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Everything posted by MrE

  1. I play a seer, and most of the people who win hero are cheating to see seers in hide as well. It's a broken system and there is always going to be a top class for oly, if not seer something else
  2. Opened over 2k boxes, I have the EXACT same drops as @Andouille 100% not as advertised.. as usual with NC Soft West. We should get ALL of our NC coin refunded and NC Soft should fix the drop rates.
  3. So, after waiting for 6 months, let's see all of the "great" content we have: New skills - This was long overdue, however, not only do they cost TWO Greater rune stones, but the drop rates on these have been nerfed into the ground. I have yet to see a single person get a Greater Rune stone from the boxes, from TOI or from Dethroned since the update. New skills, but we cant learn them.. awesome +1 for new skills -2 for not knowing your own game well enough to ensure people could learn them. Tank skills changed to Pattack - THANK GOD, now wouldn't it be nice if the skills like.. oh I don't know.. HATE ..landed in PVP? Weird request.. I know.. +1 for Changes, LONG overdue. New hunting areas - Which really are the same "content" we get every update. Im calling this a net 0 Dethroned - let's be honest here, this was half the patch, and when it's all said and done what do we have? Nothing .. more skills to AFK in dethroned along with new areas to AFK in. The drops are more or less a joke and the tombs? HUGE NERF to their drop Net 0 Two more Forgotten skills - YAY.. two more things that cost 1500$ to level to 30... -2 for not listening to ANY Feedback in which this was a HUGE issue.. how expensive these are to get to 30. Not to mention, this further extended the gap between the whales and the entire server. Re-tuning the ability tree - this was a good change, allows more defense and more offense, but ultimately it is a wash for pvp. Great for pve. +1 New Boss Monsters - The only drops here that are even remotely worth our time Energy's, soul crystals 9 (kinda but not really) earring box. Is it so much to ask for REAL drops from a Raid Boss, like oh I don't know GREATER RUNE STONES? Or lvl 11 Soul Crystals, or new Gran Kain scrolls? net zero Freya - It looks good, but in typical NC Soft West fashion, I'll reserve judgement until we see how BAD the compounding / drops are. net zero Soul Crystals - hard to be excited about something I haven't seen drop yet or where the come from. Fallen Angels rings/ earring can be exchanged - Solid +1, this was stupid from the get go. Gran Kain - Im giving this a -10 because you STOLE all of our Scrolls and didn't not offer anything in return after we paid MONEY for them. Hud - nice changes +1 Ultimately this update makes characters "better" and addresses some of the past mistakes of making mobs WAY to strong and wiping away anyone's progress after an update. However, when it's all said and done, there isn't any real NEW content. The quests are tiresome and boring that amount to "kill these while you're afk" . The gap between normal players and whales will grow exponentially with this patch. NC SOft West was 1000% tone deaf when it came to removing purchased items, without reimbursement, Adding two HUGE expenses in forgotten skills, and not fixing skills to land in pvp. It's all about how much money you spend on gear. It's about catering to those dumb enough to spend thousands of dollars while ignoring the majority of the server and refusing to allow new or returning players to be able to enjoy the game. Overall F-
  4. The other problem with nukers is unless they crit, they don't do ANY damage. A tyrr for instance if it uses SOnic star, will kill ALL the mobs with it and no crit. Nukers? do NO damage, unless its a crit, and thats only 30% of the time.
  5. They removed the decision tree, and they wont answer.. but here let me help you out. Are you getting screwed? Then the skill is working as intended You already posted.. so good job! And step 3 will be, no answer... ever... then go back to step one.
  6. GM's dont reply to anything. Which is disturbing, because when there is a real issue and you send in a ticket, the response is one of two things 1. Working as intended or 2. Create a forum post. So the forums are apparently our ONLY method or attempt to get NC Soft West to fix any issues, and they just simply ignore all posts. Imagine if this was a new game and they treated the player base like this? This server would have ZERO players in it.
  7. L2 pass would require effort, and GM's don't "DO" effort here a NC Soft West.
  8. Because someone at NC Soft West believes falsely that you will make more money gouging a few people rather than bringing in more clients and offering a good product at a reasonable price. They most likely have metrics to hit and they would rather bleed people than reboot the offering and gain more players. It's an old game, they don't want to put any resources into it, so they would rather just bleed people, as the ones that are left are older and "invested", so they take advantage of it.
