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Everything posted by iHyperlite

  1. Forgottens not being account wide is just lol. I have 2x 30s on my main. I need a 3rd. My dual needs 2 or 3 30s. I'm sorry, but 3-5 grand for a couple passive skills is insane with inflation out of control and the US economy on the verge of a depression. Forgotten cost is also why I didn't reroll and try a death knight. They lock you to 1 toon due to cost. Really, the entire cost model for our region is a joke. Lower prices in the store, eihnassad coin store, and more cheap gear injections would drive the player base way up.
  2. What zone r u xping in?
  3. I am an American player (gmt-5) and came to chronos from naia to have better event times. The new blood and swamp times suck for a normal working adult living in the USA. That's all, I have nothing else to add.
  4. u can trade an item to the toon and use the scroll tho. but yea, if its a bound item, cant do that.
  5. we all know ncsoft doesnt care about false advertising, so prolly correct
  6. I double checked the event page, u are correct, 30 days https://www.lineage2.com/news/l2m-closed-beta-rewards
  7. Hero coin also needs an overhaul. It's useless now. So much for a premium currency... @Juji
  8. imo, any item on the account should be trasnferrable to another toon on the same account via dimensional mammon. This would include any and all augmented gear and bound gear, etc. collection is account wide. silly some of my items arent as well.
  9. pretty sure it was a 7 day maint rune, not 30. theyre supposed to be mailed after the beta completes if i remember correctly.
  10. i answered what the note was about. if you would like to think it is about something else, feel free
  11. The 101 Duelist skill "Duelist Wrath" has been bugged on innova for quite some time. Recently, DIL confirmed that korea has replicated the bug on their side. The bug was: Instead of giving +20% P Skill Crit Rate, it was giving -20% P Skill Crit rate. It was acting as a nerf essentially eliminating the class from usefulness. This bug ONLY existed on innova. This patch note you reference is ONLY present on Innova's patch notes. Also, after talking with some players on Core, they have done tests to that show the Duelist's skill was fixed with this update. You all are getting upset about a patch note that isnt even about yuls. There is a reason why different regions get different patch notes. The yul crit rate is not capped. I can confirm with how my 112 yul, 107 dex performs with my skills changed to focus from break. edit 2: my othel behaves the same. it always crits.
  12. innova does libra with an update. i dunno why they did us like the did with libra before the update. seems silly. to the yul nerf, it is what it is. swap skills from break to focus, and you should be relatively close to where you were. the base crit rate was cut in half just like aoe's had done a while back. yul is still the strongest farm toon, this "nerf" doesnt change that. i will still keep my 112 yul dual for farm purposes because it is still the best class for that.
  13. If you dont have a bonus on 1 element, then choose holy. Lots of stuff is dark.
  14. 75 eruptings is a nice compensation. Thank you.
  15. I like it's current time, if anything 2 hours later
  16. I think the crush reward should be removed on Nov 15 the same day as the bottles. You added 1 notice to the notes, but not the other @Juji The fact that these items shifted trillions of adena worth off a maint with no notes is just disgusting.
  17. lol at sword time change. wtf ncsoft? thats literally the only source of pvp and you just shut all na players out.
  18. I have s80 on r110 at +20. they dark red. if on chronos, im typically standing in town
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