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Everything posted by Isotrope

  1. On Blackbird, the top clan gave a warning to stay away only when the boss is low. This was reasonable. They also allowed lanterns at the end which also has nice rewards. I can confirm 1 hit on the boss is not enough. You probably do need to be in the area and does work if you are dead, but 1 hit was not enough. The last hit mechanic is on NCSoft. They have had other events where it was most dmg, but as you can see some others thought of a reasonable compromise. Lastly the comparison to old classic is tired. It is doubtful this game was nearly as p2w when it was subscription based. Not nearly the items like all the accessories that created even a bigger gap where a single talisman is more powerful than a weapon. This is most likely why old classic had more actual competition between clans because it was not as p2w and cost as much as today. The irony is lost when the server dies after the casuals leave, it is not fun anymore. Happened before and you have the remanants of that today with classic. They might as well make it a single player game, but you won't find that fun either. They could make a pve server and it might even be more popular. They should make Fire Lord a world zone. It's only way this game will ever be interesting. They will never merge servers to provide a token server for different time zones, but there are not enough players in the entire world to play end game for more than one server.
  2. You can't use potions or anything when the gauge is full. What do you do with a rune that maintains grace for days? You won't be able to use grace potions and they get deleted. You won't be able to use sayha's blessing to do the daily mission etc. Do we need to plan ahead and deplete our entire sayha's before using the rune from the vanguard patch? Rune of Vitality Pack (7-day) x2 Double-click to obtain the items in the description. Maintains Sayha's Grace for 7 days. I'm fine with the concept, but it feels a little awkward managing sayha's.
  3. I think I figured it out. They should give an official explanation as the "Grace Maintaining Effect" is not even mentioned in the patch notes. There are 2 types of Sayha's Grace icon effect. I believe when it starts randomly flashing, you get an increased chance to receive the Grace Maintaining Effect. Use Grace Cookie or Sayha's Blessing when the icon starts flashing. You will notice Sayha's still goes down, but the chances of you getting the effect is higher during this time. When you do get the effect the icon will light up even brighter and will show how much time you have. Sayha will not go down during this time and this is when you can use Sayha's Storm and not lose extra. You can leave cookies on auto and maximize this chain effect automatically. I've also noticed that the icon starts to flash later at night and I suspect there is an increased chance at certain server times.
  4. I don't know where you heard this rumor, but that has been my prediction that classic will be shutdown by next year 2023. They completely mangled this version of classic. It was never that classic and has only gotten worse. They insist on homogenizing it with the rest of the modern system like random crafting which makes no sense on classic. Aden or essence is the obvious and clear logical progression from classic. Eliminating the need to box a full party just to play the game. If everyone afks by themselves on classic anyways, what's the point of playing it if there is Aden? Every square inch of classic is farmed by adena sellers or other players. Full boxed macro party farming necropolis or anything good. Classic isn't designed with the mob density of the modern version, but a single player can hog an entire room in Cruma. Any new content is only accessible to like 100 people top because it's way too hard. This is however true of any version of L2, but it's obvious that the need to log 10 characters every single time gets tiring. If you are truly a new player to L2, don't play official classic. Do not waste a single dime. Play it for free to learn the ropes because L2 has a steep learning curve. If you don't already have 10 accounts with VIP 10 ready, it's a complete waste of time. If you don't have even a single account with VIP 7+, it's a waste of time. It's because you will not get any drops or spoil otherwise because the game is rigged that way. It is not possible to have any innocent fun on classic because nothing you would expect happens on this server. There are no parties. No one cares while they afk by themselves. You will get nothing because you think you can play for free with VIP 0 and no one will or can help you. Many players actually enjoy the mmo aspect, but this is not the reality on this server as they officially allow 10 clients and that's what everyone does. This is why Aden has struck a nerve and more palatable to the rest who did not want to bother with classic. Classic is just a name. The official classic is a mangled new version of classic never seen before. They've already moved well beyond the breakpoint like removing any vendor value of drops like crafting mats. Spoil rates were already terrible to non-existent. Drops and recipes aren't the exact same as the old classic database. Zones like DV and TOI updated already, but they still refuse to release towns like Rune and Heine. It's supposed to be a party game, but the players cried for things like dances to be auto-casted so they can all afk with their own parties. Why people like classic is because of the original class design pre-awakening. That's what it comes down to and that's what you still get on Aden. Zones and content have changed numerous times over the years, but what people want to play is the original classes with the original spells. That is still the same on Aden compared to what it is today on Live. It is still free to try out any of the servers so go ahead. If Aden and Classic merge it is not because of the company being mean. It would be because there are not enough players to financially support it. But the company is at fault for the version of classic they released. There are many variations of classic and this is not the one and they insist on modernizing it instead of releasing a true classic version. The modern systems are clearly adapted from the Aden version and it's not suprising that it works better on Aden. There simply is no incentive to stay on classic after the release of Aden, but players like boxing 3 parties and playing by themselves and you can still do that on classic.
