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MartikaCS last won the day on December 28 2022

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  1. Truly, it’s tiresome seeing an NA server speaking in World Chat in languages different than North America. Please include a PERMANENT english translation in world and hero chat. Consider all need to understand…. Quite frustrating. No one can cut and paste anything into a translator…. You are behind the technology wave. Please take this seriously. ~M
  2. Q: Game server you play on (Chronos/Naia): A: Chronos Q: City and Country where you play from: A: Pensacola, US Q: Your ISP provider name A: AT&T Q: Is your lag problem continuous, or is it intermittent? A: Intermittent; experienced most in high player traffic areas to include high traffic hunting zones Q: If intermittent, what is the timeframe where you experience the problem the most (time in PST timezone): A: All the time, but worse with higher player density (weekends, for example). Q: Problems you are experiencing (please provide as much detail as possible): A: Extreme lag in player dense areas, to include unwanted disconnections. I cannot stay connected for more than a few hours without disconnect. Q: Do you use any VPN or Fastping service? If so, which one: A: No Q: Did you find a temporary solution to your issue? If so, please share: A: No; all graphics, ranges, and performance settings are set to lowest possible, which greatly impacts the game experience.
  3. Welcome on board, Whisp!!! Get ready for a feisty, reactive adventure with this player base!
  4. Also, please consider Digital Denial of Service attacks on the L2 server that compels unfair player advantages via overloading.
  5. G’Afternoon, Over the passed two weeks while participating in the Olympiad on Chronos, I experienced uninitiated server disconnections and lost 100 Olympiad points. My internet did not lose connectivity, rather the game server ‘booted’ my game client. All who have participated in the Lineage 2 Olympiad have, at some point, experienced this; it is a source of player base frustration because the players did not ‘initiate’ a logout and yet are still penalized by point reduction (a significant amount… 50 points for each ‘server disconnect’). After submitting a support ticket to inquire, the response for not reconciling point reduction was ‘player initiated logout’ and ‘lack of tools’ to remedy the condition. My request to developers is to review the server disconnection of players vs ‘player initiated logouts’ during Olympiad and either adjust the rules or determine why and fix the game server to prevent players from being ‘booted off’. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. -M
  6. Oh WoW!!! You’ll be missed! Hope you like your new job… I’m sure a break from the banter this community likes to launch is long overdue! Best of luck and God Speed
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