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Posts posted by Kasemets

  1. 11 hours ago, WoDy said:

    I dont realy know why people complain about daggers over and over again, they have shadow step bluff UE that works on skills aswell.

    I personally saw a dagger full supports on Giran 1 shoting necros in oly almost 1 shot titan AntonIshuttin lvl 82 i also got 1 shot on my wc with full A equipment hat +10 full supports.

    Btw that dagger its 77or 78 lvl.

    You guys are crying for trick and switch but that class 1 shot almost every class with a propper gear and propper support buffs. Hide with cooldown 30 sec or smt like that and many other skillls that helps you to avoid Magic hits normal hits even debuffs.


    So instead of taking it up with NCsoft for ruining everything you complain about players complaining?

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