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Everything posted by Benzos

  1. I have done various research on the current state of the game and what I would need advice on is; 1st - Is Tyrr Doombringer a viable class in this day and age? I want to make a main character but I don't like Mages and I'll rather not play archer(unless I don't have a choice) in the same time I don't want to chose the worst class in-game purely because I think it looks cool. Any suggestions? 2nd - What is the most needed class in-game that is not a buffer or healer for group activities? (if there is such a thing) because I imagine 80% off the server being Dark Elf archers at this point. 3rd - What is the best server to join in terms of activity and the highest number of people playing? PS: I am playing from UK(EU) time. Your time and response will be greatly appreciated. Cheers.
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