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Everything posted by iHyperlite

  1. pom is the best single target buff an iss can give to a dd. i would make a hierophant if i had to choose 1. dominator is very good for out of party buffing, but vop isnt as good as pom and oop buffing gets expensive on 24/7 running
  2. what other "not for out region" rewards can be given?
  3. https://forums.lineage2.com/topic/21907-yull-ghost-sentinel-dyes/?do=findComment&comment=149868
  4. no real difference. they will both work the same way. ive always used /attack but the /target method works too
  5. An anchored pet is any pet, summoned from a skill (thunder hawk) or item (like a wolf etc) and you make it stand in place and not move. One of its skills changes its movement mode to not follow the master, aka being anchored to a spot.
  6. yes, hawk works too, just make it stand far away and not move. same as a pet
  7. /target character1 /attack /delay (insert time to run to char u wanna buff) /use combo buff 1 /use combo buff 2 /use combo buff 3 /use pom/bison/whatever /target character 2 or pet /attack /delay (insert time to run back plus delay for loop) Edit: u need 3 toons or a pet anchored somewhere to do this.
  8. I will speak for myself on this issue. I have been spending 1-2 grand a month for well over a year now after coming back to this game from classic. I have also been pretty vocal about my unhappiness with the state of the game and the ncstore the last few months. I keep spending because I haven't fully decided to quit. I'm still weighing that option. Spending and not spending in this game isn't a flip of a switch if you are end game and competitive. If you skip 1 item event, 1 xp event, you fall back and the choice to quit has basically been made then. I understand your confusion on this. However, I see myself as a paying customer who voices their opinion about a service I am unhappy about. I am fully aware I can stop spending. I am considering that in its fullest form right now. If things don't change, they will push me to not spend and move on. But I have the right to voice my unhappiness, especially as a paying customer. This is the only way we have to get changes outside of not spending, which all spenders fully understand. If Ncsoft doesn't want to listen to our posts, they change nothing, I will move on and it will be their loss. I can find a new game rather easily, they cant find new people willing to spend 1-2 grand a month on their game anymore. Edit: and no, I won't play essence or a remastered L2 where we start over with cool graphics and the same company running it. I would quit.
  9. I believe only the exalted augment stone will work on exalted weps. Other stones will not work.
  10. The bonus you are referencing, +10 is all that is needed. However, each piece of armor does have a specific boost that is increased based on each enchant value. For light armor, these are: Helm: P/M Evasion BP: Patk / Matk / P/M Evasion Pants: P/M Critical / P/M Evasion Boots: Speed Gloves: P/M Accuracy
  11. where do u see this passive? I also remember this but cannot find the passive skill stating it.
  12. i find the system annoying. i wish there was some type of visible effect on our characters based on what was enabled, the rarity, the level, etc. my biggest complaint is this entire feature is locked in a window, never to be seen by anyone except us, the player. kind of counter intuitive in an MMO that prides itself on shiny weapons, glowing gear, hero glows, agathions, etc
  13. ppl just not playing anymore sadly. i also know many ppl not doing the xp event bc they moved to core or just decided to be done. I am also not going hard on it bc whats the point?
  14. my guess is +7 / +10 / +15 / +18 / +20 will be super rewards for a loot box eventually.
  15. there are 4 different inventory tree's that unlock depending on what you select in your inventory. La vie brooch is the 1st, it can equip up to 6 la vie jewels in it Bracelet is 2nd, it holds up to 6 talismans Seed Agathion Bracelet is 3rd, it holds up to 1 main and 4 sub agathions Artifact book is 4th, it has a ton of slots for additional boosts sometimes, the active view of these changes randomly. If you have the artifact book up, it will randomly swap to the seed bracelet or brooch slot. kind of annoying, but whatever.
  16. bards (sws/bd) are also completely gone, as is the spoil and crafting class. the current classes arent even remotely close to what those were playstyle wise.
  17. multiple ppl are reporting ~33% less dmg to mobs after maint.
  18. hopefully that means your testing the patch and stuff...
  19. Double-click to obtain a Jewel Grinder and either a random La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Box or a Radiant Gemstone Fragment. That is a lvl 1 box m8, check again
  20. every update it seems like the adena gets messed up, or we get a cool feature another region has, and they leave it for just long enough for everyone to get excited, then they take it away. its like the new update playbook to drive ppl to regions. its working too...
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