the client wont run in that environment for any reason or if unexpected problems occur.

    3 client limitation does not really get rid of the problem at all, people can still put a single well geared toon in a spot with pots and another 2 in another spot (or 2 other spots with pots as well).

    Most of those spenders only spend to sell store promotion items on the market, without anyone to buy those who do they turn to?

    About the money, skills and knowledge i guess everyone had to start somewhere and get better at the game, now they just spam toons till the problem is "solved" which is another way to solve the problem but not a very good one.

    Actually very few full afk macro'ers even attempted after a good solid PK spree, they just care for the xp but they also care to not be dead 100% of the time when they aren't at the screen at least the most sensible ones.
    The actual problem are the insane players who just start on your spot for no good reason when there are 3 or more spots nearby completely free.
    They look for confrontation and get butt hurt and call their friends, clan, ally etc when their action brought consequences in the form of a PK.
    I've actually convinced a few of those to not support them and their actions due to this simple fact, even got a apology out of a few in fear of having their entire clan's afk macro'ing disrupted for a long time.

    There are people who do macro but don't do it at the cost of others and who actually sit at the pc even while playing other, more entertaining games.
    Small simple things that kinda keep the game going for some after the feeling it's been heading downhill fast since NCStore P2W era.
    It's all about morals down the line.

  3. You probably mean the assassin appearance exploit people actually used in pvp/siege/combat, if this can be forced then you can be sure it will once again be used and NCWest will do nothing to punish the exploiters.

    Even worse this issue might again remain for months like the other one has so people can abuse it in towns and open field to once again make 2+ months not worth to login or bother with the game at all due to build up frustration from crash after crash.

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