  5. I'm having difficulty leveling on Aden. The adena drop rate, soulshot, consumable cost and xp doesn't add up. People keep saying its fine until 80+, but this has not been my experience. I've concluded that the only solution is to limit the hours of play. Therefore when people say it's fine, it is only if you limit to 12 hours max. Soulshot costs are NOT fine if you want to leave your pc on overnight for a 24/7 operation. People seem to be glossing over the details and it is not a fair and honest review. I had to conclude after my own analysis that they had to play within the means of the daily mission which would mean limited hours. If you farmed without soulshots, the xp and leveling would suffer greatly. I'm also under the impression there is a great deal of imbalance between classes in farming efficiency which may also skew someone's defintion of what is considered "fine". 200 Soulshot Tickets Per Day 200 ss tickets a day seems to be the rough average. However my mage uses almost double that amount in a single day. The question is what people define as a "day". There is technically 24 hours in a day, but people typically play up to 8 hours. This game is automated and hence people aren't actually playing 24 hours consecutively. 200 Soulshot Tickets = 200 NCoin = $2.50/day = $75/month That is $75 a month just for soulshots. So are people buying nearly 1400 NCoin worth of soulshots per week? If anyone has any advice for leveling a mage or caster please let me know. Please provide details because I'm literally down to the last adena and scrapping by waiting for the daily to reset. Something is definitely not right.
  6. This comment got me thinking. Asians in general have a different mentality and culture. Where individualism rules in the west, it is about the greater good in the east. Do these things happen on the korean server where one individual comes to wipe out the one zone everyone needs to level in? Pk is part of the game, but I can't fathom doing something like that. I see PK as a personal vendetta and revenge. Not PK as in wiping out the entire server for the fun of it. As for the nature of events, this game clearly needs a gold sink more then before because it is designed for afking. This is why 1 mil adena is treated like a $1 tip. Without gold sinks there would be nothing to spend on and adena just piles up all from automated gameplay. The costs are still tough for new and casual players, but I think I understand the logic of it. Comparatively, the cost of random craft is 1 mil per on classic, but 300k on aden. They allow you to buy up to 3 milky way buffs and technically it's also a 24 hour xp buff scroll for 1 mil adena when xp buffs are a premium on L2.
  7. What does it mean when the Sayha's Grace icon is flashing/blinking? I thought it has to do with Grace Maintaining Effect, but it's not always case.
  8. Are ranged characters continued to get shafted with drops and auto-hunt? With how these seeds work (unlike letters), you are forced to manually pick up. A problem melee doesn't have going afk. Pretty sure live was changed to auto-loot and no more pickups?
  9. Probably because the old classic/no box is not as glamorous as some make it out to be. At least some boxes is nice and spamming 1 button 24/7 isn't that fun either. If you aren't boxing full parties it's not really possible to do at higher levels. You can afk, but there are caveats. You are trying to preach to the choir. No one cares. The rates on official are lower then classic and if you aren't paying for VIP it's virtually unplayable anyways. Meaning you kind of need to afk farm to get anywhere. If you are only using moon armor you won't be able to do afk past ants nest if you aren't willing to spend some money on decent gear. Good luck if you think you can afford all those consumables just to afk farm lower levels. Prove it and get 80 for us before you talk.
  10. Auto-Loot. Not just pickup. I believe this was implemented on live? Make it an option. Make fishing useful again. You still get a fishing rod as a vip gift and it's become so useless literally no one fishes anymore. Giran Harbor completely empty. starter packs per character perhaps or bring back timed weapons in store. Lower Levels In General C-Grade and lower grade is still useful. You can't even modestly get lower grade gear because the drop rate is so bad across the board. Not even worth crafting. Removed mats from clan coins. Made mats 0 adena. Way this server works is getting crumbs from VIP 10 players. Adena becomes premium and buy whole drops they get from VIP because again crafting/spoiling/drop rate is so bad. Spellbooks are also lower level. Getting to 70+ is still a chore. Only if you box full parties and can leave your pc on 24/7 then it's "easy". You designed from the start to push people to end game as evident from skipping to 20 and removing all pre-20 content. You might as well continue to push to minimum 70. Nerf TOI 1-3 or something along that line. It's palpable to see new players quit this game by 50 or so and the design is absolutely terrible for retaining any new players. There is enough of a roadblock from 80+/A-grade+ that I think it's reasonable to bump lower levels a bit. Waiting to see the crafting changes.
  11. It never seems to land or work at all. Anyone have any experience using this spell? I just spam hydro blast.
  12. Can you do xp boosts for lower level from around 60? It's a wall with only one daily mission available after the FOM daily expires. TOI is not possible without a party and the only reason lower levels are tolerable because Cruma can be easily soloed. Since no one parties in this game or just boxes full parties and afk, there's no avenue for modest players starting from this level. Now after the server merge TOI I is constantly packed anyways and most likely by 1 player afking with full parties and there's only 4 rooms. When there is at least 2 daily missions overlapping it's tolerable, but there is a gap from 60-65 and the xp is so miserable without access to any high xp dungeon type places to go. TOI is supposed to be that place, but for variety of reasons as mentioned it is not a great solution. The game kind of starts from 70 so can you consider boosts for much lower then 75.
  13. This new support shortcuts window refuses to remember it's setting. I have to turn it on every time. Is this a bug or can it be fixed?
