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Everything posted by iAdel22

  1. the situation is much simpler than you can imagine just take an old character that was forgotten and he will have the skils there so he can learn escence of mana and demaiw skils from the class!
  2. Just because you don't know how to face the classes does it deserve a nerf? Besides, this double jump is not easy to do!
  3. all official servants have seen this change! Why should it be different here?
  4. @Juji could you pay attention to this case?
  5. A really bad situation that has been going on for months! The NC should take precautionary action! @Juji is there any way to explain this failure?
  6. When I talk about high level players I usually talk about items like Lenel! The situation I mention is player lv 110 in arras 103 full teams!
  7. How would they do it if they don't have farm areas to get the coins? Full gear palyers take the place of players without items!
  8. players with few items have no option for farm areas! The few that exist are populated by 109+ players!
  9. Do the following then give up all your items and exalted farm in low level areas!
  10. Several high level players take advantage of weak areas leaving low level players with nowhere to farm xp! Could any GM review this?
  11. Letting people know that certain systems will be activated is the minimum! @Juji @Hime
  12. @Juji or @Hime could you explain it?
  13. Has item drop by pk been activated?
  14. iAdel22


  15. Existem vários relatórios de pessoas que não conseguem se conectar ao site! Many are redirected to the homepage after trying to connect! Anyone else with this problem?
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