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Posts posted by Favela

  1. I wouldnt even be on here had I not had not experienced this in the past a few times now and opening a ticket. Then the support replys "you were mistakenly caught in our routine security review" and my accounts were unlocked. This, time I get different accounts locked and some auto paste bullshit from support who dont even know why it happened either. Looks to me like support didnt want to fix this mistake and just decided to auto paste a generic response and screw over paying customers instead of resolve the issue.

  2. I mean my accounts literally were standing in town for the halloween event. I had recently purchased coin cards to get the free VIP items for the cloak event... Just going to have to recall everything if they won't fix this.

    My main has perma VIP so I decided to get the VIP benefits on a few of my alt characters for this cloak event and they get banned..  Thanks.. @Juji @Hime

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