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Posts posted by Karnival

  1. There was ever only ever classes prior to     G.O.D.    afterwards they were templates …

    and the best  classes in my Opinion  belonged to to GOD of FIRE    

    Grand Kebab      low hit points   ….   bison ….. zealot

    Titan          low hit points …   frenzy … zealot

    PURE SUPER MASSIVE DAMAGE FOR  FREE …..    and a Barrel load of fun to boot 


     fast forward to F2P & Beyond

    nowadays …   massive damage = max credit card

    can you remember what class I was 


  2. Anthy:  (gruffly) FFS  the whole of Aden and u come to my PC hunting  spot , you know it spawns  the minimal amount in the game right? There goes my experience , NO  KSing

    Baium : (innocently)  I wasn't , I'm tired of getting the BLOOD-STAINED clothes ripped from me , I came here I needed a wash 

    Orfen: Its  vacation time and the pair of you don't have 50 nagging children, " saying we are bored "  so I came here to hide


    Anthy :   Shall we fight for it?

    Bauim :     Sure …            Rocks ,  Scissors , Paper ? 

    Anthy :   of course 



    Orfen : (facepalmed)         sigh!!

  3. Hello  community 

           since Herald of light patch has been applied I have noticed  in field of Crysis   the following ... in 108 area  ( not confirmed 112 area) 

    1/  the volume of  supply items  greatly changes from day to day regardless of same buffs/ macro being used ( somedays 58 other days 100 , and randomly in between )  wasn't as extreme pre  herald of light ( 85-100)

    2/ more importantly the rewards of said   elite water dragon army supply items ...   prior to  herald of light patch   every second day  i would get a forgotten book or a  jewellery aug stone  and 3-5 scrolls (150%) now over 10 days i have gotten maybe  6 scrolls only,( and including R crystals/ ores) not 1 book or 1 aug stone  ….   any one care to comment?

    i am running all the drop rate  boosts as i was prior and post  herald of light

    @Juji    @Hime   @LIME    no where in patch notes I saw / read  that  FOC  rewards getting altered or rates changing  can we get  a confirmation please 

     and ANYONE  else also , maybe you noticed this  occur since  patch herald of light?  and is it only  occurring in the 108 areas     .... much like nerf to sh1?  for the weaker players 

    can someone that does the 112 area   mention  if they had any change's   prior/post herald   leave some comments too please, for comparison 

    cheers  everyone 

    • Thanks 1
  4. @Juji @LIME @Hime

    STOP lying to us   there is no way OVERSEAS  development team  requested IOS adena adjustment... ITS the OTHER way  round... you are the guys that asked for it  or JUST implemented it , hindering our progress and what little enjoyment  most of have left in these last 15 pathetic  patches  is nerf after nerf  > show us examples where NCWEST  pushed for  benefits for our server region  where u PUT us GUYS  FIRST as loyal paying guests or loyal playing guests  .  RUN a POLL on this and see who on server remembers when u did something for us that wasnt money orientated  or placating us due to  multiple  compensation issues back to back 

    everyone that pays2win and that includes my share ncoin purchases needs to WAKE UP  and let this  forum/ game management know   we are past  line drawn in the sand 

    thankyou for the waste of time POLL u put up last week 

  5. - first thing i noticed  as a fairly well geared  character ( above average) was the  additional adena  in  IOS however it seems adena buff isnt triggered as often even tho u can wipe 3 circle spawns,  still in the 110 area  but now if i fail to use additional boosts i gain from kastila   i can actually die whereas 1 week ago i could survive if buffs fell off and had no buffs on 

    - same thing applies  in PI   if not fully buffed and additional boosts not used   mobs will kill you , coupled with   a fading  melee lag hotfix , additionally as per others mention  scrolls dont drop with prestige rune very often and probably can count 1 hand since implemented on server  dawn crystal drops ,   despite this  i can select 3 x 500 mobs for homunculus enchant points  (1500+ mobs in 60 mins ) = zero scroll drop and this can be like this back to back or 1-3 scrolls for entire week .. with prestige pack. So how doe's

    a 105 -112 in basic  exalted gears  (lets face it 65% of servers  still in this range)  do this when it was a 105 area 

    - thought i go look at new 107 area     jammed packed (no spots free)  also   with 30% 113+ chars  soloing ...  i think i counted (25  spawn  points)  thats got to be fantastic news for 107 characters  this area was intended for -  Question why cant these areas   give penaltys like a raid boss curse to chars not within 3 levels to deny them activity in said zone

