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Posts posted by Dawe

  1. On 9/22/2023 at 1:03 PM, EletricOrange said:

    I see some old school players here thinking that the price of items will drop and they won't!! We know that many people have prestige stock for more than 5 years! That's right over 5 years!! So we can be realistic and settle that the price will only stabilize if NC West (we know it won't do that) withdraws and refunds everyone who has made large stocks of prestige.

    I still wonder why someone would stock up Prestige packs...

  2. @Wissp I believe the Patch Notes are missing these new Collections:

    Collection Category

    Collection Name Duration Registrable Items Quantity Collection Effect

    JrgyJbw.png  Event

    Eva's Blessing 30 Day(s) since acquisition


    Eva's Rune

    1 Increases Max HP by 10% and decreases Cooldown by 20%. Reflects a portion of damage received back onto the enemy.
    Baium's Blessing 30 Day(s) since acquisition


    Baium's Rune

    1 Bonus XP/SP +50%, All STATS +1, P. Def./M. Def. +500. Does not apply to pets and servitors.
    Freya's Blessing 30 Day(s) since acquisition


    Freya's Bloody Rune

    1 Increases damage inflicted on NPC's by 15%.
    The Question of Prestige 30 Day(s) since acquisition


    Prestige Rune

    1 Adena drop amount +300%, item drop rate and spoil acquisition rate +100%.
  3. I believe this simple suggestion will be welcomed by many...

    Add these 4 new Collections!

    Collection Category

    Collection Name Duration Registrable Items Quantity Collection Effect

    JrgyJbw.png  Event

    Eva's Blessing 30 Day(s) since acquisition


    Eva's Rune

    1 Increases Max HP by 10% and decreases Cooldown by 20%. Reflects a portion of damage received back onto the enemy.
    Baium's Blessing 30 Day(s) since acquisition


    Baium's Rune

    1 Bonus XP/SP +50%, All STATS +1, P. Def./M. Def. +500. Does not apply to pets and servitors.
    Freya's Blessing 30 Day(s) since acquisition


    Freya's Bloody Rune

    1 Increases damage inflicted on NPC's by 15%.
    The Question of Prestige 30 Day(s) since acquisition


    Prestige Rune

    1 Adena drop amount +300%, item drop rate and spoil acquisition rate +100%.

    Sure, the rune items would need some adjustments like: Time Limit Removal, Description change and the addition of the Collection flag, but that should be easy changes...

    These runes could be delivered through a package sold in the Einhasad's Gold Coin Shop, if NCsoft decides to abandon the subscription model...

    Or though the Account/Dimensional Merchant as before...

    Com'on guys.... let's do this!! It's 2023 ffs.

    • Like 1
  4. Quote


    - Modified to summon a servitor according to the summoner's level.

    - Servitors can no longer use Beast Soulshot/Spiritshots.


    What about Feoh Soultaker and Tyrr Maestro?




    Yul Ghost Sentinel

    Revamped the Ghost Penetration skill.

    Skill Name

    Skill Level

    Changed Effect

    Changed Effect

    Ghost Penetration


    P. Skill Critical Rate Increased

    P. Skill Critical Rate Increased

    When an enemy is killed, the Cooldown of certain skills is reduced by 1 second

    Skills: Quick Shot, Pinpoint Shot, Impact Shot, Recoil Shot, Slow Shot, Tornado Shot, Multiple Arrow, Heavy Arrow Rain


    What has been changed to these Yul Ghost Sentinel skills?


    When using a bow or crossbow item, normal attacks and skills can be used even if there are no more arrows or bolts.

    The following items will be removed during the maintenance on Tuesday, August 1st, 2023.

    • Orichalcum Arrow
    • Orichalcum Bolt

    You are joking right?


    Modified to change Dual/Main class regardless of inventory weight/slot. 

    Yeess!!! Thank YOU!

  5. Quote
      <Provider Name="Application Error" />
      <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
      <TimeCreated SystemTime="2022-02-18T21:48:40.6921333Z" />
      <Correlation />
      <Execution ProcessID="8440" ThreadID="0" />
      <Security />
      <Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\NCSOFT\Lineage2\System\L2.bin</Data>
      <Data />
      <Data />


  6. On 2/8/2022 at 7:02 PM, Kale said:

    Check the tax rates in castles near to town, open map, and pass mouse over the castle near to the town you are. Look for a 5% tax rates, don t buy in towns with a 20% taxes. Cry R buy in Auction House in any town

    Go to Giran when is light, if not, then Oren when is light. They say there is 5% tax, but in reality there is 0%.


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