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Everything posted by PanZloty

  1. This is how you and I see it !!! But sucker, no !!! And ncsoft see profits.
  2. I don't understand. Play for fun and pay for the game. This is sick, you need to heal.
  3. 3rd server is after that there is a drop in players !!! So that you buy the renewal of the item! and there will be a 4th server Master Class
  4. There will be 3rd server !!! 1 - Awakening 2 - Classic 3 - Aden(essence)
  5. For comparison https://eu.4gameforum.com/threads/683620/ why don't you provide it for information ??? ---->> additionaly, the Adena drop rate is reduced (100% → 70%)
  6. It works like this, you have a shop and the goods are running out of you, so the rest is redundant and the opinion of the players. It does not matter that something is wrong, it does not matter that qq players, it pays them off at the end of the month: D You are to blame that this is how it works: D
  7. I hope there will be a lot of laughter: D https://www89.zippyshare.com/v/BKBBvRFX/file.html here now I play buhaha
  8. something from this is going 2 weeks 0 applause you I collect 70-80 per day
  9. Success is set to 0.0009% so what do you want to do and what to win: D
  10. Play Lineage 2 here https://eu.4game.com/ Play Lineage 2 here 1 free account - box 9 euro -success events -adena drop + 50% -nice until the head hurts: D -everything you expect from the server you have there
  11. I propose to make an event for players a real success. We currently have success set to 0.0009% I propose to set 0.9% for 30 days + adena 100%
  12. I changed the server and it's great. It's a waste of time for Naia, years fly by.
  13. When you guys understand that you are losers !!! The events are for players to pay more !!! You have a weakness for the game so others will take advantage of it !!!
  14. 1x +5 STR 2x +5 DEX Good if you can make +5+5CHA, for me good option is +4CHA to each dye set. At the end it is +12 CHA. This is stable non random small bonus for you stat.
  15. I always have max attack speed, so I go logically in P. Attack So it turns out that I kill faster anyway.
  16. 2 summons go back to 3 as they used to be And after the problem.
  17. Why should they care for the players ??? How do they get what they want !!!
  18. I think so!! People are crying here and spending thousands of dollars. Clowns and that's it !!
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