  14. It's always been the case about these loot boxes and you keep falling for it. They have been doing this since the beginning and pretty much every other month they release a new loot box and it's always the same thing with terrible drop rates. I think what these game companies are doing with these p2w items are unethical, but at the same time you kind of do it to yourself.
  15. Can store in private warehouse can share within account Unusable Drop Public Store People already with +8 Elmore Cloak - Legendary
  16. I heard that "legendary" cloaks are tradeable, but there is still a lack of information on the website. They really have an obligation to be clear especially when it comes to paid items.
  17. HP potions from the event disappeared? I don't recall any explanation for this?
  18. This was all recent with Kamael update. You should read the patch notes.
  19. BD: Dance of the Vampire 74 Dance of the Warrior Lv 2 71 Dance of Fire Lv 2 61 It's a waste to buy the high grade pack on buffers, but just have them assist off you. You get tons of free ss. All 3 assisting and attacking with ss will melt cruma 2 and afk there until 57. Might even be able to do TOI.
  20. Sea of Spores Giant Monster Eye Dire Wyrm Rotting Tree Right in the middle of the zone where the giant pillar? is. Cemetery Soldier of Grief Cruel Punisher Grave Guard Taik Orc Watchman Taik Orc Supply Officer The supply officer annoys me the most and constantly spawns on top of the tombstone. Abandoned Camps and Fellmere has some too.
  21. I've had a hard time reaching you in-game. I'm currently 58 with 2 boxes. Been looking to group for TOI or anything besides afk solo. I'm about ready to start my own clan. Is anyone interested in partying and not afking with full party boxes?
  22. Just a thought, but since there is no grade penalty, there is rationale for nerfing drop rates just about from 55 since it allows you to farm far easier than it was originally designed. Notice the weapon from the high grade starter pack has a lvl 54 restriction that is not applicable to NA Classic. In other regions/versions that weapon was only usable from lvl 54 and imagine how overpowered being able to use those weapons before that as everyone has been doing in NA. It would not be fair to give normal drop rates if players are allowed to use gear not originally intended for those levels. NCWest has never made an official statement other than "it's fine", but I have definitely noticed something odd about rates having explored different zones and even leveled my own spoiler. Could it be "fine" given the context? If my speculation is correct, I can understand to an extent, although I don't entirely agree with how they handle it. XP is still retained low to give incentive for buying xp boosts, but it has also let a lot of honest players hang dry without notice. What if some players enjoy low rate and take time at early levels? Yet a game as this is not fun if drop rates are kept so low that it turns from challenging to simply not fun. If they designed this game to be rushed to end game, as I have theorized all along, then give us some sort of a hint or anything at all so we don't waste time meandering in lower levels.
  23. I finally got to 58 and started farming 60 mobs and the drop rate has been very noticeably different. I farmed in Fields of Massacre - Doom Servant, Graveyard Predator, Dismal Pole. They all have various gear parts like full plate and some b-grade. Stuff was practically raining down the sky from what I have been used to all this time. I have a pile of various parts from just one day of farming. Meanwhile I hardly could get any d-grade stuff to drop up to now. I have gotten about 9 various full plate parts including 3 full plate armor temper which still has value. It's hard to imagine this zone and mobs is some exception. I was farming Unicorns in EV just prior. Couple days of farming netted me just ONE full plate armor temper and also near the entrance of DV on my spoiler. Not ONE SINGLE top c weapon part has yet to drop for me. Yaksa, Deadman's etc. Not a single damn one when I have been farming all the mobs that have them in their loot table. I come to Massacre and 2 shot these mobs and now I get all this stuff to drop? Second day of doing the Shilen daily and I already got a Great Pata blade to drop, b-grade. Whole week of farming DV on my spoiler and I got the captain to spoil ONCE and it was a raid sword blade and some bec de corbins? These are just mid-c. I can already see it coming that it's probably easier to farm a b-grade spirit's staff over a c-grade deadman's. I briefly tried Thunder Wyrms in DV and of course nothing. There seems to be some cutoff at 55. Although there is overlap between Cemetary and Fields of Massacre at 55, there appears to be quite a difference in terms of xp/sp/adena/drop. Let's say L2wiki is not official. The loot table is mostly the same, but the recorded drop/spoil rate does seem to be different. Can you tell us anything at all? All the complaints about drops are early levels pre-60. I farmed Fields of Massacre and made 1 mil in a day. I've been agonizing at lower levels all this time and the solution simply seems to be to level fast 60+. Is this intended?
  24. Typically people refer to pvp and ranged champs are just that. They 2 shot people before they can get in range. Aside from that I don't think it matters that much if you go melee instead of playing the class you enjoy. Problem with this version is that unlimited boxing made everyone box and solo the content all the way to end game so it only matters until you are 70+. Another factor is that many people actually spend money on VIP and runes and level quite fast because those xp boosts are significant. You just have to grin and bear it until at least 60+ and try to afk since that's what everyone does. It's not until 60+ or so where there is more interest for parties as content becomes more difficult and the drops become relevant from b-grade. I play on Talking Island and have similar problems playing at odd hours or a different time zone.
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