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ffs last won the day on September 30 2023

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  1. shows server full... everything going great ingame... population is blooming... Hopefully people will get actual prizes and not just have toons afk for empty draws. I myself will hard pass on logging stuff, seen this movie too many times and ima do my small part not clogging the server.
  2. what chain of command approves these decisions? Are you conducting a social experiment or something? wtf...
  3. coz this game is ran by 18y olds straight form the school of mobile games, but is played by 35y+ olds used to old school gaming. So, you know, there is a gap of sanity, sensitivity and obviously competence
  4. @Rownen the game accounts we have give us access to the forums and not the discord. What is the reason for not posting the info in the OFFICIAL FORUM OF THE GAME? You think this will force ppl to join your discord, so you can show engagement numbers there, when the expected behavior of nc staff is the same neglect we have here for years? Your previous colleagues burned down any good will ppl had long time ago. You will have an uphill battle to fight. Please do not antagonize the community and do not shake things up when they work as they are like the previous ones did.
  5. @Hermes @Wissp @GM_EVA after the countless problems for YEARS and the final fiasco with the new packs, with 0 address of anything by YOU, you think a "gm buff" will do something? are you out of your minds? Ppl are quitting left a right at this very moment. This is your plan? Randomly give gm buffs and the promise of a vit maintenance rune to keep ppl logged in? What is wrong with you ppl? ADDRESS THE REAL PROBLEMS YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR.
  6. that reflects poor on you and your judgment. Randomly starting a 19yo game with heavy p2w? i mean... the rest of the ppl here are long term abused addicts. but you? what was your expectation?
  7. its 20 euros per week for the adena rune, 1600ncoins (who cares for the rest of the pack imo, IF some1 wants to buy e-coins with their prestige they can do it separately) Decision makers should be fired on the spot
  8. a) they have not gained any new ppl in years and, b) you cannot wake up someone who just pretends to sleep
  9. best advice i would give to myself if i were in your place, You made a bad decision. This is not even close to the game you remember, go play something else. With the euros/dolars this game will demand of you in order to play you can buy a ps5 a literaly hundreds of games, a super gaming pc with hundreds if not tousands of games, can probably take a trip around the world and it will be cheaper. If you are hellbent on playing l2 for some bizarre reason your 1st choice should be an "unofficial" low rate server if you want to socialize or high rate if you want to pvp.
  10. yeah so smart, go form one ncsoft game to another.... what is wrong with you ppl? you never learn....
  11. @Hermes and this is how you post an event. WITH CHANCES and NOT on excel cells
  12. @Hermes @Wissp @GM_EVA can we get a response anywhere at any issue? do you have any idea of the daily expenses of a player in your game and the capacity for adena income w/o the prestige pack? 400-800m adenas daily for beoras vit pots 100m daily for Source of Life DT skill, which you need to do in order to lvl up the fire totem skill later 20m for the Fighting Spirit DT skill lets say 20m to enter all daily instances a random amount for soulshots, brezes, fish stuff, random consumables and teleports daily eventual gear upgrades which have no ingame way get anymore the way you distorted the game, and cost billions eventual DT skills upgrades which cost billions and many more expenses every which method you implemented to burn the excessive adenas a handful of people farmed still remain as they were. Notice these prices are npc prices set by you!! the vit pots, the ores, the scrolls, the dt skill stuff. What is left in this game are not 10-20yo students like 20 years ago. You are dealing with adult ppl, doctors, soldiers, engineers, teachers, trained professionals and educated people in general, with disposable income. You treat us like garbage, like what you do is too complicated, top-secret stuff, clients who pay don't need to know etc. This is not 2000 where people had a limited knowledge of the internet or just a handful of mmos. TALK TO PPL , EXPLAIN YOUR DISISIONS, SHOW US YOUR WORK AND WHY WE SHOULD SPEND MONEY HERE, PRESENT YOUR ROADMAP TO SMTHNG. AND MOST IMPORTANT WORK WITH THE bleep COMMUNITY. IGNORING US MAKES US EITHER LEAVE OR ANTAGONIZE YOU! I often find myself asking would i like to work/hire ppl like the ones working in this game. And the answer is NO. You miss deadlines, you miss your monthly scheduled posts or other routines, you mistranslate patch notes and always post at the last minute while you are 6+ months behind kr so you already know what's ahead, you disregard your paying clients, act like problems do not exist so you do not have to solve then, you do not delegate to adjust the server you run to the reality of your clients, you have 0 knowledge of the mechanics of the game you run, you promise stuff but never deliver, you as players opinions with polls and never answer or do something with the feedback, your cost cutting practices lead to a ChatGPT situation with your support! all the above are unacceptable! here there is your feedback, add it to your useless polls sad thing is the only ones you can do smthng to change anything is YOU, which is discouraging taking into account your track record. At least show people you are trying... Change has to start somewhere. I did not expect this to degrade into a rant....
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