  9. Oh I don't know.. how about ... MAKE FRIGGING SKILLS LAND IN PVP!!?!?? MAYBE? It's only been a god%^#n decade.
  10. Don't return is my advice, unless you want to spend 100k (not even joking) to be even remotely relevant in the game. This is NOT the same game as when you left.. THAT was a great game with bad support and a bad publisher .. NOW? its a HORRIBLE game with quite possibly the most useless support and a 99% absent publisher. It's nothing but pay events, almost nothing drops in game anymore, and the few things that DO? They have turned down SO SO LOW it would take you literally YEARS to make any small progress. You can't enchant anything anymore with any kind of success, you can't make your own weapons or armor. The Exalted armor they updated a year ago that was actually good, they made absolutely 100% useless when the updated the mobs. Run... run away VERY, VERY fast... friends don't let friends play lineage 2 NA server.
  11. Allow me to translate ... We here at NC Soft West DON'T CARE. We DON'T CARE if we would make significantly more money. WE DON'T CARE if we would have a larger player base... WE DON'T CARE.. because if we DID care, we would run our server like all the other L2 servers.
  12. We all used to love the game, the publisher however have ruined every aspect of it. Can we please get a lead Dev from HQ or someone that has some pull at HQ to come into forums and simply read how much people have hated what this game has become and how poorly were treated?
  13. Of course they don't. All they do is lie. "Im playing a sorc, Im going to go totally free to play and ensure to update you all on my progress" @Wisp Where is that update turbo? ehe? Oh that's right, you never gave one. You hit the 105 wall in free to play, once you made it out of the mines you realized how bad the game sucks and someone at NC Soft west told you its ok that it sucks.. your job is just to try and take as much money as possible from the player base. That same person also told you to ignore the player base as "we dont matter" Don't worry @Wisp were used to GM's like you. You say one thing, you never go through with it and you end up like every other GM there ever was.... ruining the game chasing revenue on a chart ran by a group of people who have no idea how to make money in L2 because none of them have ever played it. I wish he NA server could be run by a different publisher... game would be infinitely better off.
  14. I sear to God. . If your "hunting zone updated" make the hunting zones harder.. I'll go play L2 somewhere else and take my clan with me.
  15. @Hermes isn't your JOB literally to work with the community to help fix these issues? This is going on YEARS dude... YEARS. Id say you are all lazy, but that would be a put down to lazy people. YEARS.. and not a single reply. Again, it's no wonder you aren't publishing throne and liberty, NCSoft apparently knows how bad yall are and wants a publisher to actually help their customers.
  16. Thanks for the absolute crap event, that is worse than it was last time @Hermes. Fail.
  17. Its why NCSoft west wasn't chosen to be the publisher of Lineage 3. You think they might take a hint from their parent company passing them over... NAH...
  18. Oh look, NONE of the events ended because there isn't ANY TICKETS. Screwed... YET AGAIN!
  19. So your grand plan is to extend the event another day, yet not have the NPC available to buy tickets? Which will in turn ensure there is no way the server will be able to actually have enough tickets to complete the event as its based on use of said tickets, that people BUY FROM THE NPC. Your decision making is astounding, there is no wonder NC Soft HQ is looking at a different publisher for Throne and Liberty. MAYBE if you listened to your player base, and actual took advice from us, you wouldn't be losing out on publishing the next NC Soft game? This doesn't surprise me, it's like a group of monkeys hitting buttons over there, it's almost comical how bad you all are at your jobs.
  20. Please give us a break from these absolute garbage events and just bring on Red Libra please. We don't want your "Increased rates" and Casino Boxes that end up leaving us worse off that we were before we bought them. Red Libra = Fun Your P2W events = Garbage, sadness, pain, depression, backwards moving vomit
  21. @hermes This post has been up for over 6 mo and your player base doesn't even get any kind of reply? Even a reply like "were working on it" or even "Were not changing them, please change class next red libra" would be SOMETHING. NONE of the actual skills from characters land, and when the summoner class is basically a debuffer, if the skills dont land the class is worthless, make the skills land 75% fo the time at the VERY LEAST. Old School L2, when the game was actually good, it was an abnormality for a skill NOT to land. It made the game tactical, as each class brought something to the fight. As of now, it's simply who can hit who for 1 billion damage. It sucks and it's not fun. If you want to gouge people for money thats fine, but at least make the skills work in the game in pvp.
  22. If you played the event, you paid for the pots with adena
  23. @Hermes nice job on having the items be limited for the server not per person. You know, with our JOBS and all, people arent able to log in until after work after everything was LONG GONE. Brillant. Overpriced event, catering to Euros again who are off work when the server comes up, so much for a North American Server I suppose.
  24. I've got 3 characters in the top 100, actual "Live Players" are much less than people think.
  25. Change the live server to be like Dethroned youll see PVP increase because people dont get hit for 5 BILLION damage.
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