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Posts posted by bytewalk

  1. No I'm not happy.

    Every players on Classic Servers knows the sale prices on Classic is 4x expensive compare to Aden servers (80NCoin for a box vs 80LCoin on Aden, not just boxes but everything including craft events, store items, etc...), so why we can fight with same mobs just like the Aden servers?

    Even if we are Oke with that, we need transparent about the changes. You guys at NC Soft nerf items that ppls paying money to buy, buff the mobs stats, but important, YOU DON'T SAYS A WORD about that changes.

    I'm not sure about the stats of characters or items but I see differences with my stats now, way weaker than before update but I don't know what actual changes are made?

    Could you please give us a REAL "Patch Notes" please? @Hermes

    • Like 2
  2. 16 hours ago, Scorpi0 said:

    Hello to everybody,

    In conclusion: if you are looking for a game that you liked, but you have a family and don't have much time, then it might suit you here, but if you are looking for your memories and want to experience what happened 15 years ago on other chronicles, then unfortunately you will be disappointed. but it doesn't really wait for you (in the final it's all about what kind of teammates you find and that often does more than the game itself).

    Agree with your conclusion. In addition, the server is not for newbie, or average players. They're selling stuff with an ridiculous expensive price so no one want to buy their stuff.

  3. Hello L2 Team,

    Recent sales and promotions are not appropriate for state of Classic Servers.

    Love Strongbox Crafting for example, Classic only have Special Armor crafting promotion with very high price: 177 Boxes for 10% chance, and the reward is only Imprint items.

    Ice Lord's Seal Crafting is only have Glakias Doll, that item is like 1% of players need it, with the price like 100$ for 20% chance.

    We don't need a Glakias doll only or Imprint items with expensive price, we need use-able items with acceptable price. Sale team has the sale data, please take a look on it you will see no one doing that crafting promotion.


    I really love Classic L2, but I believe the servers state will be better if Sale team can making more accurate promotion and sale, in term of price, reward and number of promotion.

    Thank you. @Hermes @Primali @Wissp

  4. https://www.lineage2.com/en-us/news/icelord-223

    This is a joke.

    You guys call it a sale/promotion, when ppl need to spend 25600 LCoin to buy a 20% chance to get a Glakias Doll.

    In other words, You guys selling Glakias Doll for 400$. 400 USD to get a Doll that has value around 1,3B adena in game. Which is anyone can sell 4x box L8000 for 1.3B, so the real price of Glakias should be around 100 . Sale Team is all don't know anything about game economy, and they was making worst and worst promotions.

    You can see the Sale data after promotion end, good luck with your promotion :)


    @Primali @Hermes @Wissp

  5. @Wissp @Hermes

    Regarding to the The Love Strongboxes Promotion.

    Can you let us know why the Classic Server get difference special crafting promotion?

    Live and Aden craft with item from opening boxes: Cookies and Giran Seals, but Classic need to use unopened boxes to craft?

    So players need to sacrifice the sale promotion to do crafting? That's unfair for Classic version. The price of crafting is needed to revise too, 177 Strongboxes just for a 10% chance crafting is hard to attract players to do it.

    Please revise the Special Crafting promotion for Classic Server. Thank you.

  6. @Wissp @Hermes


    Dear L2 team, this is the one event I was waiting for because the last time it come, you guys remake the price and I really enjoy the sales. I spent nothing since that last event (6 months ago). And now it returns, the team again make an unaffordable price!

    Please listen your players, the classic servers are dying and the team need to revise all of the sales price. 100Ncoin for 50 Night Market coin is ridiculous. The last event is 50, but for now I think 25 is more interested. 

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