    - all these  Named mobs/npc in area's( patch notes) say increased stats and  rewards have been adjusted    why cant we be told exactly  how each of  its stats have changed and  most importantly rewards -  im sure mobs stats been changed for sure .... enlighten us on the reward bit  because i am sure soon as coinciding event ends no one with notice any reward difference  vs prior herald of light patch being applied 

    - with all these  NEGATIVE POINTS being raised  ....   how does a  new player following exalted quest with all  the rewards from exalted  even have  a chance  if some like my character with my gear struggles 

    there are a lot exalted 110 that can not do a 105  entry level special hunting zone 

    how doe's  NCWEST  expect  new players to grow,   let alone  worry if they can retain them , 




  6. need a few titan to check this skill  use please with normal attacks  

    skill states-  for 60 sec p/attack increases  35% with 2h sword/blunt , additionally  attacks 6 targets at once with normal attack 

    well i have hp bars up on mobs  and the main target i am focused on does die fast  and sure p/attack does increase compared when its not on, but i have not seen any other mobs surrounding me take damage (on their hp bar indicators when using normal attacks) sure i see it with sonic star and eruption but i not see any other mobs front/back/side near or far from my normal attack 2h arc swings . the skill also dont state where or if mobs position has to be . is this skill only partially working ?
     please dont comment  if u think it works i am interested in titans to do test with normal attacks and confirm 6 mobs take damage including  the main target mob  at same time when furious slasher skill is active ty all 


       could u also please do some testing to confirm also  , this is one of main titans damages if going down normal crit damage route 



  7. looking for a CP  server time 0800- 1300  for dailys and hunting after that every night   ,reasonably well geared  ,  titan 112/ yul110, can run prestige rune  i prefer to play, also have a few boxes   my preffered time is  1830-2300  gmt+8   . only  respond if enquiring not thread jacking  pm  same name in game  chronos server

  8. 1 hour ago, mesocool14 said:

    Dumb question maybe but, are you selecting the "receive 1st and 2nd Exalted completion rewards" option instead of quest line from Lionel?

    I know i missed that when i first came back and i was fully exalted before i came back at 102.  

    The dragon shirt is no joke.  gotta make sure you get it.


    more than 10 times each  reward options  

  9. so with this  being said and the above people indicating they were already exalted prior to war of winter  and additionally were rewarded  the dragon shirt box ( physical/ magical)  perhaps  could i get @Juji  to look into this as to why its only me and why after 6 tickets i am still being denied a server wide reward? 

  10. 15 hours ago, Srelock said:

    I bet he is still confused if u can get the reward or not.

    not confused, i put 6 tickets in and being told i cant get the reward due to being exalted already and rewarded previously, yet from the people indicating on the post they too were rewarded and they also get the physical/ magical box ... 

  11. 2 minutes ago, TheThrax said:

    Lol you cant miss it...you just go in heine and claim it. No matter when you did the quest.

     iam aware of this , its not what i asked, so u are saying u were exalted 2 or 3 prior to  war of winter and u received the dragon shirt?



  12. Firstly  please only respond to this thread if u were exalted level 2 ,3, completed  prior to  winter of war patch ( 11 january 2020)  i think i was exalted 3  approx 4 years ago

    part of the new patch  2nd exalted accomplishment reward (physical) (magical)  which contains a dragon shirt .

    i  am trying to confirm if  people  exalted 2 or 3 prior to this patch  missed out or received this   dragon shirt box 

    please if your a new created toon i dont need your response   only prior to  winter war patch and exalted 2 or 3 completed already 

    i really appreciate your time and  replys  ty community 

  13. why after multiple weeks of lets say (blue chatters) expoiting these features in games when eula states they must report exploit as soon they find it   not get the punishment  , I will say there are repeat  serial  exploiters doing this on every time they find an exploit rather than report it...    ncoin purchases  make these players exempt? isnt it  time management  follow the rules they make , than make excuses  and  just patch it from being used by rest of server .. tell me how many  were banned permanently from  exploits they didn't report .. I am guessing ZERO or 1 week after multiple chances  and in mean time they made billions/ or multiple levels or what ever the exploit rewards them . and 95% server fall further behind  I am one on many of the l2 community that's had enough  the 2 rule system being  ..   lift you game management  and be transparent.

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