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lordlucas last won the day on November 24 2021

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  1. for dominator and 40 wit and the rest int if i were you first i would put belt+++ and vernir +++ it will help you a lot
  2. @Hermes the event is so bad that the items are not coming out it looks like false advertising where an image is sold but the product does not exist
  3. @Hermes thanks for the code it will help a lot a doubt if possible answer this year will there still be content updates coming from korea?
  4. @Hermes I know it's a waste of time. yet another new server that makes its first anniversary with this weak event. Pass this feedback to your developers when creating and developing the events. it's been missing for a long time
  5. @Arctic @Hermes do you have any predictions of when there will be an event related to dyes, pet, runes and about content updates will there be a patch that comes from korea this year
  6. congratulations ncsoft west tested how much money people have in their wallets with a previous event saw that the top 10 spend a lot and want to continue with the revenue with another p2w event with a horrible success rate
  7. @articoz 1 week has passed a lot of feedback collected what will be the next step of adm ncwest to discuss with korea more freedom for changes on the server and who knows in the future to be able to really bring a classic content or it will be another topic without answer
  8. @articoz will the developers even take into account what will be reported here how many threads have already been opened on the subject wouldn't it be better to read the threads filter the subject and send it by email to korea to do the correction work °
  9. @Juji @articoz any news or can i wait another week of missions bugs apparently you haven't read the forum since friday the bug was reported more than enough time to send a report to korea and today include the fix again another demonstration that no matter the title l2 aden/live/classic the neglect is the same
  10. @articoz _ @Juji you can confirm that classic will be like this and will not have any fix update ? https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/24212-known-issues-vanguard-3232022-classic/ we can consider with this action that the ncwest team does not have negotiation power with korea or autonomy to modify the server
  11. It's impossible to play mage in classic even with medium equipment classic turned into unique titan/team gameplay @articoz how long for a real solution for classic server ?
  12. @articoz _thanks for the try, there was really an effort but the korea development team is reluctant to solve the server issue
  13. @articoz There are a few hours left for maintenance on the servers, the Korean team has already sent some more information to solve the problem of vip adena items that were removed in this vamguard update do you have information because korea neglect classic servers avoid including content like quest/pet/inclusion of new areas on the map in server update
  14. which phase more than 8h checking and did not report a deadline to resolve the update issues
  15. É triste, as pessoas sómente e colam, nem lêem o que foi colado, clássico não tem server transfers do servidor vip 10 deu merda nessa atualização dois meses pra usar os pontos e depois perder o investimento realmente vip não vale nada
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