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Everything posted by Syndra

  1. Since the enchant rate is close to zero. For the price of those stable scrolls they should be 100% enchant rate. Like heavenly weapon or armor scrolls. Atlast untill +10. I request this since all stable scrolls I optained have failed.
  2. Used 4x legendary scroll on normal elmore cloak today all failed. I expect it since it's like 5%.. Used 3x stable on 1 legendary cloak +5 and all failed. After that I sold the normal scrolls and spend the adena for krisna weapon upgrade. The enchant rates are insane. Beside that for the price of the stable scrolls it should be 100% since it's up to +10 enchant. @Juji So this is the second time I did this cloak event and still on +5 never got higher. @Hime Doesn't the lineage 2 team want players to spend more euro's but as a costumer I am very dissapointed since eveything is going to dust and very low improvement.....or no improvement at all. Is it possible to make stable enchants 100% in the future? So we the players get atlast something as improvement from the packs we buy with ncoins. Isn't worth an refund for those that used alot of stable enchants? We have it with weapon enchants and armor alrdy. Atlast less people leave this game and we get more exited to buy some packs for Ncoins.
  3. @Juji I aggree to this. Last dragon necklace event round on Naia I also wasn't able to enter thicket on the last 500 items. I find it very strange... I have not experienced it any rounds before. Last rounds you see it dropping fast but this was to fast to be true.
  4. Party play died when GoD got introduced. Those party play we had in primefall isle back then and the activity by players. If you compare it to those days all I see is a path of destruction. Adena & drop is nerfed, XP is nerfed, Party slots are nerfed, clan lvling is nerfed, clan slots are nerfed, party for raids, now it's 1 player game and the list goes on and on. Dude we even had the ability to make trains in LOA or 3 way all the way to the 3th bridge. All I see are tears it's just sad. I miss the old pvp. Then to question to spend on ncoin shop; not even close to think about it...
  5. I agree, nobless teleport worked great. Anyway now we are stuck with the habbit to walk to gatekeeper and once there get to know u wasted your time. Ahahaha. Btw, servers are up.
  6. Option 1: If you teleport to the village it's 60.000 adena but if you really broke a zone next to the village is 30.000 adena. So for example you need to go dion you teleport cruma tower then use scroll of escape or return and you pay 30.000 insteed of 60.000 adena. Option 2: Teleport to arena for example gludin, giran or monster track (dion) are free to teleport then return or scroll of escape and you get for free in town without any adena cost. Option 3: Use lvl 6 faction mounts; giant cave (aden), hellbound (heine), enchanted valley (hunter village); then use scroll of escape or return skill. To my opinion teleporting cost just 1 scroll of escape it's just an idea for you. Beside that you can buy the scroll of escape in a light castle town without taxes from groces, saves you adena.
  7. 1. Dutch 2. Main: Syndra (Prophet > Hierophant > ISS (stone of Destiny) Eva Saint. Added dual class Feo, later switched to Wynn. I think many bought buffs from me in the old days at 3 way, the bridge, cruma. I always had conversations with active buyers. I miss the pvp at dion gate or the long trains in LOA. 3. Started on Teon; Then Chronos transfered to Magmeld. Those days active on Freya. During my study years had great pvp years in Revenge and Genocide. Today not mutch time left cause of work; joined PVE Canadian clan on Freya. 4. 101/102; Healer/Wynn 5. Depends; when a new elders scrolls game is released I'm inactive.
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