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  1. Lots of Freya's roses and worthless stuff
  2. Freya scroll is Vitality Based. "Don't hear anyone but me" kinda comment, but anyways. Easy to talk when u basically manage the whole server market
  3. Last event had a 30% Party EXP Bonus, I took advantage of it as much as I could.
  4. I really appreciate the pre-anniversary goodies.. but. There is no point on giving XP/SP ones. I know its been a lot of complains about everything, but it is understandable for me, as a f2p player. Vitality points are such an important thing in the game, basically no XP boost works without it, and I feel like I've been AGES stuck in Lv. 107 and getting 0,0002% per mob in SV. Please, consider next time in a 7-days event giving a 7-days VP maintan runes/buffs, etc.
  5. Oh but some dude commented "u shutdown the dandy ball cat" and he responded almost inmediatly saying he didnt HAHAHA the whole staff is a joke
  6. The flashbacks are coming. I saw this in another game, TERA. L2 prob will be dead by the end of this year if they don't listen to their players
  7. Funny how they put a box inside a box lmao.
  8. Another sales event, with no communication with players, no info about the upcoming anniversary.. omg im so excited!
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