Q: Game server you play on (Chronos/Naia):
A: Chronos
Q: City and Country where you play from:
A: Pensacola, US
Q: Your ISP provider name
Q: Is your lag problem continuous, or is it intermittent?
A: Intermittent; experienced most in high player traffic areas to include high traffic hunting zones
Q: If intermittent, what is the timeframe where you experience the problem the most (time in PST timezone):
A: All the time, but worse with higher player density (weekends, for example).
Q: Problems you are experiencing (please provide as much detail as possible):
A: Extreme lag in player dense areas, to include unwanted disconnections. I cannot stay connected for more than a few hours without disconnect.
Q: Do you use any VPN or Fastping service? If so, which one:
A: No
Q: Did you find a temporary solution to your issue? If so, please share:
A: No; all graphics, ranges, and performance settings are set to lowest possible, which greatly impacts the game experience.