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Posts posted by FTBs

  1. 18 hours ago, m0da said:

    You are not wrong but not exactly right either.. The prices are determined by demand and supply in an economy.. Also, bots are maybe creating adena but that doesn't mean that you or me will have more adena.. You will have to pay the bots for adena, it's not free.. The actual euro/adena rate hasn't changed despite the bots..

    For example.. Lidvior's earring price is getting increased over the last months.. That's not because bots are pushing more money in the economy, but because there is no more supply of such earrings.. The boss was removed from the server and it's almost impossible to get a lidvior from an event..

    So the one that determines the supply is the one that affects the prices, especially in this game's economy that is like a monopoly in the real world.. The company itself is the only factor affecting the prices.. That's a fact.. Putting the blame on bots is like playing the company's advocate..

    You have forgot one little thing - botting and selling items(adena) for real are crimes. So you should compare with illegal black market mechanics in real word and in game not white legal one. Call fbi, son.  

  2. Yesterday i tried this compass event. I am 101 Wynn. I was cheerfull and glad to get x 2 exp event. I entered compass dungeon killed 6 vawes normal mobs and i saw first boss - golem like robocop - i was in funny mood and i began to kill it. I spent 20 mins running in happieness and spending about 3 000 beast  shots. i didnt kill it and i died about 15 times. It was funny but i didnt understand meaning of this event. Run and die spending good mood? Todoay i dont want to enter in this awful nasty meanenless dungeon no thx.

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