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Everything posted by iHyperlite

  1. As support this instance is very hard imo. Dk does well bc it's a dd. All dd's do decent. But you are right, no Elmore or aden on most pure support toons and the boost in points isn't enough to counter the loss in dmg. I think this event is meant for a dd dual on supports to be farmed well unfortunately my tank Alt couldn't do anything and I changed its 105 dual to a yul just to try and get boxes for the bracelet. If only the frags were tradeable...
  2. here is my suggestion on how to do rim: Use buff pots: Cocktail / rose / event dish / dragon / beer get your toon in party with all your buffers. You need to get POM + Crippling or Assault cast on you right as you proc your cloak buff on the NPC. Once you have cloak, pom, assault, log out to the character select screen and set a 5 minute timer. Tip: You can also get GoG buff if you are a mage or p atk crit dmg toon, this will help but u need to be very fast to get that buff, proc cloak, get pom assault and be at npc to log out without wasting too much time. you can do it, just prepare to do it correctly. Every 30s or so, click your toon so you don't log out. After ~5 mins, log in and go into rim kama. Be sure to target whatever has a green name above it's head first. The exact time of this delay is dependant on each person's buff times. Tip: Cloak proc runs on 10 min cool downs. it hits for 2 mins, then after it fades, there are 8 mins that pass before it procs again. this time ticks down regardless if you are in game or not. Your 1st 1:30 should definitely be with cloak pom and assault and gog Up through 4:30 will be POM + Assault + GoG if you have it. POM + Assault can be considered a cool down because it gives so much dmg boost. Tip: do NOT use a special dmg cool down until after the 2nd cloak proc is gone, unless the skill will be up again when 2nd cloak wears off. 4:30/5:00 - 6:30/7:00 should be 2nd cloak proc. 7:00-8:00 use abundance 8:00-9:00 use dragon shirt boost 9:00 - 10:00 brooch br and other class cool downs. this is just the basics and doesnt take into account the special class dmg increase skills. These should be used after the 2nd cloak as needed to max dmg. you can use them before but make sure you have them for your last 3-4 minutes. That's where you will definitely need them. the entire key to rim kama is keeping boosted dmg for the maximum time possible (10 mins in this case). pom + assault cannot be ignored for lower geared toons as a way to sustain dmg if you enter with these buffs. once you have 200 fragment things, turn in for the top grade la vies to make the instance easier. those should be purchase #1
  3. Restoration abuse can be fixed as follows: Every item can be restored once Every 3 months. The item tool tip states when and who did what to an item. No item is excluded from this system. After 3 months, item is eligible again. If they do this, everyone is on same page for past and future items. Everyone can try and make shilen 10, +30 weps, etc, it just takes time and would be properly regulated with transparency on an items status for players. We will never get this.
  4. @Juji @Hime Here's a good start: Whatever price the clueless marketing people from Korea set, make the actual cost we get 1/10th that. Then keep running the same events, same reward rate on boxes, everything. The market will populate itself, u may get new players, the whales can still be whales, and tons of gear pumps into the market. But hey, letting a bunch of people just quit and move on to different games works great too I guess... Also, wtf is the deal with hero coin? Did you forget this currency exists? It's worthless now with item caps and the mentee coins removing roses and nevits. It's like you want people to quit, I don't get it.
  5. Collection stats are smaller bc they affect the base stats. Hence they apply to all equipped items (in theory). Collection should largely be ignored by non end game toons. It's the ultimate adena sink. I am also at the point where upgrades in collection are cheaper to apply than an item upgrade.
  6. The event jewels never gave brooch br or counted towards it, even in old events. This is to give value to the real jewels. This is similar to the 30 day boss jewel packs not working on Olympiad. To get all the bells and whistles, you need the real item. Be happy on the rediculous boost in damage these top grade la vies give.
  7. yea im a bit annoyed that was removed
  8. im happy with rim kama event, this is fun. i wish the reward structure was based on class type instead of lvl, as it prevents supports from scoring high, but its still a nice event thats free.
  9. how does an xp event take u away from christmas? we have in game macro for a reason... edit: i have never missed an important holiday due to lineage 2. priorities, you can do both things...
  10. That's a ways away my friend. Probably spring.
  11. next is xp event, so u can use that shiny new +12 weapon
  12. abu lvl 2/3/4 are pretty much pvp items. for the pve boost, abu 1 is fine. the cost becomes absurd for little gain without an event for these. its better to find an already made lvl 4 if thats what u want.
  13. i have no clue wtf u just said, sorry. you constantly tell people they are wrong then write incoherent posts talking about multiple topics that provide nothing of substance. have a good day buddy.
  14. you get a self buff that is equivalent to counter crit from drum melody upon usage of grim reaper possession.
  15. lineage 2 follows the gacha model for loot boxes, and all item creation. they dont have to display loot box rates because the rate of items is dynamic and based on how many of a certain item currently exist in the world. hence, the 1st person to attempt something after a server restart techinally has the best chance. it doesnt mean u are gauranteed a win, but you have better chances than later in the week. every server restart, the scripts that govern this are reset. i dont really care if people dont want to believe this stuff anymore. every major whale that i have encountered has sworn by this type of mechanic existing. when I open loot boxes right after a server restart, I typically get better rewards than later in the week, pretty much every time. edit: i would also argue the same mechanic applies to enchanting and crafting, compounding, everything. everything in this game is connected to turn a profit. edit 2: for la vies, i have tried ruby 5 from 2x 4s at least 150 clicks long ago. i never made a 5. thats a 7% click at best odds.
  16. Keep doing you dude. You're hatred towards me is rather unhealthy.
  17. Core has claws for +16s right now
  18. Then don't follow my advice or posts. I'd also suggest trying to post your better ideas since you are so knowledgeable on othels. This thread is about the removal of half kill and lethal in pve. If you don't have anything to add to that subject, what are you trying to do here? If you dislike my posts that much, block me or do better. You say my input is wrong, but you don't provide any info about what info is wrong or what someone shoudl do better. Also any dagger who lives in the 3 4 5 6 shot world to xp is failing hard. Keep going wasteland at 112 if that works for you....
  19. im 118, and have tested this extensively except in pvp. wtf r u talking about?
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